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<!-- Dektop/Tablet mode --> <table> <tbody class="border-top-2 border-mute-light"> <?php $i = 0; foreach ($comments as $comment): $i++; ?> <?php // --------- // Username // --------- $user = ""; // User name (with link to its url if available) // Prepare the url if (isset($comment['url']) && strlen($comment['url']) > 0) { if (strpos($comment['url'], "http://") !== 0 && strpos($comment['url'], "https://") !== 0) { $comment['url'] = "http://" . $comment['url']; } $user = "<a class=\"text-underline fore-color-inherit\" href=\"${comment['url']}\" target=\"_blank\" " . (strpos($comment['url'], $siteUrl) === false ? 'rel="nofollow"' : '') . "\">${comment['name']}</a>"; } else { $user = $comment['name']; } if (isset($comment['email'])) { $user .= " <span class=\"comments-email no-small-phone\">(<a class=\"fore-color-inherit\" href=\"mailto:${comment['email']}\">${comment['email']}</a>)</span>"; } // ----- // Links // ----- $links = ""; $posturl = $baseposturl . $comment['gbid'] . "&"; if ($comment['abuse'] == "1") { $links .= "<span class=\"bottom icon-large fa fa-exclamation-triangle fore-yellow\" title=\"" . l10n('admin_comment_abuse') . "\"></span> |"; $links .= "<a class=\"fa icon-large fa-level-up fore-green\" href=\"${posturl}unabuse=${comment['id']}\" title=\"" . l10n("blog_abuse_remove", "Remove abuse") . "\"></a>"; } if ($comment['approved'] == "1") { $links .= "<a class=\"fa icon-large fa-thumbs-down fore-yellow\" onclick=\"return confirm('" . str_replace("'", "\\'", l10n('blog_unapprove_question')) . "')\" href=\"${posturl}disable=${comment['id']}\" title=\"" . l10n('blog_unapprove') . "\"></a>"; } else { $links .= "<a class=\"fa icon-large fa-thumbs-up fore-green\" onclick=\"return confirm('" . str_replace("'", "\\'", l10n('blog_approve_question')) . "')\" href=\"${posturl}enable=${comment['id']}\" title=\"" . l10n('blog_approve') . "\"></a>"; } $links .= "<a class=\"fa icon-large fa-close fore-red\" onclick=\"return confirm('" . str_replace("'", "\\'", l10n('blog_delete_question')) . "')\" href=\"${posturl}delete=${comment['id']}\" title=\"" . l10n('blog_delete') . "\"></a>"; // --------- // CSS Class // --------- $cssClass = ($comment['abuse'] == "1" ? "background-yellow-light" : ($i % 2 ? '' : 'background-blue-light')); // --------- // Stars // --------- $rating = ""; if ($rating && isset($comment['rating']) && $comment['rating'] > 0) { $rating .= "<div class=\"rating margin-bottom\">"; for ($s = 0; $s < 5; $s++) { if ($comment['rating'] > $s + 1) { $rating .= "<span class=\"fa icon-large fa-star fore-yellow\"></span>"; } else if ($comment['rating'] > $s + 0.5) { $rating .= "<span class=\"fa icon-large fa-star-half fore-yellow\"></span><span style=\"letter-spacing: -2px;\" class=\"fa fa-star-half fa-flip-horizontal fore-mute-dark\"></span>"; } else { $rating .= "<span class=\"fa icon-large fa-star fore-mute-dark\"></span>"; } } $rating .= "</div>"; } ?> <!-- Desktop Row --> <tr class="no-phone comment <?php echo $cssClass ?>"> <td class="text-small border-left border-mute-light border-bottom"> <div class="margin-bottom"><?php echo formatDate(DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i:s", $comment['timestamp']), false, true, true) ?></div> <div class="margin-bottom"><?php echo $user ?></div> <?php echo $rating; ?> <div>IP: <?php echo $comment['ip'] ?></div> </td> <td class="text-small border-bottom border-mute-light"> <?php if ($showObjectTitle) { echo "<div class=\"margin-bottom-2 text-semibold\">" . l10n("cmn_subject") . " " . $comment['objectnumber'] . " - " . $comment['pagetitle'] . "</div>"; } ?> <?php echo "<span class=\"body\">" . $comment['body'] . "</span>" ?> </td> <td class="border-bottom border-right border-mute-light padding-left-10-child padding-bottom-10-child text-right"><?php echo $links ?></td> </tr> <!-- Phone Row --> <tr class="no-tablet no-desktop comment <?php echo $cssClass ?>"> <td colspan="4"> <div class="margin-bottom float-left"><?php echo $user ?></div> <div class="margin-bottom float-right"> <?php echo formatDate(DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i:s", $comment['timestamp'])) ?> <span class="no-small-phone"><?php echo date("H:i", strtotime($comment['timestamp'])) ?></span> </div> <?php if (strlen($rating)): ?> <div class="margin-bottom clearfix"><?php echo $rating ?></div> <?php endif; ?> <div class="margin-bottom-2 clearfix"> <?php if ($showObjectTitle) { echo "<div class=\"margin-bottom text-semibold\">" . l10n("cmn_subject") . " " . $comment['objectnumber'] . " - " . $comment['pagetitle'] . "</div>"; } ?> <?php echo "<span class=\"body\">" . $comment['body'] . "</span>" ?> </div> <div class="flex"> <div class="flex-grow-1">IP: <?php echo $comment['ip'] ?></div> <div class="flex-grow-1 text-right padding-left-10-child"><?php echo $links ?></div> </div> </td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> </tbody> </table>