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/* * FCKeditor - The text editor for internet * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Frederico Caldeira Knabben * * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License: * * * For further information visit: * * * "Support Open Source software. What about a donation today?" * * File Name: fckpanel.js * Component that creates floating panels. It is used by many * other components, like the toolbar items, context menu, etc... * * File Authors: * Frederico Caldeira Knabben ( */ var FCKPanel = function( parentWindow ) { this.IsRTL = ( FCKLang.Dir == 'rtl' ) ; this.IsContextMenu = false ; this._LockCounter = 0 ; this._Window = parentWindow || window ; var oDocument ; if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ) { // Create the Popup that will hold the panel. this._Popup = this._Window.createPopup() ; oDocument = this.Document = this._Popup.document ; } else { var oIFrame = this._IFrame = this._Window.document.createElement('iframe') ; oIFrame.src = 'javascript:void(0)' ; oIFrame.allowTransparency = true ; oIFrame.frameBorder = '0' ; oIFrame.scrolling = 'no' ; = 'absolute'; = FCKConfig.FloatingPanelsZIndex ; oIFrame.width = oIFrame.height = 0 ; if ( this._Window == window.parent && window.frameElement ) window.frameElement.parentNode.insertBefore( oIFrame, window.frameElement ) ; else this._Window.document.body.appendChild( oIFrame ) ; var oIFrameWindow = oIFrame.contentWindow ; oDocument = this.Document = oIFrameWindow.document ; // Initialize the IFRAME document body. ; oDocument.write( '<html><head></head><body style="margin:0px;padding:0px;"><\/body><\/html>' ) ; oDocument.close() ; FCKTools.AddEventListenerEx( oIFrameWindow, 'focus', FCKPanel_Window_OnFocus, this ) ; FCKTools.AddEventListenerEx( oIFrameWindow, 'blur', FCKPanel_Window_OnBlur, this ) ; } oDocument.dir = FCKLang.Dir ; oDocument.oncontextmenu = FCKTools.CancelEvent ; // Create the main DIV that is used as the panel base. this.MainNode = oDocument.body.appendChild( oDocument.createElement('DIV') ) ; // The "float" property must be set so Firefox calculates the size correcly. = this.IsRTL ? 'right' : 'left' ; if ( FCK.IECleanup ) FCK.IECleanup.AddItem( this, FCKPanel_Cleanup ) ; } FCKPanel.prototype.AppendStyleSheet = function( styleSheet ) { FCKTools.AppendStyleSheet( this.Document, styleSheet ) ; } FCKPanel.prototype.Preload = function( x, y, relElement ) { // The offsetWidth and offsetHeight properties are not available if the // element is not visible. So we must "show" the popup with no size to // be able to use that values in the second call (IE only). if ( this._Popup ) x, y, 0, 0, relElement ) ; } FCKPanel.prototype.Show = function( x, y, relElement, width, height ) { if ( this._Popup ) { // The offsetWidth and offsetHeight properties are not available if the // element is not visible. So we must "show" the popup with no size to // be able to use that values in the second call. x, y, 0, 0, relElement ) ; // The following lines must be place after the above "show", otherwise it // doesn't has the desired effect. = width ? width + 'px' : '' ; = height ? height + 'px' : '' ; var iMainWidth = this.MainNode.offsetWidth ; if ( this.IsRTL ) { if ( this.IsContextMenu ) x = x - iMainWidth + 1 ; else if ( relElement ) x = ( x * -1 ) + relElement.offsetWidth - iMainWidth ; } // Second call: Show the Popup at the specified location, with the correct size. x, y, iMainWidth, this.MainNode.offsetHeight, relElement ) ; if ( this.OnHide ) { if ( this._Timer ) this, true ) ; this._Timer = FCKTools.SetInterval( CheckPopupOnHide, 100, this ) ; } } else { // Do not fire OnBlur while the panel is opened. if ( typeof( FCKFocusManager ) != 'undefined' ) FCKFocusManager.Lock() ; if ( this.ParentPanel ) this.ParentPanel.Lock() ; = width ? width + 'px' : '' ; = height ? height + 'px' : '' ; var iMainWidth = this.MainNode.offsetWidth ; if ( !width ) this._IFrame.width = 1 ; if ( !height ) this._IFrame.height = 1 ; // This is weird... but with Firefox, we must get the offsetWidth before // setting the _IFrame size (which returns "0"), and then after that, // to return the correct width. Remove the first step and it will not // work when the editor is in RTL. iMainWidth = this.MainNode.offsetWidth ; var oPos = FCKTools.GetElementPosition( ( relElement.nodeType == 9 ? relElement.body : relElement), this._Window ) ; if ( this.IsRTL && !this.IsContextMenu ) x = ( x * -1 ) ; x += oPos.X ; y += oPos.Y ; if ( this.IsRTL ) { if ( this.IsContextMenu ) x = x - iMainWidth + 1 ; else if ( relElement ) x = x + relElement.offsetWidth - iMainWidth ; } else { var oViewPaneSize = FCKTools.GetViewPaneSize( this._Window ) ; var oScrollPosition = FCKTools.GetScrollPosition( this._Window ) ; var iViewPaneHeight = oViewPaneSize.Height + oScrollPosition.Y ; var iViewPaneWidth = oViewPaneSize.Width + oScrollPosition.X ; if ( ( x + iMainWidth ) > iViewPaneWidth ) x -= x + iMainWidth - iViewPaneWidth ; if ( ( y + this.MainNode.offsetHeight ) > iViewPaneHeight ) y -= y + this.MainNode.offsetHeight - iViewPaneHeight ; } if ( x < 0 ) x = 0 ; // Set the context menu DIV in the specified location. = x + 'px' ; = y + 'px' ; var iWidth = iMainWidth ; var iHeight = this.MainNode.offsetHeight ; this._IFrame.width = iWidth ; this._IFrame.height = iHeight ; // Move the focus to the IFRAME so we catch the "onblur". this._IFrame.contentWindow.focus() ; } this._IsOpened = true ; FCKTools.RunFunction( this.OnShow, this ) ; } FCKPanel.prototype.Hide = function( ignoreOnHide ) { if ( this._Popup ) this._Popup.hide() ; else { if ( !this._IsOpened ) return ; // Enable the editor to fire the "OnBlur". if ( typeof( FCKFocusManager ) != 'undefined' ) FCKFocusManager.Unlock() ; // It is better to set the sizes to 0, otherwise Firefox would have // rendering problems. this._IFrame.width = this._IFrame.height = 0 ; this._IsOpened = false ; if ( this.ParentPanel ) this.ParentPanel.Unlock() ; if ( !ignoreOnHide ) FCKTools.RunFunction( this.OnHide, this ) ; } } FCKPanel.prototype.CheckIsOpened = function() { if ( this._Popup ) return this._Popup.isOpen ; else return this._IsOpened ; } FCKPanel.prototype.CreateChildPanel = function() { var oWindow = this._Popup ? FCKTools.GetParentWindow( this.Document ) : this._Window ; var oChildPanel = new FCKPanel( oWindow, true ) ; oChildPanel.ParentPanel = this ; return oChildPanel ; } FCKPanel.prototype.Lock = function() { this._LockCounter++ ; } FCKPanel.prototype.Unlock = function() { if ( --this._LockCounter == 0 && !this.HasFocus ) this.Hide() ; } /* Events */ function FCKPanel_Window_OnFocus( e, panel ) { panel.HasFocus = true ; } function FCKPanel_Window_OnBlur( e, panel ) { panel.HasFocus = false ; if ( panel._LockCounter == 0 ) FCKTools.RunFunction( panel.Hide, panel ) ; } function CheckPopupOnHide( forceHide ) { if ( forceHide || !this._Popup.isOpen ) { window.clearInterval( this._Timer ) ; this._Timer = null ; FCKTools.RunFunction( this.OnHide, this ) ; } } function FCKPanel_Cleanup() { this._Popup = null ; this._Window = null ; this.Document = null ; this.MainNode = null ; }