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<?php require_once "includes.php"; $login_error = ""; // Logout if (isset($_GET['logout'])) { $login = Configuration::getPrivateArea(); $login->logout(); @header("Location: login.php"); exit(0); } // Login Error if (isset($_GET['error'])) { $login_error = $l10n['private_area_login_error']; } // Login via form if (isset($_POST['uname']) && $_POST['uname'] != "" && isset($_POST['pwd']) && $_POST['pwd'] != "") { $login = Configuration::getPrivateArea(); if ($login->login($_POST['uname'], $_POST['pwd']) == 0) { $url = $login->getSavedPage() ? $login->getSavedPage() : "index.php"; exit('<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Loading...</title><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url=' . $url . '"></head><body><p style="text-align: center;">Loading...</p></body></html>'); } else { $login_error = $l10n['private_area_login_error']; } } // Redirect to a specific section $redirect = Configuration::getControlPanel()->getRedirectFromArray($_GET); if ($redirect) { header("Location: " . $redirect); exit(0); } // If a session is already set, try to redirect to the dashboard Configuration::getControlPanel()->attemptAutoLogin(); // Show the login form $loginT = Configuration::getControlPanel()->getTemplate("templates/login.php"); $loginT->pagetitle = "Login"; $loginT->error = $login_error; echo $loginT->render();