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//////////////////////////////////////////////////// // controlWindow object //////////////////////////////////////////////////// function controlWindow( controlForm ) { // private properties this._form = controlForm; // public properties this.windowType = "controlWindow"; // this.noSuggestionSelection = "- No suggestions -"; // by FredCK this.noSuggestionSelection = FCKLang.DlgSpellNoSuggestions ; // set up the properties for elements of the given control form this.suggestionList = this._form.sugg; this.evaluatedText = this._form.misword; this.replacementText = this._form.txtsugg; this.undoButton = this._form.btnUndo; // public methods this.addSuggestion = addSuggestion; this.clearSuggestions = clearSuggestions; this.selectDefaultSuggestion = selectDefaultSuggestion; this.resetForm = resetForm; this.setSuggestedText = setSuggestedText; this.enableUndo = enableUndo; this.disableUndo = disableUndo; } function resetForm() { if( this._form ) { this._form.reset(); } } function setSuggestedText() { var slct = this.suggestionList; var txt = this.replacementText; var str = ""; if( (slct.options[0].text) && slct.options[0].text != this.noSuggestionSelection ) { str = slct.options[slct.selectedIndex].text; } txt.value = str; } function selectDefaultSuggestion() { var slct = this.suggestionList; var txt = this.replacementText; if( slct.options.length == 0 ) { this.addSuggestion( this.noSuggestionSelection ); } else { slct.options[0].selected = true; } this.setSuggestedText(); } function addSuggestion( sugg_text ) { var slct = this.suggestionList; if( sugg_text ) { var i = slct.options.length; var newOption = new Option( sugg_text, 'sugg_text'+i ); slct.options[i] = newOption; } } function clearSuggestions() { var slct = this.suggestionList; for( var j = slct.length - 1; j > -1; j-- ) { if( slct.options[j] ) { slct.options[j] = null; } } } function enableUndo() { if( this.undoButton ) { if( this.undoButton.disabled == true ) { this.undoButton.disabled = false; } } } function disableUndo() { if( this.undoButton ) { if( this.undoButton.disabled == false ) { this.undoButton.disabled = true; } } }