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/* * FCKeditor - The text editor for internet * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Frederico Caldeira Knabben * * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License: * * * For further information visit: * * * "Support Open Source software. What about a donation today?" * * File Name: fcktoolbar.js * FCKToolbar Class: represents a toolbar in the toolbarset. It is a group of * toolbar items. * * File Authors: * Frederico Caldeira Knabben ( */ var FCKToolbar = function() { this.Items = new Array() ; if ( FCK.IECleanup ) FCK.IECleanup.AddItem( this, FCKToolbar_Cleanup ) ; } FCKToolbar.prototype.AddItem = function( item ) { return this.Items[ this.Items.length ] = item ; } FCKToolbar.prototype.AddButton = function( name, label, tooltip, iconPathOrStripInfoArrayOrIndex, style, state ) { if ( typeof( iconPathOrStripInfoArrayOrIndex ) == 'number' ) iconPathOrStripInfoArrayOrIndex = [ this.DefaultIconsStrip, this.DefaultIconSize, iconPathOrStripInfoArrayOrIndex ] ; var oButton = new FCKToolbarButtonUI( name, label, tooltip, iconPathOrStripInfoArrayOrIndex, style, state ) ; oButton._FCKToolbar = this ; oButton.OnClick = FCKToolbar_OnItemClick ; return this.AddItem( oButton ) ; } function FCKToolbar_OnItemClick( item ) { var oToolbar = item._FCKToolbar ; if ( oToolbar.OnItemClick ) oToolbar.OnItemClick( oToolbar, item ) ; } FCKToolbar.prototype.AddSeparator = function() { this.AddItem( new FCKToolbarSeparator() ) ; } FCKToolbar.prototype.Create = function( parentElement ) { if ( this.MainElement ) { // this._Cleanup() ; if ( this.MainElement.parentNode ) this.MainElement.parentNode.removeChild( this.MainElement ) ; this.MainElement = null ; } var oDoc = FCKTools.GetElementDocument( parentElement ) ; var e = this.MainElement = oDoc.createElement( 'table' ) ; e.className = 'TB_Toolbar' ; = = ( FCKLang.Dir == 'ltr' ? 'left' : 'right' ) ; e.dir = FCKLang.Dir ; e.cellPadding = 0 ; e.cellSpacing = 0 ; this.RowElement = e.insertRow(-1) ; // Insert the start cell. var eCell ; if ( !this.HideStart ) { eCell = this.RowElement.insertCell(-1) ; eCell.appendChild( oDoc.createElement( 'div' ) ).className = 'TB_Start' ; } for ( var i = 0 ; i < this.Items.length ; i++ ) { this.Items[i].Create( this.RowElement.insertCell(-1) ) ; } // Insert the ending cell. if ( !this.HideEnd ) { eCell = this.RowElement.insertCell(-1) ; eCell.appendChild( oDoc.createElement( 'div' ) ).className = 'TB_End' ; } parentElement.appendChild( e ) ; } function FCKToolbar_Cleanup() { this.MainElement = null ; this.RowElement = null ; } var FCKToolbarSeparator = function() {} FCKToolbarSeparator.prototype.Create = function( parentElement ) { FCKTools.AppendElement( parentElement, 'div' ).className = 'TB_Separator' ; }