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'' : 'none';" & vbcrlf includes=includes & " document.getElementById('second_importo').style.display = " includes=includes & " document.forms.editform.elements['asearchopt_importo'].value=='Between' ? '' : 'none';" & vbcrlf includes=includes & " document.getElementById('second_data_emissione').style.display = " includes=includes & " document.forms.editform.elements['asearchopt_data_emissione'].value=='Between' ? '' : 'none';" & vbcrlf includes=includes & " return false;" & vbcrlf includes=includes & "}" & vbcrlf includes=includes & "function ResetControls()" & vbcrlf includes=includes & "{" & vbcrlf includes=includes & " var i;" & vbcrlf includes=includes & " e = document.forms[0].elements; " & vbcrlf includes=includes & " for (i=0;i<e.length;i++) " & vbcrlf includes=includes & " {" & vbcrlf includes=includes & " if (e[i].name!='type' && e[i].className!='button' && e[i].type!='hidden')" & vbcrlf includes=includes & " {" & vbcrlf includes=includes & " if(e[i].type=='select-one')" & vbcrlf includes=includes & " e[i].selectedIndex=0;" & vbcrlf includes=includes & " else if(e[i].type=='select-multiple')" & vbcrlf includes=includes & " {" & vbcrlf includes=includes & " var j;" & vbcrlf includes=includes & " for(j=0;j<e[i].options.length;j++)" & vbcrlf includes=includes & " e[i].options[j].selected=false;" & vbcrlf includes=includes & " }" & vbcrlf includes=includes & " else if(e[i].type=='checkbox' || e[i].type=='radio')" & vbcrlf includes=includes & " e[i].checked=false;" & vbcrlf includes=includes & " else " & vbcrlf includes=includes & " e[i].value = ''; " & vbcrlf includes=includes & " }" & vbcrlf includes=includes & " else if(e[i].name.substr(0,6)=='value_' && e[i].type=='hidden')"& vbcrlf includes=includes & " e[i].value = ''; "& vbcrlf includes=includes & " }" & vbcrlf includes=includes & " ShowHideControls(); " & vbcrlf includes=includes & " return false;" & vbcrlf includes=includes & "}" & vbcrlf if useAJAX then includes=includes & "$(document).ready(function()" & vbcrlf includes=includes & "{" & vbcrlf includes=includes & "document.forms.editform.value_importo.onkeyup=function(event) {searchSuggest(event,document.forms.editform.value_importo,'advanced')};" & vbcrlf includes=includes & "document.forms.editform.value1_importo.onkeyup=function(event) {searchSuggest(event,document.forms.editform.value1_importo,'advanced1')};" & vbcrlf includes=includes & "document.forms.editform.value_importo.onkeydown=function(event) {return listenEvent(event,document.forms.editform.value_importo,'advanced')};" & vbcrlf includes=includes & "document.forms.editform.value1_importo.onkeydown=function(event) {return listenEvent(event,document.forms.editform.value1_importo,'advanced1')};" & vbcrlf includes=includes & "});" & vbcrlf includes=includes & "</script>" & vbcrlf includes=includes & "<div id=""search_suggest""></div>" & vbcrlf else includes=includes & "function OnKeyDown(e)" & vbcrlf includes=includes & "{ if(!e) e = window.event; 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" & s & ">" & "Incomincia per" & "</option>" s="" if opt="More than ..." then s= "selected" options=options & "<OPTION VALUE=""More than ..."" " & s & ">" & "Piu di" & "</option>" s="" if opt="Less than ..." then s="selected" options=options & "<OPTION VALUE=""Less than ..."" " & s & ">" & "Meno di" & "</option>" s="" if opt="Equal or more than ..." then s="selected" options=options & "<OPTION VALUE=""Equal or more than ..."" " & s & ">" & "Maggiore o uguale di" & "</option>" s="" if opt="Equal or less than ..." then s="selected" options=options & "<OPTION VALUE=""Equal or less than ..."" " & s & ">" & "Minore o uguale di" & "</option>" s="" if opt="Between" then s="selected" options=options & "<OPTION VALUE=""Between"" " & s & ">" & "Tra" & "</option>" s="" if opt="Empty" then s="selected" options=options & "<OPTION VALUE=""Empty"" " & s & ">" & "Vuoto" & "</option>" searchtype = "<SELECT ID=""SearchOption"" NAME=""asearchopt_importo"" SIZE=1 onChange=""return ShowHideControls();"">" searchtype = searchtype & options searchtype = searchtype & "</SELECT>" smarty.Add "searchtype_importo",searchtype '// edit format editformats.Add "importo","Text field" '// data_emissione nnot="" opt="" if SESSION(strTableName & "_search")=2 then opt=strTableName_asearchopt.Item("data_emissione") nnot=strTableName_asearchnot.Item("data_emissione") smarty.Add "value_data_emissione",strTableName_asearchfor.Item("data_emissione") smarty.Add "value1_data_emissione",strTableName_asearchfor2.Item("data_emissione") end if if nnot<>"" then smarty.Add "not_data_emissione"," checked" '// write search options options="" s="" if opt="Equals" then s="selected" options=options & "<OPTION VALUE=""Equals"" " & s & ">" & "Uguale" & "</option>" s="" if opt="More than ..." then s= "selected" options=options & "<OPTION VALUE=""More than ..."" " & s & ">" & "Piu di" & "</option>" s="" if opt="Less than ..." then s="selected" options=options & "<OPTION VALUE=""Less than ..."" " & s & ">" & "Meno di" & "</option>" s="" if opt="Equal or more than ..." then s="selected" options=options & "<OPTION VALUE=""Equal or more than ..."" " & s & ">" & "Maggiore o uguale di" & "</option>" s="" if opt="Equal or less than ..." then s="selected" options=options & "<OPTION VALUE=""Equal or less than ..."" " & s & ">" & "Minore o uguale di" & "</option>" s="" if opt="Between" then s="selected" options=options & "<OPTION VALUE=""Between"" " & s & ">" & "Tra" & "</option>" s="" if opt="Empty" then s="selected" options=options & "<OPTION VALUE=""Empty"" " & s & ">" & "Vuoto" & "</option>" searchtype = "<SELECT ID=""SearchOption"" NAME=""asearchopt_data_emissione"" SIZE=1 onChange=""return ShowHideControls();"">" searchtype = searchtype & options searchtype = searchtype & "</SELECT>" smarty.Add "searchtype_data_emissione",searchtype '// edit format editformats.Add "data_emissione","Date" linkdata="" linkdata=linkdata & "<script language=""Javascript"">" if useAJAX then else end if linkdata=linkdata & "</script>" smarty.Add "linkdata",linkdata templatefile = "transizioni_search.htm" DoEvent "BeforeShowSearch smarty,templatefile" smarty_display(templatefile) %>