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/* * FCKeditor - The text editor for internet * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Frederico Caldeira Knabben * * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License: * * * For further information visit: * * * "Support Open Source software. What about a donation today?" * * File Name: fcktoolbarset.js * Defines the FCKToolbarSet object that is used to load and draw the * toolbar. * * File Authors: * Frederico Caldeira Knabben ( */ function FCKToolbarSet_Create( overhideLocation ) { var oToolbarSet ; var sLocation = overhideLocation || FCKConfig.ToolbarLocation ; switch ( sLocation ) { case 'In' : document.getElementById( 'xToolbarRow' ).style.display = '' ; oToolbarSet = new FCKToolbarSet( document ) ; break ; // case 'OutTop' : // Not supported. default : FCK.Events.AttachEvent( 'OnBlur', FCK_OnBlur ) ; FCK.Events.AttachEvent( 'OnFocus', FCK_OnFocus ) ; var eToolbarTarget ; // Out:[TargetWindow]([TargetId]) var oOutMatch = sLocation.match( /^Out:(.+)\((\w+)\)$/ ) ; if ( oOutMatch ) { eToolbarTarget = eval( 'parent.' + oOutMatch[1] ).document.getElementById( oOutMatch[2] ) ; } else { // Out:[TargetId] oOutMatch = sLocation.match( /^Out:(\w+)$/ ) ; if ( oOutMatch ) eToolbarTarget = parent.document.getElementById( oOutMatch[1] ) ; } if ( !eToolbarTarget ) { alert( 'Invalid value for "ToolbarLocation"' ) ; return this._Init( 'In' ) ; } // If it is a shared toolbar, it may be already available in the target element. if ( oToolbarSet = eToolbarTarget.__FCKToolbarSet ) break ; // Create the IFRAME that will hold the toolbar inside the target element. var eToolbarIFrame = FCKTools.GetElementDocument( eToolbarTarget ).createElement( 'iframe' ) ; eToolbarIFrame.frameBorder = 0 ; eToolbarIFrame.width = '100%' ; eToolbarIFrame.height = '10' ; eToolbarTarget.appendChild( eToolbarIFrame ) ; eToolbarIFrame.unselectable = 'on' ; // Write the basic HTML for the toolbar (copy from the editor main page). var eTargetDocument = eToolbarIFrame.contentWindow.document ; ; eTargetDocument.write( '<html><head><script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = window.onresize = function() { window.frameElement.height = document.body.scrollHeight ; } </script></head><body style="overflow: hidden">' + document.getElementById( 'xToolbarSpace' ).innerHTML + '</body></html>' ) ; eTargetDocument.close() ; eTargetDocument.oncontextmenu = FCKTools.CancelEvent ; // Load external resources (must be done here, otherwise Firefox will not // have the document DOM ready to be used right away. FCKTools.AppendStyleSheet( eTargetDocument, FCKConfig.SkinPath + 'fck_editor.css' ) ; oToolbarSet = eToolbarTarget.__FCKToolbarSet = new FCKToolbarSet( eTargetDocument ) ; oToolbarSet._IFrame = eToolbarIFrame ; if ( FCK.IECleanup ) FCK.IECleanup.AddItem( eToolbarTarget, FCKToolbarSet_Target_Cleanup ) ; } oToolbarSet.CurrentInstance = FCK ; FCK.AttachToOnSelectionChange( oToolbarSet.RefreshItemsState ) ; return oToolbarSet ; } function FCK_OnBlur( editorInstance ) { var eToolbarSet = editorInstance.ToolbarSet ; if ( eToolbarSet.CurrentInstance == editorInstance ) eToolbarSet.Disable() ; } function FCK_OnFocus( editorInstance ) { var oToolbarset = editorInstance.ToolbarSet ; var oInstance = editorInstance || FCK ; // Unregister the toolbar window from the current instance. oToolbarset.CurrentInstance.FocusManager.RemoveWindow( oToolbarset._IFrame.contentWindow ) ; // Set the new current instance. oToolbarset.CurrentInstance = oInstance ; // Register the toolbar window in the current instance. oInstance.FocusManager.AddWindow( oToolbarset._IFrame.contentWindow, true ) ; oToolbarset.Enable() ; } function FCKToolbarSet_Cleanup() { this._TargetElement = null ; this._IFrame = null ; } function FCKToolbarSet_Target_Cleanup() { this.__FCKToolbarSet = null ; } var FCKToolbarSet = function( targetDocument ) { this._Document = targetDocument ; // Get the element that will hold the elements structure. this._TargetElement = targetDocument.getElementById( 'xToolbar' ) ; // Setup the expand and collapse handlers. var eExpandHandle = targetDocument.getElementById( 'xExpandHandle' ) ; var eCollapseHandle = targetDocument.getElementById( 'xCollapseHandle' ) ; eExpandHandle.title = FCKLang.ToolbarExpand ; eExpandHandle.onclick = FCKToolbarSet_Expand_OnClick ; eCollapseHandle.title = FCKLang.ToolbarCollapse ; eCollapseHandle.onclick = FCKToolbarSet_Collapse_OnClick ; // Set the toolbar state at startup. if ( !FCKConfig.ToolbarCanCollapse || FCKConfig.ToolbarStartExpanded ) this.Expand() ; else this.Collapse() ; // Enable/disable the collapse handler = FCKConfig.ToolbarCanCollapse ? '' : 'none' ; if ( FCKConfig.ToolbarCanCollapse ) = '' ; else targetDocument.getElementById( 'xTBLeftBorder' ).style.display = '' ; // Set the default properties. this.Toolbars = new Array() ; this.IsLoaded = false ; if ( FCK.IECleanup ) FCK.IECleanup.AddItem( this, FCKToolbarSet_Cleanup ) ; } function FCKToolbarSet_Expand_OnClick() { FCK.ToolbarSet.Expand() ; } function FCKToolbarSet_Collapse_OnClick() { FCK.ToolbarSet.Collapse() ; } FCKToolbarSet.prototype.Expand = function() { this._ChangeVisibility( false ) ; } FCKToolbarSet.prototype.Collapse = function() { this._ChangeVisibility( true ) ; } FCKToolbarSet.prototype._ChangeVisibility = function( collapse ) { this._Document.getElementById( 'xCollapsed' ).style.display = collapse ? '' : 'none' ; this._Document.getElementById( 'xExpanded' ).style.display = collapse ? 'none' : '' ; if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko ) { // I had to use "setTimeout" because Gecko was not responding in a right // way when calling window.onresize() directly. FCKTools.RunFunction( window.onresize ) ; } } FCKToolbarSet.prototype.Load = function( toolbarSetName ) { this.Name = toolbarSetName ; this.Items = new Array() ; // Reset the array of toolbat items that are active only on WYSIWYG mode. this.ItemsWysiwygOnly = new Array() ; // Reset the array of toolbar items that are sensitive to the cursor position. this.ItemsContextSensitive = new Array() ; // Cleanup the target element. this._TargetElement.innerHTML = '' ; var ToolbarSet = FCKConfig.ToolbarSets[toolbarSetName] ; if ( !ToolbarSet ) { alert( FCKLang.UnknownToolbarSet.replace( /%1/g, toolbarSetName ) ) ; return ; } this.Toolbars = new Array() ; for ( var x = 0 ; x < ToolbarSet.length ; x++ ) { var oToolbarItems = ToolbarSet[x] ; var oToolbar ; if ( typeof( oToolbarItems ) == 'string' ) { if ( oToolbarItems == '/' ) oToolbar = new FCKToolbarBreak() ; } else { oToolbar = new FCKToolbar() ; for ( var j = 0 ; j < oToolbarItems.length ; j++ ) { var sItem = oToolbarItems[j] ; if ( sItem == '-') oToolbar.AddSeparator() ; else { var oItem = FCKToolbarItems.GetItem( sItem ) ; if ( oItem ) { oToolbar.AddItem( oItem ) ; this.Items.push( oItem ) ; if ( !oItem.SourceView ) this.ItemsWysiwygOnly.push( oItem ) ; if ( oItem.ContextSensitive ) this.ItemsContextSensitive.push( oItem ) ; } } } // oToolbar.AddTerminator() ; } oToolbar.Create( this._TargetElement ) ; this.Toolbars[ this.Toolbars.length ] = oToolbar ; } FCKTools.DisableSelection( this._Document.getElementById( 'xCollapseHandle' ).parentNode ) ; if ( FCK.Status != FCK_STATUS_COMPLETE ) FCK.Events.AttachEvent( 'OnStatusChange', this.RefreshModeState ) ; else this.RefreshModeState() ; this.IsLoaded = true ; this.IsEnabled = true ; FCKTools.RunFunction( this.OnLoad ) ; } FCKToolbarSet.prototype.Enable = function() { if ( this.IsEnabled ) return ; this.IsEnabled = true ; var aItems = this.Items ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < aItems.length ; i++ ) aItems[i].RefreshState() ; } FCKToolbarSet.prototype.Disable = function() { if ( !this.IsEnabled ) return ; this.IsEnabled = false ; var aItems = this.Items ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < aItems.length ; i++ ) aItems[i].Disable() ; } FCKToolbarSet.prototype.RefreshModeState = function( editorInstance ) { if ( FCK.Status != FCK_STATUS_COMPLETE ) return ; var oToolbarSet = editorInstance ? editorInstance.ToolbarSet : this ; var aItems = oToolbarSet.ItemsWysiwygOnly ; if ( FCK.EditMode == FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG ) { // Enable all buttons that are available on WYSIWYG mode only. for ( var i = 0 ; i < aItems.length ; i++ ) aItems[i].Enable() ; // Refresh the buttons state. oToolbarSet.RefreshItemsState( editorInstance ) ; } else { // Refresh the buttons state. oToolbarSet.RefreshItemsState( editorInstance ) ; // Disable all buttons that are available on WYSIWYG mode only. for ( var i = 0 ; i < aItems.length ; i++ ) aItems[i].Disable() ; } } FCKToolbarSet.prototype.RefreshItemsState = function( editorInstance ) { var aItems = ( editorInstance ? editorInstance.ToolbarSet : this ).ItemsContextSensitive ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < aItems.length ; i++ ) aItems[i].RefreshState() ; }