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/* * FCKeditor - The text editor for internet * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Frederico Caldeira Knabben * * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License: * * * For further information visit: * * * "Support Open Source software. What about a donation today?" * * File Name: fckregexlib.js * These are some Regular Expresions used by the editor. * * File Authors: * Frederico Caldeira Knabben ( */ var FCKRegexLib = { // This is the Regular expression used by the SetHTML method for the "'" entity. AposEntity : /'/gi , // Used by the Styles combo to identify styles that can't be applied to text. ObjectElements : /^(?:IMG|TABLE|TR|TD|TH|INPUT|SELECT|TEXTAREA|HR|OBJECT|A|UL|OL|LI)$/i , BlockElements : /^(?:P|DIV|H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6|ADDRESS|PRE|OL|UL|LI|TD|TH)$/i , // Elements marked as empty "Empty" in the XHTML DTD. EmptyElements : /^(?:BASE|META|LINK|HR|BR|PARAM|IMG|AREA|INPUT)$/i , // List all named commands (commands that can be interpreted by the browser "execCommand" method. NamedCommands : /^(?:Cut|Copy|Paste|Print|SelectAll|RemoveFormat|Unlink|Undo|Redo|Bold|Italic|Underline|StrikeThrough|Subscript|Superscript|JustifyLeft|JustifyCenter|JustifyRight|JustifyFull|Outdent|Indent|InsertOrderedList|InsertUnorderedList|InsertHorizontalRule)$/i , BodyContents : /([\s\S]*\<body[^\>]*\>)([\s\S]*)(\<\/body\>[\s\S]*)/i , // Temporary text used to solve some browser specific limitations. ToReplace : /___fcktoreplace:([\w]+)/ig , // Get the META http-equiv attribute from the tag. MetaHttpEquiv : /http-equiv\s*=\s*["']?([^"' ]+)/i , HasBaseTag : /<base /i , HtmlOpener : /<html\s?[^>]*>/i , HeadOpener : /<head\s?[^>]*>/i , HeadCloser : /<\/head\s*>/i , TableBorderClass : /\s*FCK__ShowTableBorders\s*/ , // Validate element names. ElementName : /(^[A-Za-z_:][\w.\-:]*\w$)|(^[A-Za-z_]$)/ , // Used in conjuction with the FCKConfig.ForceSimpleAmpersand configuration option. ForceSimpleAmpersand : /___FCKAmp___/g , // Get the closing parts of the tags with no closing tags, like <br/>... gets the "/>" part. SpaceNoClose : /\/>/g , EmptyParagraph : /^<(p|div)>\s*<\/\1>$/i , TagBody : /></ , StrongOpener : /<STRONG([ \>])/gi , StrongCloser : /<\/STRONG>/gi , EmOpener : /<EM([ \>])/gi , EmCloser : /<\/EM>/gi , AbbrOpener : /<ABBR([ \>])/gi , AbbrCloser : /<\/ABBR>/gi , GeckoEntitiesMarker : /#\?-\:/g , // We look for the "src" and href attribute with the " or ' or whithout one of // them. We have to do all in one, otherwhise we will have problems with URLs // like "thumbnail.php?src=someimage.jpg" (SF-BUG 1554141). ProtectUrlsImg : /(?:(<img(?=\s).*?\ssrc=)("|')(.*?)\2)|(?:(<img\s.*?src=)([^"'][^ >]+))/gi , ProtectUrlsA : /(?:(<a(?=\s).*?\shref=)("|')(.*?)\2)|(?:(<a\s.*?href=)([^"'][^ >]+))/gi , Html4DocType : /HTML 4\.0 Transitional/i , DocTypeTag : /<!DOCTYPE[^>]*>/i , // These regex are used to save the original event attributes in the HTML. TagsWithEvent : /<[^\>]+ on\w+[\s\r\n]*=[\s\r\n]*?('|")[\s\S]+?\>/g , EventAttributes : /\s(on\w+)[\s\r\n]*=[\s\r\n]*?('|")([\s\S]*?)\2/g, ProtectedEvents : /\s\w+_fckprotectedatt="([^"]+)"/g }