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<?php require_once "includes.php"; Configuration::getControlPanel()->accessOrRedirect(); // Load the cart $ecommerce = Configuration::getCart(); $ecommerce->deleteTemporaryFiles("../"); // Do some protection switch (@$_GET['plot_type']) { case "cumulative": $plotType = "cumulative"; break; case "products": $plotType = "products"; break; default: $plotType = "noncumulative"; break; } $includeDigital = isset($_GET['chart_digital']) ? $_GET['chart_digital'] == "true" : true; $includePhysical = isset($_GET['chart_physical']) ? $_GET['chart_physical'] == "true" : true; if ($includeDigital == false && $includePhysical == false) { $includePhysical = $includeDigital = true; } // Load the main template $mainT = Configuration::getControlPanel()->getMainTemplate(); $mainT->stylesheets = array("css/cart.css"); $mainT->pagetitle = l10n("admin_cart_title", "E-Commerce"); $contentT = new Template("templates/common/box.php"); $contentT->cssClass = "cart"; $contentT->content = ""; // Add the table tabs $tabsT = new Template("templates/cart/tabs.php"); $tabsT->borderColorClass = "border-color-6"; $tabsT->selectedBgColorClass = "background-color-6"; $tabsT->unselectedBgColorClass = "background-mute"; $tabsT->status = "charts"; $contentT->content .= $tabsT->render(); // Show the select $selectT = new Template("templates/cart/charts-select.php"); $selectT->includeDigital = $includeDigital; $selectT->includePhysical = $includePhysical; $selectT->plotType = $plotType; $contentT->content .= $selectT->render(); // Load the text message template $textMessageT = new Template("templates/common/text-message.php"); $textMessageT->message = l10n("cart_plot_nodata", "Tere is no data about evaded orders to show."); /** * Convert the raw data to a plottable data * * @param Array $rawData The raw data as array('year' => array('monthNumber' => sellings, ...)); * * @return Array as array('year' => array('monthName' => sellings, ...)); */ function rawDataToPlotData($rawData) { $data = array(); $names = l10n("date_full_months", array()); foreach ($rawData as $id => $dataset) { $data[$id] = array(); foreach($dataset as $month => $count) { if (count($names) >= $month) { $data[$id][$names[$month - 1]] = $count; } } } return $data; } // Show the correct plot switch ($plotType) { case "noncumulative": $rawData = $ecommerce->getNonCumulativeSellings($includePhysical, $includeDigital); if (!count($rawData)) { $contentT->content .= $textMessageT->render(); break; } $data = rawDataToPlotData($rawData); $plotT = new Template("templates/common/plot-line.php"); $plotT->datasets = $data; $contentT->content .= $plotT->render(); break; case "cumulative": $rawData = $ecommerce->getCumulativeSellings($includePhysical, $includeDigital); if (!count($rawData)) { $contentT->content .= $textMessageT->render(); break; } $data = rawDataToPlotData($rawData); $plotT = new Template("templates/common/plot-line.php"); $plotT->datasets = $data; $contentT->content .= $plotT->render(); break; case "products": $barsNumber = 10; $data = $ecommerce->getSoldItemsNumber($barsNumber, $includePhysical, $includeDigital); if (!count($data)) { $contentT->content .= $textMessageT->render(); break; } $plotT = new Template("templates/common/plot-bars.php"); $plotT->data = $data; $contentT->content .= $plotT->render(); break; } $mainT->content = $contentT->render(); echo $mainT->render();