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<?php require_once "includes.php"; Configuration::getControlPanel()->accessOrRedirect(); // Load the cart $ecommerce = Configuration::getCart(); $ecommerce->deleteTemporaryFiles("../"); // Load the main template $mainT = Configuration::getControlPanel()->getMainTemplate(); $mainT->stylesheets = array("css/cart.css"); $mainT->scripts = array("js/orders.js"); $mainT->pagetitle = l10n("admin_cart_title", "E-Commerce"); $contentT = new Template("templates/common/box.php"); $contentT->cssClass = "cart"; $contentT->content = ""; // Add the table tabs $tabsT = new Template("templates/cart/tabs.php"); $tabsT->borderColorClass = "border-mute"; $tabsT->selectedBgColorClass = "background-color-mute"; $tabsT->unselectedBgColorClass = "background-mute"; $tabsT->status = ''; $contentT->content .= $tabsT->render(); $evadeResultContent = ""; if (isset($_GET['id'])) { // Evade the order if (isset($_GET['evade'])) { $tracking_code = (isset($_GET['track_code']) && $_GET['track_code'] !== '') ? $_GET['track_code'] : null; $force = false; if ( isset( $_GET['force'] ) && $_GET['force'] == true ) { $force = true; } $evadeResult = $ecommerce->evadeOrder ($_GET['id'], '', $tracking_code, $force ); if ( $evadeResult != null && strlen ( trim ( $evadeResult ) ) > 0 ) { $evadeResultContent = "<script> "; $evadeResultContent .= "console.log( '" . $evadeResult. "' ); "; $evadeResultContent .= "if ( confirm ( '" . l10n( "cart_evade_order_error_generic", "Error occured. Continue with order evasion?" ) . "' ) ) { "; $evadeResultContent .= "window.location.href += '&force=true';"; $evadeResultContent .= "} "; $evadeResultContent .= "</script>"; } else { header('Location: cart-order.php?id=' . $_GET['id']); exit(); } } // Export the CSV file if (isset($_GET['exportcsv'])) { ob_end_clean(); // Clear the output buffer $zip = $ecommerce->zipOrder($_GET['id'], "../"); if (false !== $zip) { header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . substr(basename($zip), 0, strlen(basename($zip)) - 4) . ".zip"); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . readfile($zip)); // Read the file and automatically output it to the output buffer, return the file size exit(); } // As fallback, export the products csv only $csv = $ecommerce->getProductsCSV($_GET['id']); header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $_GET['id'] . ".csv"); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($csv)); echo $csv; exit(); } // Download the attachment if (isset($_GET['id']) && isset($_GET['download-attachment'])) { ob_end_clean(); // Clear the output buffer $attachment = $ecommerce->getOrderAttachment($_GET['id'], $_GET['download-attachment']); $serverFileName = $attachment["server_file_name"]; $originalFileName = $attachment["original_file_name"]; $filePath = pathCombine(array("../", $imSettings['general']['public_folder'], $serverFileName)); header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $originalFileName . '"'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($filePath)); readfile($filePath); exit(); } // Show the order table $orderArray = $ecommerce->getOrder($_GET['id']); if (count($orderArray)) { if (isset($orderArray['order']['shipping_id'])) { // load the shipping data from the configuration $shipping_data = Configuration::getCart()->getShippingData([$orderArray['order']['shipping_id']]); if (count($shipping_data) > 0 && isset($shipping_data[$orderArray['order']['shipping_id']])) { $orderArray['shipping_data'] = $shipping_data[$orderArray['order']['shipping_id']]; } } $orderT = new Template("templates/cart/order.php"); $orderT->publicFolder = $imSettings['general']['public_folder']; $orderT->order = $orderArray['order']; $orderT->orderArray = $orderArray; $contentT->content .= $orderT->render(); } } $contentT->content .= $evadeResultContent; $mainT->content = $contentT->render(); echo $mainT->render();