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(function () { "use strict"; $(function () { // Register Service Worker if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) { navigator.serviceWorker.register("sw.js"); navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener("message", (event) => { if ( === 'refresh') { window.location.reload(); } }); } // Setup the hamburger menu var $sidebar = $( ".sidebar" ), $menu = $sidebar.find( ".menu" ), $body = $( "body" ), $window = $( window ), touchDevice = $( "html" ).hasClass( "touchevents" ), touches = []; var showSidebar = function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $sidebar .stop( false, false ) .animate({ "left": 0 }, 500); if ( !touchDevice ) { $ "click", hideSidebar ); } else { $body[ 0 ].addEventListener( 'touchstart', touchStart ); $body[ 0 ].addEventListener( 'touchmove', touchMove ); } return false; }; var hideSidebar = function ( e ) { if ( touchDevice ) { $body[ 0 ].removeEventListener( 'touchstart', touchStart ); $body[ 0 ].removeEventListener( 'touchmove', touchMove ); } $sidebar .stop( false, false ) .animate({ "left": "-101%" }, 500); }; var touchStart = function () { touches = []; }; var touchMove = function ( e ) { touches.push( e ); if ( touches.length > 1 ) { var diffX = touches[ touches.length - 1 ].touches[ 0 ].clientX - touches[ 0 ].touches[ 0 ].clientX; var diffY = touches[ touches.length - 1 ].touches[ 0 ].clientY - touches[ 0 ].touches[ 0 ].clientY; if ( diffX < -30 && Math.abs(diffX) > Math.abs(diffY) ) { hideSidebar( e ); } } }; $( ".toolbar .hamburger" ).on( "click", showSidebar ); // WSXTHR-1043: Do this only on the desktop screen if ( !touchDevice ) { $window.on( "resize", hideSidebar ); } }); })();