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<?php /** * Contains a set of useful methods that helps and simplify the execution of the Control Panel */ class ControlPanel { private $siteTitle; private $siteSubTitle; private $siteLogo; private $siteTheme; private $logged; /** * Build a new ControlPanel class * * @param String $siteTitle The site main title * @param String $siteSubTitle The site subtitle * @param String $siteLogo The site logo URL * @param String $siteTheme The control panel theme */ public function __construct($siteTitle, $siteSubTitle, $siteLogo, $siteTheme) { $this->siteTitle = $siteTitle; $this->siteSubTitle = $siteSubTitle; $this->siteLogo = $siteLogo; $this->siteTheme = $siteTheme; $logged = false; } /** * Get the url basing on the values of the $dataArray parameter * * @param array $dataArray The data array being parsed * * @return mixed The url string or false on error */ public function getRedirectFromArray($dataArray) { if (isset($dataArray['redirect'])) { switch ($dataArray['redirect']) { case "cart-order": return "cart-order.php?id=" . $dataArray['order_id']; case "cart-low-stock": return "cart-availability.php"; case "blog-comment": return "blog.php?category=" . urlencode(str_replace(' ', '_', $dataArray['category'])) . "&post=" . $dataArray['post']; case "guestbook-comment": return "guestbook.php?post=" . $dataArray['post']; case "user": return "privatearea.php"; } } return false; } /** * Enter the page if the login is ok, otherwise redirect to the login page * * @return Void */ public function accessOrRedirect() { // Login check $this->logged = false; $login = Configuration::getPrivateArea(); // If this is not the login page, let's check if the session is ready if ($login->checkAccess("admin/" . basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) !== 0) { $login->savePage(); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && basename($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) == "login.php") { header("Location: login.php?error"); exit; } header("Location: login.php"); exit; } $this->logged = true; } /** * Try to login to the control panel if the session is already set * * @return Void */ public function attemptAutoLogin() { $login = Configuration::getPrivateArea(); // If this is the login page, let's do the redirect if the session is already set if ($login->checkAccess("admin/index.php") === 0) { header("Location: " . ($login->getSavedPage() ? $login->getSavedPage() : "index.php")); exit; } } /** * Get the main template object already populated with the main vars * * @return Template */ public function getMainTemplate() { $loc = Configuration::getLocalizations(); $settings = Configuration::getSettings(); // Create the menu $menu = array(); $menu[] = array( "url" => "index.php", "image" => "images/dashboard_white.png", "text" => $loc->get("dashboard_title", "Dashboard"), "selected" => isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) && basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == "index.php" ); if (isset($settings['blog']) && $settings['blog']['comments_source'] == 'wsx5') { $menu[] = array( "url" => "blog.php", "image" => "images/blog_white.png", "text" => $loc->get("blog_title", "Blog"), "selected" => isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) && basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == "blog.php" ); } if (isset($settings['guestbooks']) && count($settings['guestbooks'])) { $menu[] = array( "url" => "guestbook.php", "image" => "images/guestbook_white.png", "text" => $loc->get("admin_guestbook", "Guestbook"), "selected" => isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) && basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == "guestbook.php" ); } if (isset($settings['access']['entrancepage'])) { $menu[] = array( "url" => "privatearea.php", "image" => "images/access_white.png", "text" => $loc->get("private_area_title", "Access Management"), "selected" => isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) && basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == "privatearea.php" ); } if (isset($settings['ecommerce']) && isset($settings['ecommerce']['database'])) { $menu[] = array( "url" => "cart-orders.php", "image" => "images/shop_white.png", "text" => $loc->get("admin_cart_title", "E-Commerce: Cart"), "selected" => isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) && substr(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), 0, 11) == "cart-orders" ); } if (Configuration::getCart()->getCommentsData()['enabled'] && Configuration::getCart()->getCommentsData()['type'] == 'websitex5') { $menu[] = array( "url" => "cart-comments.php", "image" => "images/guestbook_white.png", "text" => $loc->get("admin_cart_comments_title", "E-Commerce: Comments"), "selected" => isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) && basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == "cart-comments.php" ); } if (isset($settings['dynamicobjects']) && (count($settings['dynamicobjects']['pages']) || count($settings['dynamicobjects']['template']))) { $menu[] = array( "url" => "dynamicobjects.php", "image" => "images/dynamic_white.png", "text" => $loc->get("dynamicobj_name", "Dynamic objects"), "selected" => isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) && basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == "dynamicobjects.php" ); } if (isset($settings['admin']) && isset($settings['admin']['enable_notifications']) && $settings['admin']['enable_notifications'] === true) { $menu[] = array( "url" => "notifications.php", "image" => "images/notifications_white.png", "text" => $loc->get("notifications_name", "Notifications"), "selected" => isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) && basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == "notifications.php" ); } if (isset($settings['analytics']) && $settings['analytics']['type'] == "wsx5analytics") { $menu[] = array( "url" => "analytics.php", "image" => "images/analytics_white.png", "text" => $loc->get("admin_analytics_title", "Statistics"), "selected" => isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) && basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == "analytics.php" ); } $menu[] = array( "url" => "sitetest.php", "image" => "images/test_white.png", "text" => $loc->get("admin_test", "Website Test"), "selected" => isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) && basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == "sitetest.php" ); // Add the plugin apps pages if available foreach ($settings['admin']['extra-links'] as $entry) { $menu[] = array( "url" => $entry['url'], "image" => "../" . $entry['icon'], "text" => $entry['title'], "selected" => isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) == $entry['url'] ); } $template = $this->getTemplate("templates/common/main.php"); $template->menu = $menu; // Set the theme $template->theme = $this->siteTheme; // Get the username $user = Configuration::getPrivateArea()->whoIsLogged(); if ($user !== false) { $template->username = $user['username']; } else { $template->username = ""; } return $template; } /** * Get a template object already populated with the main vars * * @param String $templatePath The path to the template file * * @return Template */ public function getTemplate($templatePath) { global $imSettings; $template = new Template($templatePath); // ImSettings $template->imSettings = $imSettings; // Generic data $template->sitetitle = $this->siteTitle; $template->sitesubtitle = $this->siteSubTitle; $template->logo = $this->siteLogo; return $template; } }