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/* * FCKeditor - The text editor for internet * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Frederico Caldeira Knabben * * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License: * * * For further information visit: * * * "Support Open Source software. What about a donation today?" * * File Name: fck_1.js * This is the first part of the "FCK" object creation. This is the main * object that represents an editor instance. * * File Authors: * Frederico Caldeira Knabben ( */ var FCK_StartupValue ; FCK.Events = new FCKEvents( FCK ) ; FCK.Toolbar = null ; FCK.HasFocus = false ; FCK.StartEditor = function() { FCK.TempBaseTag = FCKConfig.BaseHref.length > 0 ? '<base href="' + FCKConfig.BaseHref + '" _fcktemp="true"></base>' : '' ; FCK.EditingArea = new FCKEditingArea( document.getElementById( 'xEditingArea' ) ) ; // Set the editor's startup contents this.SetHTML( FCKTools.GetLinkedFieldValue() ) ; } FCK.Focus = function() { FCK.EditingArea.Focus() ; } FCK.SetStatus = function( newStatus ) { this.Status = newStatus ; if ( newStatus == FCK_STATUS_ACTIVE ) { FCKFocusManager.AddWindow( window, true ) ; if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ) FCKFocusManager.AddWindow( window.frameElement, true ) ; // Force the focus in the editor. if ( FCKConfig.StartupFocus ) FCK.Focus() ; } this.Events.FireEvent( 'OnStatusChange', newStatus ) ; } // GetHTML is Deprecated : returns the same value as GetXHTML. FCK.GetHTML = FCK.GetXHTML = function( format ) { // We assume that if the user is in source editing, the editor value must // represent the exact contents of the source, as the user wanted it to be. if ( FCK.EditMode == FCK_EDITMODE_SOURCE ) return FCK.EditingArea.Textarea.value ; var sXHTML ; var oDoc = FCK.EditorDocument ; if ( FCKConfig.FullPage ) sXHTML = FCKXHtml.GetXHTML( oDoc.getElementsByTagName( 'html' )[0], true, format ) ; else { if ( FCKConfig.IgnoreEmptyParagraphValue && oDoc.body.innerHTML == '<P> </P>' ) sXHTML = '' ; else sXHTML = FCKXHtml.GetXHTML( oDoc.body, false, format ) ; } // Restore protected attributes. sXHTML = FCK.ProtectEventsRestore( sXHTML ) ; if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ) sXHTML = sXHTML.replace( FCKRegexLib.ToReplace, '$1' ) ; if ( FCK.DocTypeDeclaration && FCK.DocTypeDeclaration.length > 0 ) sXHTML = FCK.DocTypeDeclaration + '\n' + sXHTML ; if ( FCK.XmlDeclaration && FCK.XmlDeclaration.length > 0 ) sXHTML = FCK.XmlDeclaration + '\n' + sXHTML ; return FCKConfig.ProtectedSource.Revert( sXHTML ) ; } FCK.UpdateLinkedField = function() { FCK.LinkedField.value = FCK.GetXHTML( FCKConfig.FormatOutput ) ; FCK.Events.FireEvent( 'OnAfterLinkedFieldUpdate' ) ; } FCK.RegisteredDoubleClickHandlers = new Object() ; FCK.OnDoubleClick = function( element ) { var oHandler = FCK.RegisteredDoubleClickHandlers[ element.tagName ] ; if ( oHandler ) oHandler( element ) ; } // Register objects that can handle double click operations. FCK.RegisterDoubleClickHandler = function( handlerFunction, tag ) { FCK.RegisteredDoubleClickHandlers[ tag.toUpperCase() ] = handlerFunction ; } FCK.OnAfterSetHTML = function() { FCKDocumentProcessor.Process( FCK.EditorDocument ) ; FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ; FCK.Events.FireEvent( 'OnSelectionChange' ) ; FCK.Events.FireEvent( 'OnAfterSetHTML' ) ; } // Saves URLs on links and images on special attributes, so they don't change when // moving around. FCK.ProtectUrls = function( html ) { // <A> href html = html.replace( FCKRegexLib.ProtectUrlsA , '$1$4$2$3$5$2 _fcksavedurl=$2$3$5$2' ) ; // <IMG> src html = html.replace( FCKRegexLib.ProtectUrlsImg , '$1$4$2$3$5$2 _fcksavedurl=$2$3$5$2' ) ; return html ; } // Saves event attributes (like onclick) so they don't get executed while // editing. FCK.ProtectEvents = function( html ) { return html.replace( FCKRegexLib.TagsWithEvent, _FCK_ProtectEvents_ReplaceTags ) ; } // Replace all events attributes (like onclick). function _FCK_ProtectEvents_ReplaceTags( tagMatch ) { return tagMatch.replace( FCKRegexLib.EventAttributes, _FCK_ProtectEvents_ReplaceEvents ) ; } // Replace an event attribute with its respective __fckprotectedatt attribute. // The original event markup will be encoded and saved as the value of the new // attribute. function _FCK_ProtectEvents_ReplaceEvents( eventMatch, attName ) { return ' ' + attName + '_fckprotectedatt="' + eventMatch.ReplaceAll( [/&/g,/'/g,/"/g,/=/g,/</g,/>/g,/\r/g,/\n/g], [''',''','"','=','<','>',' ',' '] ) + '"' ; } FCK.ProtectEventsRestore = function( html ) { return html.replace( FCKRegexLib.ProtectedEvents, _FCK_ProtectEvents_RestoreEvents ) ; } function _FCK_ProtectEvents_RestoreEvents( match, encodedOriginal ) { return encodedOriginal.ReplaceAll( [/'/g,/"/g,/=/g,/</g,/>/g,/ /g,/ /g,/'/g], ["'",'"','=','<','>','\r','\n','&'] ) ; } FCK.IsDirty = function() { return ( FCK_StartupValue != FCK.EditorDocument.body.innerHTML ) ; } FCK.ResetIsDirty = function() { if ( FCK.EditorDocument.body ) FCK_StartupValue = FCK.EditorDocument.body.innerHTML ; } FCK.SetHTML = function( html ) { this.EditingArea.Mode = FCK.EditMode ; if ( FCK.EditMode == FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG ) { html = FCKConfig.ProtectedSource.Protect( html ) ; html = FCK.ProtectEvents( html ) ; html = FCK.ProtectUrls( html ) ; // Firefox can't handle correctly the editing of the STRONG and EM tags. // We must replace them with B and I. if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko ) { html = html.replace( FCKRegexLib.StrongOpener, '<b$1' ) ; html = html.replace( FCKRegexLib.StrongCloser, '<\/b>' ) ; html = html.replace( FCKRegexLib.EmOpener, '<i$1' ) ; html = html.replace( FCKRegexLib.EmCloser, '<\/i>' ) ; } else if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ) { // IE doesn't support <abbr> and it breaks it. Let's protect it. html = html.replace( FCKRegexLib.AbbrOpener, '<FCK:abbr$1' ) ; html = html.replace( FCKRegexLib.AbbrCloser, '<\/FCK:abbr>' ) ; } var sHtml = '' ; if ( FCKConfig.FullPage ) { // The HTML must be fixed if the <head> is not available. if ( !FCKRegexLib.HeadOpener.test( html ) ) { // Check if the <html> is available. if ( !FCKRegexLib.HtmlOpener.test( html ) ) html = '<html dir="' + FCKConfig.ContentLangDirection + '">' + html + '</html>' ; // Add the <head>. html = html.replace( FCKRegexLib.HtmlOpener, '$&<head></head>' ) ; } // Save the DOCTYPE. FCK.DocTypeDeclaration = html.match( FCKRegexLib.DocTypeTag ) ; if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ) sHtml = FCK._GetBehaviorsStyle() ; else if ( FCKConfig.ShowBorders ) sHtml = '<link href="' + FCKConfig.FullBasePath + 'css/fck_showtableborders_gecko.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" _fcktemp="true" />' ; sHtml += '<link href="' + FCKConfig.FullBasePath + 'css/fck_internal.css' + '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" _fcktemp="true" />' ; sHtml = html.replace( FCKRegexLib.HeadCloser, sHtml + '$&' ) ; // Insert the base tag (FCKConfig.BaseHref), if not exists in the source. if ( FCK.TempBaseTag.length > 0 && !FCKRegexLib.HasBaseTag.test( html ) ) sHtml = sHtml.replace( FCKRegexLib.HeadOpener, '$&' + FCK.TempBaseTag ) ; } else { sHtml = FCKConfig.DocType + '<html dir="' + FCKConfig.ContentLangDirection + '"' ; // On IE, if you are use a DOCTYPE differenft of HTML 4 (like // XHTML), you must force the vertical scroll to show, otherwise // the horizontal one may appear when the page needs vertical scrolling. if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE && !FCKRegexLib.Html4DocType.test( FCKConfig.DocType ) ) sHtml += ' style="overflow-y: scroll"' ; sHtml += '><head><title></title>' + this._GetEditorAreaStyleTags() + '<link href="' + FCKConfig.FullBasePath + 'css/fck_internal.css' + '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" _fcktemp="true" />' ; if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ) sHtml += FCK._GetBehaviorsStyle() ; else if ( FCKConfig.ShowBorders ) sHtml += '<link href="' + FCKConfig.FullBasePath + 'css/fck_showtableborders_gecko.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" _fcktemp="true" />' ; sHtml += FCK.TempBaseTag ; sHtml += '</head><body>' ; if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko && ( html.length == 0 || FCKRegexLib.EmptyParagraph.test( html ) ) ) sHtml += GECKO_BOGUS ; else sHtml += html ; sHtml += '</body></html>' ; } this.EditingArea.OnLoad = FCK_EditingArea_OnLoad ; this.EditingArea.Start( sHtml ) ; } else { this.EditingArea.OnLoad = null ; this.EditingArea.Start( html ) ; // Enables the context menu in the textarea. this.EditingArea.Textarea._FCKShowContextMenu = true ; } if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko ) window.onresize() ; } function FCK_EditingArea_OnLoad() { // Get the editor's window and document (DOM) FCK.EditorWindow = FCK.EditingArea.Window ; FCK.EditorDocument = FCK.EditingArea.Document ; FCK.InitializeBehaviors() ; FCK.OnAfterSetHTML() ; // Check if it is not a startup call, otherwise complete the startup. if ( FCK.Status != FCK_STATUS_NOTLOADED ) return ; // Save the startup value for the "IsDirty()" check. FCK.ResetIsDirty() ; // Attach the editor to the form onsubmit event FCKTools.AttachToLinkedFieldFormSubmit( FCK.UpdateLinkedField ) ; FCK.SetStatus( FCK_STATUS_ACTIVE ) ; } FCK._GetEditorAreaStyleTags = function() { var sTags = '' ; var aCSSs = FCKConfig.EditorAreaCSS ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < aCSSs.length ; i++ ) sTags += '<link href="' + aCSSs[i] + '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />' ; return sTags ; } // # Focus Manager: Manages the focus in the editor. var FCKFocusManager = FCK.FocusManager = new Object() ; FCKFocusManager.IsLocked = false ; FCK.HasFocus = false ; FCKFocusManager.AddWindow = function( win, sendToEditingArea ) { var oTarget ; if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ) oTarget = win.nodeType == 1 ? win : win.frameElement ? win.frameElement : win.document ; else oTarget = win.document ; FCKTools.AddEventListener( oTarget, 'blur', FCKFocusManager_Win_OnBlur ) ; FCKTools.AddEventListener( oTarget, 'focus', sendToEditingArea ? FCKFocusManager_Win_OnFocus_Area : FCKFocusManager_Win_OnFocus ) ; } FCKFocusManager.RemoveWindow = function( win ) { if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ) oTarget = win.nodeType == 1 ? win : win.frameElement ? win.frameElement : win.document ; else oTarget = win.document ; FCKTools.RemoveEventListener( oTarget, 'blur', FCKFocusManager_Win_OnBlur ) ; FCKTools.RemoveEventListener( oTarget, 'focus', FCKFocusManager_Win_OnFocus_Area ) ; FCKTools.RemoveEventListener( oTarget, 'focus', FCKFocusManager_Win_OnFocus ) ; } FCKFocusManager.Lock = function() { this.IsLocked = true ; } FCKFocusManager.Unlock = function() { if ( this._HasPendingBlur ) FCKFocusManager._Timer = window.setTimeout( FCKFocusManager_FireOnBlur, 100 ) ; this.IsLocked = false ; } FCKFocusManager._ResetTimer = function() { this._HasPendingBlur = false ; if ( this._Timer ) { window.clearTimeout( this._Timer ) ; delete this._Timer ; } } function FCKFocusManager_Win_OnBlur() { if ( typeof(FCK) != 'undefined' && FCK.HasFocus ) { FCKFocusManager._ResetTimer() ; FCKFocusManager._Timer = window.setTimeout( FCKFocusManager_FireOnBlur, 100 ) ; } } function FCKFocusManager_FireOnBlur() { if ( FCKFocusManager.IsLocked ) FCKFocusManager._HasPendingBlur = true ; else { FCK.HasFocus = false ; FCK.Events.FireEvent( "OnBlur" ) ; } } function FCKFocusManager_Win_OnFocus_Area() { FCKFocusManager_Win_OnFocus() ; FCK.Focus() ; } function FCKFocusManager_Win_OnFocus() { FCKFocusManager._ResetTimer() ; if ( !FCK.HasFocus && !FCKFocusManager.IsLocked ) { FCK.HasFocus = true ; FCK.Events.FireEvent( "OnFocus" ) ; } }