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<% set foreachstack = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") set foreachvars = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") function process_tag(str) Dim i ' remove {} str=mid(str,2,len(str)-2) str=trim(str) process_tag="" fore="" if len(str)=0 then exit function if mid(str,1,1)="$" then if instr(1,str,".")=0 then process_tag = "response.write smarty(""" & mid(str,2) & """)" else item="" p=instr(1,str,".") item=mid(str,p+1) forvar=mid(str,2,p-2) forexpr="" for each tt in foreachvars if foreachvars(tt)=forvar then forexpr=foreachstack(tt) exit for end if next ' process_tag = "response.write smarty(""" & session("fore") & """)(dd)(""" & item & """)" process_tag = "response.write " & forexpr & "(""" & item & """)" end if elseif mid(str,1,2)="if" or mid(str,1,6)="elseif" then dim fullexpr dim elsif elsif=true if mid(str,1,2)="if" then elsif=false if not elsif then fullexpr=trim(mid(str,3)) else fullexpr=trim(mid(str,7)) end if ' split expr by || dim out out="" do while len(fullexpr)>0 dim orpos orpos=instr(1,fullexpr,"||") if orpos<1 then expr=fullexpr fullexpr="" else expr=left(fullexpr,orpos-1) fullexpr=mid(fullexpr,orpos+2) end if orpos=1 do while mid(expr,orpos,1)=" " or mid(expr,orpos,1)="$" orpos=orpos+1 loop expr=mid(expr,orpos) dim strNot strNot="" if left(expr,1)="!" then strNot="not " expr=mid(expr,3) end if var=expr for i=1 to len(expr) c = asc(mid(expr,i,1)) if not ( c>=asc("a") and c<=asc("z") or c>=asc("0") and c<=asc("9") or c>=asc("A") and c<=asc("Z") or c=asc("_") or c=asc(".")) then var=left(expr,i-1) exit for end if next oper="" if len(expr)>len(var) then oper=mid(expr,len(var)+1) oper=replace(oper,"!=","<>") oper=replace(oper,"==","=") end if p=instr(1,var,".") if p>0 then item=mid(var,p+1) forvar=left(var,p-1) forexpr="" for each tt in foreachvars if foreachvars(tt)=forvar then forexpr=foreachstack(tt) exit for end if next ' var="smarty(""" & session("fore") & """)(dd)(""" & item & """)" var=forexpr & "(""" & item & """)" else var="smarty(""" & var & """)" end if if out<>"" then _ out = out & " or " out = out & strNot & var & oper loop if not elsif then process_tag=" if " & out & " then " else process_tag=" elseif " & out & " then " end if elseif mid(str,1,4)="else" then process_tag="else" elseif mid(str,1,3)="/if" then process_tag="end if" elseif mid(str,1,7)="foreach" then p1=instr(1,str,"$") p2=instr(p1,str," ") var = mid(str,p1+1,p2-p1-1) p4=instr(1,str,"item=") foritem = mid(str,p4+5) item=var forvar=mid(str,p1+1,p2-p1-1) p3=instr(1,forvar,".") if p3>0 then item=mid(forvar,p3+1) forvar=left(forvar,p3-1) forexpr="" for each tt in foreachvars if foreachvars(tt)=forvar then forexpr=foreachstack(tt) exit for end if next else forexpr="smarty" end if foreachvars.Add foreachvars.Count, foritem foreachstack.Add foreachstack.Count, forexpr & "(""" & item & """)(dd"& CStr(foreachstack.Count) & ")" ' process_tag="for each dd in smarty(""" & session("fore") & """)" process_tag="for each dd"& CStr(foreachvars.Count-1)&" in " & forexpr & "(""" & item & """)" elseif mid(str,1,8)="/foreach" then dd=0 process_tag="next" foreachstack.Remove foreachstack.Count-1 foreachvars.Remove foreachvars.Count-1 elseif mid(str,1,17)="include_if_exists" then p=instr(1,str,"file=") if p>0 then process_tag= "set fs=Server.CreateObject(""Scripting.FileSystemObject"") : if fs.FileExists(Server.Mappath(""" & mid(str,p+6,len(str)-p-6) & """))=true then Server.Execute(""" & mid(str,p+6,len(str)-p-6) & """)" end if elseif mid(str,1,7)="include" then p=instr(1,str,"file=") if p>0 then process_tag="smart_smarty_display(""" & smarty(mid(str,p+7,len(str)-p-7)) & """)" end if elseif mid(str,1,18)="build_edit_control" then str2=mid(str,20) str2=replace(str2,"field=",vbcrlf & "bec_field=") str2=replace(str2,"mode=",vbcrlf & "bec_mode=") str2=replace(str2,"second=",vbcrlf & "bec_second=") str2=replace(str2,"value=",vbcrlf & "bec_value=") str2=replace(str2,"id=",vbcrlf & "bec_id=") str2 = "bec_second=false" & vbcrlf & str2 & vbcrlf p1=1 dim inquot inquot=false do while p1<=len(str2) if mid(str2,p1,1)="""" then inquot=not inquot elseif not inquot and mid(str2,p1,1)="$" then dim oldlen oldlen=len(str2) p2=instr(p1,str2,vbcrlf) str2 = left(str2,p1-1) & "smarty.item(""" & trim(mid(str2,p1+1,p2-p1-1)) & """)" & mid(str2,p2) p1=len(str2)-(oldlen-p2) end if p1=p1+1 loop ' p1=instr(1,str2,"$") ' do while p1>0 ' p2=instr(p1,str2,vbcrlf) ' str2 = left(str2,p1-1) & "smarty.item(""" & trim(mid(str2,p1+1,p2-p1-1)) & """)" & mid(str2,p2) ' p1=instr(1,str2,"$") ' loop process_tag = "bec_id="""""& vbcrlf & str2 & "smarty_function_build_edit_control()" elseif mid(str,1,13)="mlang_message" then p=instr(1,str,"tag=") if p>0 then process_tag="smarty_function_mlang_message(" & mid(str,p+4) & ")" end if elseif mid(str,1,10)="show_chart" then process_tag="smarty_function_show_chart(""" & Replace(mid(str,11),"""", """""") & """)" elseif mid(str,1,7)="doevent" then p=instr(1,str,"name=") if p>0 then process_tag="DoEvent ""Call " & mid(str,p+6) & "" end if end if end function ' creates temporary file, returns filename function process_file(filename) Dim Filepath Filepath = Server.MapPath("templates\" & Filename) dim stream set stream=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") stream.CharSet=cCharset stream.type=2 stream.Open stream.LoadFromFile Filepath dim text text = stream.ReadText stream.Close set stream=nothing dim linestart dim lineend dim breaklen linestart=1 ' create output string Dim res dim literal literal=false res="" ' Read the file line by line Do While linestart>0 breaklen=2 lineend=instr(linestart,text,vbcrlf) lineend1=instr(linestart,text,vblf) lineend2=instr(linestart,text,vbcr) if lineend1<lineend then lineend=lineend1 breaklen=1 end if if lineend2<lineend then lineend=lineend2 breaklen=1 end if Dim Line if lineend>0 then Line = mid(text,linestart,lineend-linestart) linestart=lineend+breaklen else Line = mid(text,linestart) linestart=0 end if ' Process SMARTY tags dim pos,opos pos=1 opos=1 do if literal then pos=InStr(opos,Line,"{/literal}") if pos>0 then addstring2res res,Mid(Line,opos,pos-opos),false ' res=res & "response.write """ & replace(Mid(Line,opos,pos-opos),"""","""""") & """" & vbcrlf opos=pos+len("{/literal}") literal=false else addstring2res res,Mid(Line,opos),true ' res=res & "response.write """ & replace(Mid(Line,opos),"""","""""") & """ & vbcrlf" & vbcrlf exit do end if end if pos=InStr(opos,Line,"{") if pos>0 then if pos>opos then _ addstring2res res,Mid(Line,opos,pos-opos),false ' res=res & "response.write """ & replace(Mid(Line,opos,pos-opos),"""","""""") & """" & vbcrlf opos=pos pos=InStr(opos,Line,"}") if pos=0 then addstring2res res,Mid(Line,opos),true ' res=res & "response.write """ & replace(Mid(Line,opos),"""","""""") & """ & vbcrlf" & vbcrlf exit do end if if Mid(Line,opos,pos-opos+1)="{literal}" then literal=true else res=res & process_tag(Mid(Line,opos,pos-opos+1)) & vbcrlf end if opos=pos+1 else addstring2res res,Mid(Line,opos),true ' res=res & "response.write """ & replace(Mid(Line,opos),"""","""""") & """ & vbcrlf" & vbcrlf exit do end if loop Loop process_file=res end function function smarty_function_build_edit_control() dim mode dim fformat if bec_mode="edit" then mode=MODE_EDIT elseif bec_mode="add" then mode=MODE_ADD elseif bec_mode="inline_edit" then mode=MODE_INLINE_EDIT elseif bec_mode="inline_add" then mode=MODE_INLINE_ADD else mode=MODE_SEARCH end if fformat=GetEditFormat(bec_field,"") if (mode=MODE_EDIT or mode=MODE_ADD or mode=MODE_INLINE_EDIT or mode=MODE_INLINE_ADD) and fformat=EDIT_FORMAT_READONLY then response.Write readonlyfields(bec_field) end if if mode=MODE_SEARCH then fformat=editformats(bec_field) end if BuildEditControl bec_field,CStr(dbvalue(bec_value)),fformat,mode,bec_second,bec_id end function function smarty_function_mlang_message(tag) response.Write " " & mlang_message(tag) response.Flush smarty_function_mlang_message = my_htmlspecialchars(mlang_message(tag)) end function sub smarty_display(filename) smart_smarty_display(filename) set smarty=nothing end sub sub smart_smarty_display(filename) dim res res = process_file(filename) ' response.write res execute res end sub function smarty_function_show_chart(str) set params = ParseParams(str) %> <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="<%=params("width")%>" height="<%=params("height")%>" align="middle"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /> <param name="movie" value="libs/swf/<%=GetChartType(params("name"))%>.swf?XMLFile=<%=params("name")%>_chartdata.asp%3Fwidth%3D<%=params("width")%>%26height%3D<%=params("height")%>" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /> <embed src="libs/swf/<%=GetChartType(params("name"))%>.swf?XMLFile=<%=params("name")%>_chartdata.asp%3Fwidth%3D<%=params("width")%>%26height%3D<%=params("height")%>" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="<%=params("width")%>" height="<%=params("height")%>" name="RELEASE" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" /> </object> <% end function sub addstring2res(res,str,addcrlf) if addcrlf then res=res & "response.write """ & replace(replace(str,"""",""""""),"%" & ">","%"" & "">") & """ & vbcrlf" & vbcrlf else res=res & "response.write """ & replace(replace(str,"""",""""""),"%" & ">","%"" & "">") & """" & vbcrlf end if end sub Set smarty = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") dd=0 Session("fore")="rowinfo" %>