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<% function bstr2shortint(str,bigendian) if bigendian then bstr2shortint=ascb(midb(str,1,1))*256+ascb(midb(str,2,1)) else bstr2shortint=ascb(midb(str,2,1))*256+ascb(midb(str,1,1)) end if end function function parsejpg(file) 'Extract info from a JPEG ' read all segments dim ptr dim stype dim seglen dim channels ptr=3 dim ret(7) ret(0)=0 set img_xfile = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") do while true if lenb(file)<ptr+3 then _ exit do stype=ascb(midb(file,ptr+1,1)) if stype>=&Hc0 and stype<=&Hcf and stype<>&Hc4 and stype<>&Hcc then if lenb(file)<ptr+9 then _ exit do ret(0)=bstr2shortint(midb(file,ptr+7,2),true) 'width ret(1)=bstr2shortint(midb(file,ptr+5,2),true) 'height ret(2)=ascb(midb(file,ptr+4,1)) channels=ascb(midb(file,ptr+9,1)) if channels=3 then ret(3)="DeviceRGB" elseif channels then ret(3)="DeviceCMYK" else ret(3)="DeviceGray" end if ret(4)="DCTDecode" ret(5)=lenb(file) ret(6)=file exit do end if seglen=bstr2shortint(midb(file,ptr+2,2),true) ptr=ptr+2+seglen loop parsejpg=ret end function function parsegif(file) dim ret(7) ret(0)=0 ' load file header dim version dim colorTable dim localColorTable version=midb(file,1,6) width=bstr2shortint(midb(file,7,2),false) height=bstr2shortint(midb(file,9,2),false) b = ascb(midb(file,11,1)) if bitand(b,&H80)<>0 then bGlobalClr = true else bGlobalClr = false end if nColorRes = bitand(b,&H70)/16 if bitand(b,&H08)<>0 then bSorted = true else bSorted = false end if pow = bitand(b,&H07) nTableSize=2 dim i for i=1 to pow nTableSize = nTableSize*2 next nBgColor = ascb(midb(file,12,1)) nPixelRatio = ascb(midb(file,13,1)) hdrLen = 13 if bGlobalClr then colorTable = midb(file,hdrLen+1,3*nTableSize) hdrLen = hdrLen + 3*nTableSize end if ptr=hdrLen+1 ' load image do while true b = ascb(midb(file,ptr,1)) ptr=ptr+1 if b=&H21 then ' extension, skip it ptr=ptr+1 b=ascb(midb(file,ptr,1)) while b>0 ptr=ptr+1+b b=ascb(midb(file,ptr,1)) wend ptr=ptr+1 elseif b=&H2C then ' load image header b=ascb(midb(file,ptr+8,1)) bLocalClr = bitand(b,&H80) bInterlace = bitand(b,&H80) bSorted = bitand(b,&H80) nLocalTableSize = bitand(b,&H80) pow = bitand(b,&H07) nLocalTableSize=2 for i=1 to pow nLocalTableSize = nLocalTableSize*2 next if bLocalClr<>0 then localColorTable = midb(file,ptr+9,nLocalTableSize*3) ptr=ptr+9+nLocalTableSize*3 else ptr=ptr+9 end if ' load image data = LZWDecompress(midb(file,ptr)) ' return image info dim nColors dim pal dim colspace if bLocalClr<>0 then nColors = nLocalTableSize pal = localColorTable colspace="Indexed" elseif bGlobalClr<>0 then nColors = nTableSize pal = colorTable colspace="Indexed" else nColors = 0 colspace="DeviceGray" pal="" end if ret(0)=width ret(1)=height ret(2)=colspace ret(3)=8 ret(4)=pal ret(5)=lenb(data) ret(6)=data else parsegif=ret exit function end if loop end function %> <!--#include file="lzw.asp"--> <script language="jscript" runat="server"> function bitand(n, mask) { return (n&mask); } </script>