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<?php /** * Server Test Class * @access public */ class imTest { const PHP_MIN_VERSION = '7.1.0'; /** * Utility that combine a series of paths * @method pathCombine * @param {array} $paths The array with the elements of the path * @return {string} The path created combining the elements of the array */ public static function testPathCombine($paths = array()) { $s = array(); foreach ($paths as $path) { if (strlen($path)) { $s[] = trim($path, "/\\ "); } } return implode("/", $s); } /* * Session check */ public static function session_test() { if (!isset($_SESSION)) return false; $_SESSION['imAdmin_test'] = "test_message"; return ($_SESSION['imAdmin_test'] == "test_message"); } /* * Writable files check */ public static function writable_folder_test($dir) { if (!file_exists($dir) && $dir != "" && $dir != "./.") @mkdir($dir, 0777, true); $fp = @fopen(imTest::testPathCombine(array($dir, "imAdmin_test_file")), "w"); if (!$fp) return false; if (@fwrite($fp, "test") === false) return false; @fclose($fp); if (!@file_exists(imTest::testPathCombine(array($dir, "imAdmin_test_file")))) return false; @unlink(imTest::testPathCombine(array($dir, "imAdmin_test_file"))); return true; } /* * PHP Version check */ public static function php_version_test() { if (!function_exists("version_compare") || version_compare(PHP_VERSION, self::PHP_MIN_VERSION) < 0) return false; return true; } /* * MySQL Connection check */ public static function mysql_test($db) { if (!$db->testConnection()) return false; $db->closeConnection(); return true; } } // End of file