Modificare il file:
<?php include "includes.php"; include "imadmintest.php"; // Redirect to a specific section $redirect = Configuration::getControlPanel()->getRedirectFromArray($_GET); if ($redirect) { header("Location: " . $redirect); exit(0); } // Otherwise attempt the login Configuration::getControlPanel()->accessOrRedirect(); $main = Configuration::getControlPanel()->getMainTemplate(); $main->pagetitle = l10n("admin_dashboard", "Dashboard"); $main->stylesheets = array("css/dashboard.css"); $main->content = ""; // ----------------- // Notifications Ads // ----------------- if (isset($imSettings['admin']) && isset($imSettings['admin']['enable_notifications']) && $imSettings['admin']['enable_notifications'] === true) { $notificationsT = new Template("templates/common/box.php"); $notificationsT->cssClass = "dashboard-notifications-bar"; $notificationsT->content = ""; $notificationsAdT = new Template("templates/notifications/ad.php"); $notificationsAdT->title = l10n('admin_notifications_ad_title', 'Turn on the Notifications'); $notificationsAdT->body = l10n('admin_notifications_ad_body', 'Set up push notifications and never miss an important update from your website.'); $notificationsAdT->cta = l10n('admin_notifications_ad_cta', 'Go to Notifications'); $notificationsT->content .= $notificationsAdT->render(); $main->content .= $notificationsT->render(); } // --------------- // Boxes Container // --------------- $main->content .= "<div class=\"dashboard-boxes-container\">"; // ---------- // Statistics // ---------- if (isset($imSettings['analytics']) && $imSettings['analytics']['type'] == 'wsx5analytics') { $analytics = Configuration::getAnalytics(); // Visitors Count $visitsPlotT = new Template("templates/dashboard/simple-plot.php"); $visitsPlotT->title = l10n('admin_analytics_visitorscount', 'Visitors Count') . " - " . l10n("admin_lastdays", "Last 7 days"); $visitsPlotT->type = "line"; $visitsPlotT->colorIndex = 0; $visitsPlotT->data = $analytics->getTotalSiteVisitors(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-7 days")), date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); // Views count $viewsPlotT = new Template("templates/dashboard/simple-plot.php"); $viewsPlotT->title = l10n('admin_analytics_pageviews', 'Page Views') . " - " . l10n("admin_lastdays", "Last 7 days"); $viewsPlotT->type = "line"; $viewsPlotT->colorIndex = 1; $viewsPlotT->data = $analytics->getPageViews(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-7 days")), date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); // Main render $boxT = new Template("templates/dashboard/box.php"); $boxT->title = l10n("admin_analytics_title", "Statistics"); $boxT->url = "analytics.php"; $boxT->content = $visitsPlotT->render(); $boxT->content .= $viewsPlotT->render(); $boxT->image = "images/analytics_black.png"; $main->content .= $boxT->render(); } // --------------- // E-Commerce Cart // --------------- $countComments = 0; if (isset($imSettings['ecommerce']) && isset($imSettings['ecommerce']['database'])) { $ecommerce = Configuration::getCart(); // Clean the temp files $ecommerce->deleteTemporaryFiles("../"); // Main render $boxT = new Template("templates/dashboard/box.php"); $boxT->title = l10n("admin_cart_title", "E-Commerce: Cart"); $boxT->url = "cart-orders.php"; $boxT->content = ""; $boxT->image = "images/shop_black.png"; if ($ecommerce->isDbConnected()) { // Connection check // Sales count $ordersPlotT = new Template("templates/dashboard/simple-plot.php"); $ordersPlotT->title = l10n('cart_plot_sales', 'Sales') . " - " . l10n("admin_lastdays", "Last 7 days"); $ordersPlotT->type = "line"; $ordersPlotT->colorIndex = 2; $ordersPlotT->data = $ecommerce->getOrdersCountByDate(date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-7 days")) . " 00:00:01", date("Y-m-d") . " 23:59:59"); $boxT->content .= $ordersPlotT->render(); // Inbox count $rowT = new Template("templates/dashboard/summary-row.php"); $rowT->icon = "fa-cart-plus"; $rowT->iconColoredClass = "background-color-4"; $rowT->iconEmptyClass = "background-mute"; $rowT->value = $ecommerce->getOrdersCountByStatus('inbox'); $rowT->url = "cart-orders.php?status=inbox"; $rowT->caption = l10n('cart_inbox', 'Inbox'); $rowT->margin = true; $boxT->bottom = $rowT->render(); // On hold count $rowT = new Template("templates/dashboard/summary-row.php"); $rowT->icon = "fa-hourglass"; $rowT->iconColoredClass = "background-color-3"; $rowT->iconEmptyClass = "background-mute"; $rowT->value = $ecommerce->getOrdersCountByStatus('waiting'); $rowT->url = "cart-orders.php?status=waiting"; $rowT->caption = l10n('cart_waiting', 'On hold'); $boxT->bottom .= $rowT->render(); // Low stock $rowT = new Template("templates/dashboard/summary-row.php"); $rowT->icon = "fa-exclamation-triangle"; $rowT->iconColoredClass = "background-color-2"; $rowT->iconEmptyClass = "background-mute"; $rowT->value = count($ecommerce->getDynamicProductsAlertStatus()); $rowT->url = "cart-availability.php"; $rowT->caption = l10n('cart_lowstock', 'Low Stock'); $boxT->bottom .= $rowT->render(); if ($ecommerce->getCommentsData()['enabled'] && $ecommerce->getCommentsData()['type'] == 'websitex5') { // Comments Last 7 days $param = array("from" => date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-7 days")) . " 00:00:01", "to" => date("Y-m-d") . " 23:59:59"); $cartComments = $ecommerce->getComments($param); foreach ($cartComments as $productId => $productCommentsData) { $countComments += count($productCommentsData['comments']); } $rowT = new Template("templates/dashboard/summary-row.php"); $rowT->icon = "fa-comment"; $rowT->iconColoredClass = "background-color-6"; $rowT->iconEmptyClass = "background-mute"; $rowT->value = $countComments; $rowT->caption = ucfirst(l10n('blog_comments', 'Comments')) . " - " . l10n("admin_lastdays", "Last 7 days"); $rowT->url = "cart-comments.php"; $boxT->bottom .= $rowT->render(); } } else { // Connection Error $boxT->content .= "DB Connection error"; } $main->content .= $boxT->render(); } // ------------------- // E-Commerce Comments // ------------------- function sortCommentsByDate($a, $b) { if ($a["timestamp"] == $b["timestamp"]) return 0; return ($a["timestamp"] > $b["timestamp"]) ? -1 : 1; } $ecommerce = Configuration::getCart(); if (isset($ecommerce) && $ecommerce->getCommentsData()['enabled'] && $ecommerce->getCommentsData()['type'] == 'websitex5') { // Comments Last 7 days $param = array("from" => date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-7 days")) . " 00:00:01", "to" => date("Y-m-d") . " 23:59:59"); $cartComments = $ecommerce->getComments($param); // Main render $boxT = new Template("templates/dashboard/box.php"); $boxT->title = l10n("admin_cart_comments_title", "E-Commerce: Comments"); $boxT->url = "cart-comments.php"; $boxT->content = ""; $boxT->image = "images/guestbook_black.png"; // Summary $rowT = new Template("templates/dashboard/summary-row.php"); $rowT->icon = "fa-comment"; $rowT->iconColoredClass = "background-color-6"; $rowT->iconEmptyClass = "background-mute"; $rowT->value = $countComments; $rowT->caption = ucfirst(l10n('blog_comments', 'Comments')) . " - " . l10n("admin_lastdays", "Last 7 days"); $boxT->content .= $rowT->render(); // Latest comments $totalComments = array(); $commentT = new Template("templates/dashboard/comment-row.php"); foreach ($cartComments as $productId => $productCommentsData) { $prod = $ecommerce->getProductsData($productId); foreach ($productCommentsData['comments'] as $c) { $comment = array(); $comment['name'] = $c['name']; $comment['body'] = $c['text']; $comment['title'] = $prod[$productId]["name"]; $comment['timestamp'] = $c['publishDate']; $comment['url'] = "cart-comments.php?category=" . $prod[$productId]["categoryPath"][0] . "&product=" . $productId; $totalComments[] = $comment; } } if(count($totalComments)) { usort($totalComments, "sortCommentsByDate"); $countTotalComments = count($totalComments); for ($i = 0; $i < $countTotalComments && $i < 3; $i++) { $commentT->name = $totalComments[$i]['name']; $commentT->body = $totalComments[$i]['body']; $commentT->title = $totalComments[$i]["title"]; $commentT->timestamp = $totalComments[$i]['timestamp']; $commentT->url = $totalComments[$i]["url"]; $boxT->content .= $commentT->render(); } } // Count of messages to be validated $allCartComments = $ecommerce->getComments(); $toApprove = 0; foreach ($allCartComments as $productId => $productCommentsData) { foreach ($productCommentsData['comments'] as $c) { if(!$c['approved']){ $toApprove++; } } } //Show messages to be validated $rowT = new Template("templates/dashboard/summary-row.php"); $rowT->icon = "fa-exclamation-triangle"; $rowT->iconColoredClass = "background-color-3"; $rowT->iconEmptyClass = "background-mute"; $rowT->value = $toApprove; $rowT->caption = ucfirst(l10n("blog_waiting_approval", "Waiting for approval")); $boxT->bottom = $rowT->render(); $main->content .= $boxT->render(); } // --------------- // Blog // --------------- if (isset($imSettings['blog']) && $imSettings['blog']['comments_source'] == 'wsx5') { $blog = Configuration::getBlog(); $comments = $blog->getComments(date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-7 days")) . " 00:00:01", date("Y-m-d") . " 23:59:59", true); $boxT = new Template("templates/dashboard/box.php"); $boxT->title = l10n("blog_title", "Blog"); $boxT->url = "blog.php"; $boxT->content = ""; $boxT->image = "images/blog_black.png"; // Summary $rowT = new Template("templates/dashboard/summary-row.php"); $rowT->icon = "fa-comment"; $rowT->iconColoredClass = "background-color-6"; $rowT->iconEmptyClass = "background-mute"; $rowT->value = count($comments); $rowT->caption = ucfirst(l10n('blog_comments', 'Comments')) . " - " . l10n("admin_lastdays", "Last 7 days"); $boxT->content .= $rowT->render(); // Latest comments $commentT = new Template("templates/dashboard/comment-row.php"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($comments) && $i < 3; $i++) { $commentT->name = $comments[$i]['name']; $commentT->body = $comments[$i]['body']; $commentT->title = $comments[$i]['title']; $commentT->timestamp = $comments[$i]['timestamp']; $commentT->url = "blog.php?category=" . $comments[$i]['category'] . "&post=" . $comments[$i]['postid']; $boxT->content .= $commentT->render(); } // Count of messages to be validated $rowT = new Template("templates/dashboard/summary-row.php"); $rowT->icon = "fa-exclamation-triangle"; $rowT->iconColoredClass = "background-color-3"; $rowT->iconEmptyClass = "background-mute"; $rowT->value = count($blog->getCommentsToValidate("", "")); $rowT->caption = ucfirst(l10n("blog_waiting_approval", "Waiting for approval")); $boxT->bottom = $rowT->render(); $main->content .= $boxT->render(); } // ----------------- // Access Management // ----------------- if (isset($imSettings['access']['entrancepage'])) { $access = Configuration::getPrivateArea(); $users = $access->getUsersById(array(), date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-7 days")) . " 00:00:01", date("Y-m-d") . " 23:59:59"); $boxT = new Template("templates/dashboard/box.php"); $boxT->title = l10n("private_area_title", "Access Management"); $boxT->url = "privatearea.php"; $boxT->content = ""; $boxT->image = "images/access_black.png"; // Summary $rowT = new Template("templates/dashboard/summary-row.php"); $rowT->icon = "fa-user background-color-6"; $rowT->iconColoredClass = "background-color-3"; $rowT->iconEmptyClass = "background-mute"; $rowT->value = count($users); $rowT->caption = ucfirst(l10n('private_area_registrations', 'Registrations')) . " - " . l10n("admin_lastdays", "Last 7 days"); $boxT->content .= $rowT->render(); // Last three users registered $userT = new Template("templates/dashboard/user-row.php"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($users) && $i < 3; $i++) { $userT->name = $users[$i]["realname"]; $userT->timestamp = $users[$i]["ts"]; $userT->ip = $users[$i]["ip"]; $boxT->content .= $userT->render(); } // Users waiting for validation $notValidatedCount = 0; foreach($users as $user) { if (!$user['validated']) { $notValidatedCount++; } } $rowT = new Template("templates/dashboard/summary-row.php"); $rowT->icon = "fa-exclamation-triangle"; $rowT->iconColoredClass = "background-color-3"; $rowT->iconEmptyClass = "background-mute"; $rowT->value = $notValidatedCount; $rowT->caption = ucfirst(l10n("private_area_status_not_validated", "Not validated")); $boxT->bottom = $rowT->render(); $main->content .= $boxT->render(); } // ----------------- // Guestbook // ----------------- if (count($imSettings['guestbooks']) > 0) { $validatedComments = ImGuestbook::getAllComments(date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-7 days")) . " 00:00:01", date("Y-m-d") . " 23:59:59", true); $waitingComments = ImGuestbook::getAllComments("", "", false); $boxT = new Template("templates/dashboard/box.php"); $boxT->title = l10n("admin_guestbook", "Comments and Ratings"); $boxT->url = "guestbook.php"; $boxT->content = ""; $boxT->image = "images/guestbook_black.png"; // Summary $rowT = new Template("templates/dashboard/summary-row.php"); $rowT->icon = "fa-comment"; $rowT->iconColoredClass = "background-color-6"; $rowT->iconEmptyClass = "background-mute"; $rowT->value = count($validatedComments); $rowT->caption = ucfirst(l10n('guestbook_messages', 'Messages')) . " - " . l10n("admin_lastdays", "Last 7 days"); $boxT->content .= $rowT->render(); // Latest comments $commentT = new Template("templates/dashboard/comment-row.php"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($validatedComments) && $i < 3; $i++) { $commentT->name = $validatedComments[$i]['name']; $commentT->body = $validatedComments[$i]['body']; $commentT->title = $validatedComments[$i]['title']; $commentT->timestamp = $validatedComments[$i]['timestamp']; $commentT->url = "guestbook.php?id=" . $validatedComments[$i]['topicid']; $boxT->content .= $commentT->render(); } $rowT = new Template("templates/dashboard/summary-row.php"); $rowT->icon = "fa-exclamation-triangle"; $rowT->iconColoredClass = "background-color-3"; $rowT->iconEmptyClass = "background-mute"; $rowT->value = count($waitingComments); $rowT->caption = ucfirst(l10n("blog_waiting_approval", "Waiting for approval")); $boxT->bottom = $rowT->render(); $main->content .= $boxT->render(); } // ----------------- // Tests // ----------------- // Results list $results = imAdminTest::testWsx5Configuration(); $list = ""; $count = 0; $testT = new Template("templates/dashboard/test-row.php"); foreach ($results as $result) { if (!$result['success']) { $count++; $testT->name = $result['name']; $list .= $testT->render(); } } if ($count > 0) { $boxT = new Template("templates/dashboard/box.php"); $boxT->title = l10n("admin_test_title", "Website Test"); $boxT->url = "sitetest.php"; $boxT->content = ""; $boxT->image = "images/test_black.png"; // Summary $rowT = new Template("templates/dashboard/summary-row.php"); $rowT->icon = "fa-exclamation-triangle"; $rowT->iconColoredClass = "background-color-3"; $rowT->iconEmptyClass = "background-mute"; $rowT->value = $count; $rowT->caption = ucfirst(l10n("admin_test_notpassed", "Not passed")); $boxT->content .= $rowT->render(); // Errors list $boxT->content .= $list; $main->content .= $boxT->render(); } // ---------------------- // Optional Objects boxes // ---------------------- $settings = Configuration::getSettings(); $boxT = new Template("templates/dashboard/box.php"); foreach ($settings['admin']['extra-dashboard'] as $key => $item) { $boxT->title = $item['title']; $boxT->image = "../" . $item['icon']; // Contents ob_start(); include("../" . $item['path']); $boxT->content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // Append the box to the main template $main->content .= $boxT->render(); } // --------------- // Boxes Container // --------------- $main->content .= "</div>"; echo $main->render();