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/* * FCKeditor - The text editor for internet * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Frederico Caldeira Knabben * * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License: * * * For further information visit: * * * "Support Open Source software. What about a donation today?" * * File Name: fckspellcheckcommand_ie.js * FCKStyleCommand Class: represents the "Spell Check" command. * (IE specific implementation) * * File Authors: * Frederico Caldeira Knabben ( */ var FCKSpellCheckCommand = function() { this.Name = 'SpellCheck' ; this.IsEnabled = ( FCKConfig.SpellChecker == 'ieSpell' || FCKConfig.SpellChecker == 'SpellerPages' ) ; } FCKSpellCheckCommand.prototype.Execute = function() { switch ( FCKConfig.SpellChecker ) { case 'ieSpell' : this._RunIeSpell() ; break ; case 'SpellerPages' : FCKDialog.OpenDialog( 'FCKDialog_SpellCheck', 'Spell Check', 'dialog/fck_spellerpages.html', 440, 480 ) ; break ; } } FCKSpellCheckCommand.prototype._RunIeSpell = function() { try { var oIeSpell = new ActiveXObject( "ieSpell.ieSpellExtension" ) ; oIeSpell.CheckAllLinkedDocuments( FCK.EditorDocument ) ; } catch( e ) { if( e.number == -2146827859 ) { if ( confirm( FCKLang.IeSpellDownload ) ) FCKConfig.IeSpellDownloadUrl , 'IeSpellDownload' ) ; } else alert( 'Error Loading ieSpell: ' + e.message + ' (' + e.number + ')' ) ; } } FCKSpellCheckCommand.prototype.GetState = function() { return this.IsEnabled ? FCK_TRISTATE_OFF : FCK_TRISTATE_DISABLED ; }