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/* * FCKeditor - The text editor for internet * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Frederico Caldeira Knabben * * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License: * * * For further information visit: * * * "Support Open Source software. What about a donation today?" * * File Name: fcktoolbarbutton.js * FCKToolbarButton Class: represents a button in the toolbar. * * File Authors: * Frederico Caldeira Knabben ( */ var FCKToolbarButton = function( commandName, label, tooltip, style, sourceView, contextSensitive, icon ) { this.CommandName = commandName ; this.Label = label ; this.Tooltip = tooltip ; this.Style = style ; this.SourceView = sourceView ? true : false ; this.ContextSensitive = contextSensitive ? true : false ; if ( icon == null ) this.IconPath = FCKConfig.SkinPath + 'toolbar/' + commandName.toLowerCase() + '.gif' ; else if ( typeof( icon ) == 'number' ) this.IconPath = [ FCKConfig.SkinPath + 'fck_strip.gif', 16, icon ] ; } FCKToolbarButton.prototype.Create = function( targetElement ) { this._UIButton = new FCKToolbarButtonUI( this.CommandName, this.Label, this.Tooltip, this.IconPath, this.Style ) ; this._UIButton.OnClick = this.Click ; this._UIButton._ToolbarButton = this ; this._UIButton.Create( targetElement ) ; } FCKToolbarButton.prototype.RefreshState = function() { // Gets the actual state. var eState = FCK.ToolbarSet.CurrentInstance.Commands.GetCommand( this.CommandName ).GetState() ; // If there are no state changes than do nothing and return. if ( eState == this._UIButton.State ) return ; // Sets the actual state. this._UIButton.ChangeState( eState ) ; } FCKToolbarButton.prototype.Click = function() { var oToolbarButton = this._ToolbarButton || this ; FCK.ToolbarSet.CurrentInstance.Commands.GetCommand( oToolbarButton.CommandName ).Execute() ; } FCKToolbarButton.prototype.Enable = function() { this.RefreshState() ; } FCKToolbarButton.prototype.Disable = function() { // Sets the actual state. this._UIButton.ChangeState( FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED ) ; }