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<?php if (count($results)): // Available data foreach ($results as $category => $data): ?> <div class="store-product-category border-bottom text-large"><?php echo $category; ?></div> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++): ?><div class="store-product-card"> <div class="store-product-card-image" data-bg-image="<?php echo $data[$i]['image'] ?>"></div> <div class="store-product-card-text"> <div style="margin-left: 6px;"><b><?php echo $data[$i]['name']; ?></b></div> <span class="availability <?php echo $data[$i]['status'] ?>"></span> <span class="text-small"><?php echo l10n("cart_quantity", "Quantity:") . " " . $data[$i]['availableQuantity'] ?></span> </div> </div><?php endfor; ?> <?php endforeach; ?> <script> $(document).ready(function () { $( ".store-product-card-image" ).each(function () { var div = $( this ), url = div.attr( "data-bg-image" ), body = $( "body" ), img = new $( "<img style=\"position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;\"/>" ); // Usage of background-cover does not suit us. Let's load the image and get its size, then decide what to do. "load", function () { // Attach the image to the DOM or the width and height won't work body.append( img ); // Get the image size var imageWidth = img.width(), imageHeight = img.height(), containerWidth = div.innerWidth(), containerHeight = div.innerHeight(); // Make sure the image fits inside the container if ( imageWidth > containerWidth ) { imageHeight = containerWidth / imageWidth * imageHeight; imageWidth = containerWidth; } if ( imageHeight > containerHeight ) { imageWidth = containerHeight / imageHeight * imageWidth; imageHeight = containerHeight; } div.css({ 'background-image': "url('" + url + "')", 'background-position': Math.floor( (containerWidth - imageWidth) / 2 ) + "px " + Math.floor( (containerHeight - imageHeight) / 2 ) + "px", 'background-size': imageWidth + "px " + imageHeight + "px" }); img.remove(); // Puff! }).attr( "src", url ); }); }); </script> <?php else: // Else available data ?> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div class="text-center" style="padding: 20px;"> <?php echo l10n('search_empty', 'Empty results') ?> </div> <?php endif; // End available data ?>
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