Modificare il file:
<%@ CodePage=65001 Language="VBScript"%> <% Option Explicit Response.Buffer = True %> <!--#include file="config.asp"--> <!--#include file="util.asp"--> <!--#include file="io.asp"--> <!--#include file="basexml.asp"--> <!--#include file="commands.asp"--> <!--#include file="class_upload.asp"--> <% If ( ConfigIsEnabled = False ) Then SendError 1, "Questo connettore è disabilitato. Si prega di controllare il ""editor/filemanager/browser/default/connectors/asp/config.asp"" file" End If ' Get the "UserFiles" path. Dim sUserFilesPath If ( Not IsEmpty( ConfigUserFilesPath ) ) Then sUserFilesPath = ConfigUserFilesPath If ( Right( sUserFilesPath, 1 ) <> "/" ) Then sUserFilesPath = sUserFilesPath & "/" End If Else sUserFilesPath = "/public/" End If ' Mappa del percorso "UserFiles" in una directory locale. Dim sUserFilesDirectory sUserFilesDirectory = Server.MapPath( sUserFilesPath ) If ( Right( sUserFilesDirectory, 1 ) <> "\" ) Then sUserFilesDirectory = sUserFilesDirectory & "\" End If DoResponse Sub DoResponse() Dim sCommand, sResourceType, sCurrentFolder ' Prendi le principali informazioni richiesta. sCommand = Request.QueryString("Command") If ( sCommand = "" ) Then Exit Sub sResourceType = Request.QueryString("Type") If ( sResourceType = "" ) Then Exit Sub sCurrentFolder = Request.QueryString("CurrentFolder") If ( sCurrentFolder = "" ) Then Exit Sub ' Controllare se si tratta di un tipo di risorsa allower. if ( Not IsAllowedType( sResourceType ) ) Then Exit Sub ' Controllare la sintassi della cartella corrente (deve iniziare e finire con uno slash). If ( Right( sCurrentFolder, 1 ) <> "/" ) Then sCurrentFolder = sCurrentFolder & "/" If ( Left( sCurrentFolder, 1 ) <> "/" ) Then sCurrentFolder = "/" & sCurrentFolder ' Verificare la presenza di percorsi di cartella non validi(..) If ( InStr( 1, sCurrentFolder, ".." ) <> 0 OR InStr( 1, sResourceType, ".." ) <> 0 ) Then SendError 102, "" End If ' File Upload non dover tornare XML, quindi deve essere intercettata prima di tutto. If ( sCommand = "FileUpload" ) Then FileUpload sResourceType, sCurrentFolder Exit Sub End If SetXmlHeaders CreateXmlHeader sCommand, sResourceType, sCurrentFolder ' Execute the required command. Select Case sCommand Case "GetFolders" GetFolders sResourceType, sCurrentFolder Case "GetFoldersAndFiles" GetFoldersAndFiles sResourceType, sCurrentFolder Case "CreateFolder" CreateFolder sResourceType, sCurrentFolder End Select CreateXmlFooter Response.End End Sub Function IsAllowedType( resourceType ) Dim oRE Set oRE = New RegExp oRE.IgnoreCase = True oRE.Global = True oRE.Pattern = "^(File|Image|Flash|Media)$" IsAllowedType = oRE.Test( resourceType ) Set oRE = Nothing End Function %>