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<div class="search border-mute fore-mute"> <span class="fa fa-search"></span> <form action="cart-orders.php" method="GET"> <input class="color-mute" type="text" placeholder="<?php echo strtoupper(l10n("search_search", "SEARCH")) ?>" name="search" value="<?php echo $search ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="status" value="<?php echo $status ?>" /> </form> </div> <table class="orders-table framed"> <thead> <tr> <th class="border-bottom-2 border-mute <?php echo $colorClass ?>"><?php echo l10n("cart_order_no", "Order") ?></th> <th class="no-small-phone border-bottom-2 border-mute <?php echo $colorClass ?>"><?php echo l10n("cart_name", "User") ?></th> <th class="no-tablet no-phone border-bottom-2 border-mute <?php echo $colorClass ?>"><?php echo l10n("cart_order_date", "Order Date") ?></th> <?php if ($status=='evaded'): ?> <th class="no-tablet no-phone border-bottom-2 border-mute <?php echo $colorClass ?>"><?php echo l10n("cart_processed_date", "Evaded Date") ?></th> <?php endif; ?> <th class="no-phone border-bottom-2 border-mute <?php echo $colorClass ?>"><?php echo l10n("cart_total", "Amount") ?></th> <th class="no-tablet no-phone border-bottom-2 border-mute <?php echo $colorClass ?>"><?php echo l10n("cart_shipping", "Shipping") ?></th> <th class="border-bottom-2 border-mute <?php echo $colorClass ?>" style="width: 190px;"><?php echo l10n("cart_actions", "Actions") ?></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php if (count($orders['orders']) <= 0): ?> <tr> <td colspan="6" class="text-center"><?php echo l10n('search_empty', 'Empty results') ?></td> </tr> <?php else:?> <?php $t = 0; foreach ($orders['orders'] as $order): $t++; ?> <tr class="text-light border-bottom border-mute-light <?php echo $t % 2 ? '' : 'background-blue-light' ?>"> <td class="border-left border-mute-light"> <div class="order-number"><a class="text-underline fore-color-inherit" href="cart-order.php?id=<?php echo $order['id'] ?>"><?php echo $order['id'] ?></a></div> </td> <td class="no-small-phone"> <?php $fields = array(); // Convert the array into an associative array for ($i = 0; $i < count($order['invoice']); $i++) { $field = $order['invoice'][$i]; if (isset($field['field_id'])) { $fields[$field['field_id']] = $field; } } if (isset($fields['Name'])) { echo $fields['Name']['value'] . " "; } if (isset($fields['LastName'])) { echo $fields['LastName']['value'] . " "; } ?> </td> <td class="no-tablet no-phone"><?php echo formatDate(DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i:s", $order['ts'])) ?></td> <?php if ($status=='evaded'): ?> <td class="no-tablet no-phone"><?php echo $order['evaded_ts'] !== null ? formatDate(DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i:s", $order['evaded_ts'])) : ''?></td> <?php endif; ?> <td class="no-phone"><?php echo Configuration::getCart()->toCurrency($order['price_plus_vat'] - $order['coupon_value'] - $order['total_discount_value'] , ' ' . $order['currency']) ?></td> <td class="no-tablet no-phone"> <?php if ($order['contains_digital_products']): ?> <i class="fore-mute-dark fa icon-large fa-cloud-download" title="Download"/></i> <?php if (strlen($order['shipping_name'])) { echo " + "; } ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php echo $order['shipping_name'] ?> </td> <td class="text-left border-right border-mute-light"> <a class="fore-color-4 fa icon-large fa-search" href="cart-order.php?id=<?php echo $order['id'] ?>"></a> <?php if ($status=='inbox'): ?> <a class="margin-left fore-color-6 fa icon-large fa-sign-in" href="cart-orders.php?waiting=<?php echo $order['id']?>&status=<?php echo $status ?>" title="<?php echo l10n('cart_move_to_wait', 'Move to waiting') ?>"></a> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($status=='waiting'): ?> <a class="margin-left fore-color-6 fa icon-large fa-sign-in fa-rotate-180" href="cart-orders.php?inbox=<?php echo $order['id']?>&status=<?php echo $status ?>" title="<?php echo l10n('cart_move_to_inbox', 'Move to inbox') ?>"></a> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($status=='inbox'): ?> <a class="margin-left fore-color-6 fa icon-large fa-truck" onclick="return orders.evadeOrder(this);" data-enable-tracking="<?php echo (isset($order['shipping_data']['tracking_type']) && $order['shipping_data']['tracking_type'] == 'url') ? 'true' : 'false' ?>" href="cart-orders.php?evade=<?php echo $order['id']?>&status=<?php echo $status?>" title="<?php echo l10n('cart_evade', 'Evade') ?>"></a> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($status=='evaded'): ?> <a class="margin-left fore-color-6 fa icon-large fa-sign-in fa-rotate-180" href="cart-orders.php?unevade=<?php echo $order['id']?>&status=<?php echo $status ?>" title="<?php echo l10n('cart_move_to_inbox', 'Move to inbox') ?>"></a> <?php endif; ?> <a class="margin-left <?php echo $reminders[$order['id']]['iconcolor']; ?> fa icon-large fa-bell" href="cart-orders.php?remind=<?php echo $order['id']?>" onclick="return confirm('<?php echo $reminders[$order['id']]['confirmtext']; ?>')" title="<?php echo $reminders[$order['id']]['titleattrib']; ?>"></a> <a class="margin-left fore-color-2 fa icon-large fa-close" href="cart-orders.php?delete=<?php echo $order['id']?>&status=<?php echo $status ?>" onclick="return confirm('<?php echo str_replace("'", "\\'", l10n('cart_delete_order_q', 'Are you sure?')) ?>')" title="<?php echo l10n('cart_delete_order', 'Delete') ?>"></a> </td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php endif; ?> </tbody> </table> <?php if ($orders['paginationCount'] > $pagination_length): ?> <?php $limit = ceil($orders['paginationCount'] / $pagination_length); ?> <div class="text-center pagination"> <?php if (@$_GET['page'] != 0): ?> <a class="fore-color-inherit" href="cart-orders.php?page=0&status=<?php echo $status ?>&search=<?php echo @$_GET['search'] ?>"><<</a> <?php endif; ?> <?php if (@$_GET['page'] - 2 >= 0): ?> <a class="fore-color-inherit" href="cart-orders.php?page=<?php echo @$_GET['page'] - 2 ?>&status=<?php echo $status ?>&search=<?php echo @$_GET['search'] ?>"><</a> <?php endif; ?> <?php for ($i = max(@$_GET['page'] - 3, 0); $i < min($limit, max(@$_GET['page'] - 3, 0) + 6); $i++): ?> <a class="fore-color-inherit" href="cart-orders.php?page=<?php echo $i ?>&status=<?php echo $status ?>&search=<?php echo @$_GET['search'] ?>"><?php echo $i + 1?></a> <?php endfor; ?> <?php if (@$_GET['page'] + 2 < $limit): ?> <a class="fore-color-inherit" href="cart-orders.php?page=<?php echo @$_GET['page'] + 1 ?>&status=<?php echo $status ?>&search=<?php echo @$_GET['search'] ?>">></a> <?php endif; ?> <?php if (@$_GET['page'] != $limit - 1): ?> <a class="fore-color-inherit" href="cart-orders.php?page=<?php echo $limit - 1?>&status=<?php echo $status ?>&search=<?php echo @$_GET['search'] ?>">>></a> <?php endif; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?>