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<?php $id = md5($title); $colors = array( "rgb(250,164,58)", "rgb(96,189,104)", "rgb(77,77,77)", "rgb(93,165,218)", "rgb(241,124,176)", "rgb(222,207,63)", "rgb(178,118,178)", "rgb(178,145,47)", "rgb(241,88,84)" ); $bgcolors = array( "rgba(250,164,58,0.2)", "rgba(96,189,104,0.2)", "rgba(77,77,77,0.2)", "rgba(93,165,218,0.2)", "rgba(241,124,176,0.2)", "rgba(222,207,63,0.2)", "rgba(178,118,178,0.2)", "rgba(178,145,47,0.2)", "rgba(241,88,84,0.2)" ); $float = false; // Used to check if the Y axes is going to be shown with float numbers ?> <div> <div class="subtitle text-center" style="color: <?php echo $colors[$colorIndex] ?>;"><?php echo $title ?></div> <div class="simple-plot-container"> <canvas class="simple-plot-canvas" id="<?php echo $id ?>" height="110"></canvas> </div> <script> // The legend template is defined up above var context = document.getElementById( "<?php echo $id ?>" ).getContext( "2d" ); var chart = new Chart(context, { "type": "<?php echo $type ?>", "data": { "labels": [ <?php $jsondata = ""; foreach ($data as $x => $y) { $jsondata .= "\"" . $x . "\","; } echo trim($jsondata, ","); ?> ], "xLabels": [ <?php $jsondata = ""; foreach ($data as $x => $y) { $jsondata .= "\"\","; } echo trim($jsondata, ","); ?> ], "datasets": [{ "label": "<?php echo $title ?>", "borderColor": "<?php echo $colors[$colorIndex] ?>", "lineTension": 0, // Disable the bezier "spanGaps": true, "fill": false, "data": [ <?php $jsondata = ""; foreach($data as $x => $y) { $jsondata .= "{ x: \"" . $x . "\", y: " . $y . " },\n\t\t\t\t\t"; if ($y > 1) { $float = true; // Ah! we'll correct the Y axes for float numbers } } echo trim($jsondata, ","); ?> ] }] }, "options": { "maintainAspectRatio": false, "responsive": true, "legend": { "display": false }, "scales": { "xAxes": [{ "gridLines": { "display": false } }], "yAxes": [{ "gridLines": { "display":false } <?php if (!$float): ?> ,"ticks": { "fixedStepSize": 1 // If we're in float risk, force the integer scale } <?php endif; ?> }] } } }); </script> </div>