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/* * FCKeditor - The text editor for internet * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Frederico Caldeira Knabben * * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License: * * * For further information visit: * * * "Support Open Source software. What about a donation today?" * * File Name: fckeditingarea.js * FCKEditingArea Class: renders an editable area. * * File Authors: * Frederico Caldeira Knabben ( */ /** * @constructor * @param {String} targetElement The element that will hold the editing area. Any child element present in the target will be deleted. */ var FCKEditingArea = function( targetElement ) { this.TargetElement = targetElement ; this.Mode = FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG ; if ( FCK.IECleanup ) FCK.IECleanup.AddItem( this, FCKEditingArea_Cleanup ) ; } /** * @param {String} html The complete HTML for the page, including DOCTYPE and the <html> tag. */ FCKEditingArea.prototype.Start = function( html, secondCall ) { var eTargetElement = this.TargetElement ; var oTargetDocument = FCKTools.GetElementDocument( eTargetElement ) ; // Remove all child nodes from the target. while( eTargetElement.childNodes.length > 0 ) eTargetElement.removeChild( eTargetElement.childNodes[0] ) ; if ( this.Mode == FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG ) { if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko ) html = html.replace( /(<body[^>]*>)\s*(<\/body>)/i, '$1' + GECKO_BOGUS + '$2' ) ; // Create the editing area IFRAME. var oIFrame = this.IFrame = oTargetDocument.createElement( 'iframe' ) ; oIFrame.src = 'javascript:void(0)' ; oIFrame.frameBorder = 0 ; oIFrame.width = oIFrame.height = '100%' ; // Append the new IFRAME to the target. eTargetElement.appendChild( oIFrame ) ; // IE has a bug with the <base> tag... it must have a </base> closer, // otherwise the all sucessive tags will be set as children nodes of the <base>. if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ) html = html.replace( /(<base[^>]*?)\s*\/?>(?!\s*<\/base>)/gi, '$1></base>' ) ; // Get the window and document objects used to interact with the newly created IFRAME. this.Window = oIFrame.contentWindow ; // IE: Avoid JavaScript errors thrown by the editing are source (like tags events). // TODO: This error handler is not being fired. // this.Window.onerror = function() { alert( 'Error!' ) ; return true ; } var oDoc = this.Document = this.Window.document ; ; oDoc.write( html ) ; oDoc.close() ; // Firefox 1.0.x is buggy... ohh yes... so let's do it two times and it // will magicaly work. if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko10 && !secondCall ) { this.Start( html, true ) ; return ; } this.Window._FCKEditingArea = this ; // FF 1.0.x is buggy... we must wait a lot to enable editing because // sometimes the content simply disappears, for example when pasting // "bla1!<img src='some_url'>!bla2" in the source and then switching // back to design. if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko10 ) this.Window.setTimeout( FCKEditingArea_CompleteStart, 500 ) ; else this.Window ) ; } else { var eTextarea = this.Textarea = oTargetDocument.createElement( 'textarea' ) ; eTextarea.className = 'SourceField' ; eTextarea.dir = 'ltr' ; = = '100%' ; = 'none' ; eTargetElement.appendChild( eTextarea ) ; eTextarea.value = html ; // Fire the "OnLoad" event. FCKTools.RunFunction( this.OnLoad ) ; } } // "this" here is FCKEditingArea.Window function FCKEditingArea_CompleteStart() { // Of Firefox, the DOM takes a little to become available. So we must wait for it in a loop. if ( !this.document.body ) { this.setTimeout( FCKEditingArea_CompleteStart, 50 ) ; return ; } var oEditorArea = this._FCKEditingArea ; oEditorArea.MakeEditable() ; // Fire the "OnLoad" event. FCKTools.RunFunction( oEditorArea.OnLoad ) ; } FCKEditingArea.prototype.MakeEditable = function() { var oDoc = this.Document ; if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ) oDoc.body.contentEditable = true ; else { try { oDoc.designMode = 'on' ; // Tell Gecko to use or not the <SPAN> tag for the bold, italic and underline. oDoc.execCommand( 'useCSS', false, !FCKConfig.GeckoUseSPAN ) ; // Analysing Firefox 1.5 source code, it seams that there is support for a // "insertBrOnReturn" command. Applying it gives no error, but it doesn't // gives the same behavior that you have with IE. It works only if you are // already inside a paragraph and it doesn't render correctly in the first enter. // oDoc.execCommand( 'insertBrOnReturn', false, false ) ; // Tell Gecko (Firefox 1.5+) to enable or not live resizing of objects (by Alfonso Martinez) oDoc.execCommand( 'enableObjectResizing', false, !FCKConfig.DisableObjectResizing ) ; // Disable the standard table editing features of Firefox. oDoc.execCommand( 'enableInlineTableEditing', false, !FCKConfig.DisableFFTableHandles ) ; } catch (e) {} } } FCKEditingArea.prototype.Focus = function() { try { if ( this.Mode == FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG ) { if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsSafari ) this.IFrame.focus() ; else this.Window.focus() ; } else this.Textarea.focus() ; } catch(e) {} } function FCKEditingArea_Cleanup() { this.TargetElement = null ; this.IFrame = null ; this.Document = null ; this.Textarea = null ; if ( this.Window ) { this.Window._FCKEditingArea = null ; this.Window = null ; } }