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<?php include "includes.php"; Configuration::getControlPanel()->accessOrRedirect(); function showSummary($contentT, $topic, $data) { // Show the summary $rating = $topic->getRating(); $ratingT = new Template("templates/comments/summary.php"); $ratingT->vote = $rating["rating"]; $ratingT->count = $rating["count"]; $ratingT->hasRating = $data['comment_type'] != "comment"; $contentT->content .= $ratingT->render(); } function loadTopic($topic, $data, $posturl) { $topic->setPostUrl($posturl); $topic->loadDb(ImDb::from_db_data(getDbData($data["db"])), $data["table"]); // Take care of the actions if (isset($_GET['disable'])) { $n = (int)$_GET['disable']; $c = $topic->comments->get($n); if (count($c) != 0) { $c['approved'] = "0"; $topic->comments->edit($n, $c); $topic->save(); } } if (isset($_GET['enable'])) { $n = (int)$_GET['enable']; $c = $topic->comments->get($n); if (count($c) != 0) { $c['approved'] = "1"; $topic->comments->edit($n, $c); $topic->save(); } } if (isset($_GET['delete'])) { $topic->comments->delete((int)$_GET['delete']); $topic->save(); } if (isset($_GET['unabuse'])) { $n = (int)$_GET['unabuse']; $c = $topic->comments->get($n); if (count($c)) { $c['abuse'] = "0"; $topic->comments->edit($n, $c); $topic->save(); } } if (isset($_GET['disable']) || isset($_GET['enable']) || isset($_GET['delete']) || isset($_GET['unabuse'])) { echo "<script>window.location.href='" . $posturl . "';</script>\n"; exit(); } return $topic; } function sortCommentsByDate($a, $b) { if ($a["timestamp"] == $b["timestamp"]) return 0; return ($a["timestamp"] > $b["timestamp"]) ? -1 : 1; } // Load the cart $ecommerce = Configuration::getCart(); $category = isset($_GET['category']) ? $_GET['category'] : ""; $product = isset($_GET['product']) ? $_GET['product'] : ""; $roots = array(); $products = array(); foreach ($ecommerce->getCategoriesTree() as $catId => $cat) { if ($cat['containsProductsWithProductPage']) { $roots[] = $cat; if (!isset($_GET['category']) || $catId == $_GET['category']) { $products = array_merge($products, getProducts($cat, '', $cat['name'])); } } } function getProducts($cat, $prefix, $catPath) { $products = array(); foreach ($cat['products'] as $prodId) { $prod = Configuration::getCart()->getProductsData($prodId)[$prodId]; if ($prod['productPageLinkType'] == 'productpage') { $products[] = array_merge($prod, array( 'label' => $prefix . $prod['name'], 'categoryStringPath' => $catPath) ); } } foreach ($cat['categories'] as $idSubCat => $subCat) { if ($subCat['containsProductsWithProductPage']) { $products = array_merge($products, getProducts($subCat, $prefix . $subCat['name'] . ' | ', $catPath . ' | ' . $subCat['name'])); } } return $products; } // Load the main template $mainT = Configuration::getControlPanel()->getMainTemplate(); $mainT->pagetitle = l10n("admin_cart_comments_title", "E-Commerce: Comments"); $mainT->stylesheets = array("css/comments.css"); $mainT->content = ""; $contentT = new Template("templates/common/box.php"); $contentT->cssClass = "cart-comments comments"; $contentT->content = ""; // Show the category and post selectors $selectorsT = new Template("templates/cartcomments/selectors.php"); $selectorsT->categories = $roots; $selectorsT->selectedCategory = @$_GET['category']; $selectorsT->products = $products; $selectorsT->data = $ecommerce; if (isset($_GET['category'])) { $selectorsT->selectedProduct = $product; } $contentT->content .= $selectorsT->render(); //load new template of comments $commentsT = new Template("templates/cartcomments/comments.php"); $commentsT->comments = []; $commentsT->siteUrl = $imSettings['general']['url']; $commentsT->baseposturlcategory = 'cart-comments.php?category='; $commentsT->baseposturlproduct = '&product='; $commentsT->showObjectTitle = false; $commentsT->rating = ""; $totalComments = []; $topic = false; if ($category != "" && $product != "") { $topic = new ImTopic($ecommerce->getCommentsData()["prefix"] . $product, "", "../"); $posturl = $commentsT->baseposturlcategory . $category . $commentsT->baseposturlproduct . $product; $topic = loadTopic($topic, $ecommerce->getCommentsData(), $posturl); showSummary($contentT, $topic, $ecommerce->getCommentsData()); if ($topic->hasComments()) { // Show the comments $commentsT->comments = $topic->comments->comments; for ($i = 0, $size = count($topic->comments->comments); $i < $size; $i++) { $topic->comments->comments[$i]["idCategory"] = $category; $topic->comments->comments[$i]["category"] = $category; $topic->comments->comments[$i]["product"] = $product; } $totalComments = array_merge($totalComments, $topic->comments->comments); if(count($totalComments)) { usort($totalComments, "sortCommentsByDate"); $commentsT->comments = $totalComments; $contentT->content .= $commentsT->render(); } } } else { //show all objects $commentsT->showObjectTitle = true; foreach ($products as $prod) { $topic = new ImTopic($ecommerce->getCommentsData()["prefix"] . $prod["id"], "", "../"); $posturl = $commentsT->baseposturlcategory . $prod["categoryPath"][0] . $commentsT->baseposturlproduct . $prod["id"]; $topic = loadTopic($topic, $ecommerce->getCommentsData(), $posturl); if ($topic->hasComments()) { foreach ($topic->comments->comments as $cm) { $cm["idCategory"] = $prod["categoryPath"][0]; $cm["title"] = $prod["name"]; $cm["category"] = $prod["categoryStringPath"]; $cm["product"] = $prod["id"]; $totalComments[] = $cm; } } } if(count($totalComments)) { usort($totalComments, "sortCommentsByDate"); $commentsT->comments = $totalComments; $contentT->content .= $commentsT->render(); } else{ $ratingT = new Template("templates/comments/summary.php"); $ratingT->vote = 0; $ratingT->count = 0; $ratingT->hasRating = false; $contentT->content .= $ratingT->render(); } } $mainT->content = $contentT->render(); echo $mainT->render();