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<% function getComponent(IdComp) dim resizeComponent(13) resizeComponent(1) = "AspImage.Image" resizeComponent(2) = "Persits.Jpeg" resizeComponent(3) = "AspSmartImage.SmartImage" resizeComponent(4) = "briz.AspThumb" resizeComponent(5) = "softartisans.ImageGen" resizeComponent(6) = "Image.Resize" resizeComponent(7) = "GraphicsProcessor2002.RasterObject" resizeComponent(8) = "GraphicsMill.Bitmap" resizeComponent(9) = "csImageFile.Manage" resizeComponent(10) = "csXImage.ImageBox" resizeComponent(11) = "GflAx.GflAx" resizeComponent(12) = "GflAx193.GflAx" resizeComponent(13) = "AspNet" dim DetectPriority(13) DetectPriority(1) = 8 DetectPriority(2) = 7 DetectPriority(3) = 9 DetectPriority(4) = 10 DetectPriority(5) = 5 DetectPriority(6) = 1 DetectPriority(7) = 2 DetectPriority(8) = 6 DetectPriority(9) = 3 DetectPriority(10) = 4 DetectPriority(11) = 11 DetectPriority(12) = 12 DetectPriority(13) = 13 dim Comp, J, a if clng(IdComp) = 0 then for J=1 to ubound(DetectPriority) select case J case 13 if checkAspNet() then comp = 13 end if case else err.clear on error resume next set a = server.CreateObject(resizeComponent(DetectPriority(J))) if err.number=0 then comp = DetectPriority(J) on error goto 0 exit for end if on error goto 0 set a = nothing end select next else comp = clng(IdComp) end if getComponent = comp end function function resizeAspImage(nFilePath, nWidth, nHeight, nJpegQuality, nAspectRatio) dim imgExt, imgFormat, myImage imgExt = lcase(mid(nFilePath,instrRev(nFilePath,".")+1)) select case imgExt case "jpg", "jpeg" imgFormat = 1 case "png" imgFormat = 3 case "bmp" imgFormat = 2 case "pcx" imgFormat = 7 case "tga" imgFormat = 6 case else exit function end select set myImage = server.CreateObject("AspImage.Image") myImage.PadSize = 0 myImage.LoadImage nFilePath myImage.ImageFormat = imgFormat if clng(myImage.MaxX)<=clng(nWidth) and clng(myImage.MaxY)<=clng(nHeight) then set myImage = nothing exit function end if dim tmp tmp = split(getNewImageSize(clng(myImage.MaxX),clng(myImage.MaxY),nWidth,nHeight,nAspectRatio),",") myImage.ResizeR int(tmp(0)),int(tmp(1)) myImage.FileName = nFilePath if imgFormat = 1 then myImage.JPEGQuality = nJpegQuality end if myImage.SaveImage set myImage = nothing end function function resizeAspJpeg(nFilePath, nWidth, nHeight, nJpegQuality, nAspectRatio) dim imgExt, myImage imgExt = lcase(mid(nFilePath,instrRev(nFilePath,".")+1)) select case imgExt case "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "bmp", "gif", "jpe" case else exit function end select set myImage = server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg") myImage.Open nFilePath if clng(myImage.OriginalWidth)<=clng(nWidth) and clng(myImage.OriginalHeight)<=clng(nHeight) then set myImage = nothing exit function end if dim tmp tmp = split(getNewImageSize(clng(myImage.OriginalWidth),clng(myImage.OriginalHeight),nWidth,nHeight,nAspectRatio),",") myImage.Interpolation = 2 myImage.Width = int(tmp(0)) myImage.Height = int(tmp(1)) dim saveFileName if lcase(right(nFilePath,3))<>"jpg" then deleteFile nFilePath saveFileName = getNewFileName(RemoveExtension(nFilePath) & ".jpg") else saveFileName = nFilePath end if myImage.Quality = nJpegQuality myImage.Save saveFileName set myImage = nothing end function function resizeAspSmartImage(nFilePath, nWidth, nHeight, nJpegQuality, nAspectRatio) dim imgExt, myImage imgExt = lcase(mid(nFilePath,instrRev(nFilePath,".")+1)) select case imgExt case "jpg", "jpeg", "bmp", "gif" case else exit function end select set myImage = server.CreateObject("AspSmartImage.SmartImage") myImage.OpenFile(nFilePath) if clng(myImage.OriginalWidth)<=clng(nWidth) and clng(myImage.OriginalHeight)<=clng(nHeight) then set myImage = nothing exit function end if dim tmp tmp = split(getNewImageSize(clng(myImage.OriginalWidth),clng(myImage.OriginalHeight),nWidth,nHeight,nAspectRatio),",") myImage.Resample int(tmp(0)), int(tmp(1)) dim saveFileName if lcase(right(nFilePath,3))<>"jpg" then deleteFile nFilePath saveFileName = getNewFileName(RemoveExtension(nFilePath) & ".jpg") else saveFileName = nFilePath end if myImage.Quality = nJpegQuality myImage.SaveFile saveFileName set myImage = nothing end function function resizeAspThumb(nFilePath, nWidth, nHeight, nJpegQuality, nAspectRatio) dim imgExt, myImage imgExt = lcase(mid(nFilePath,instrRev(nFilePath,".")+1)) select case imgExt case "jpg", "jpeg", "bmp" case else exit function end select set myImage = server.CreateObject("briz.AspThumb") myImage.Load FilePath if clng(myImage.Width)<=clng(nWidth) and clng(myImage.Height)<=clng(nHeight) then set myImage = nothing exit function end if dim tmp tmp = split(getNewImageSize(clng(myImage.Width),clng(myImage.Height),nWidth,nHeight,nAspectRatio),",") myImage.ResizeQuality = 2 myImage.Resize int(tmp(0)),int(tmp(1)) dim saveFileName if lcase(right(nFilePath,3))<>"jpg" then deleteFile nFilePath saveFileName = getNewFileName(RemoveExtension(nFilePath) & ".jpg") else saveFileName = nFilePath end if myImage.EncodingQuality = nJpegQuality myImage.Save saveFileName set myImage = nothing end function function resizeImgWriter(nFilePath, nWidth, nHeight, nJpegQuality, nAspectRatio) dim imgExt, imgFormat, myImage imgExt = lcase(mid(nFilePath,instrRev(nFilePath,".")+1)) select case imgExt case "jpg" imgFormat = 3 case "png" imgFormat = 4 case "bmp" imgFormat = 1 case "gif" imgFormat = 2 case "tiff", "tif" imgFormat = 6 case "wmf" imgFormat = 7 case "emf" imgFormat = 8 case "psd" imgFormat = 9 case "pcx" imgFormat = 5 case else exit function end select set myImage = server.CreateObject("softartisans.ImageGen") on error resume next myImage.LoadImage nFilePath 'this component don't read tiff with LZW if err.number<>0 then on error goto 0 err.clear exit function end if if clng(myImage.Width)<=clng(nWidth) and clng(myImage.Height)<=clng(nHeight) then set myImage = nothing exit function end if if imgFormat = 3 then myImage.JPEGProgressive = False myImage.ImageQuality = nJpegQuality end if dim tmp tmp = split(getNewImageSize(clng(myImage.Width),clng(myImage.Height),nWidth,nHeight,nAspectRatio),",") myImage.ResizeImage int(tmp(0)),int(tmp(1)),2,0 myImage.SaveImage 0,imgFormat,nFilePath set myImage = nothing end function function resizeVije(nFilePath, nWidth, nHeight, nJpegQuality, nAspectRatio) dim imgExt, myImage imgExt = lcase(mid(nFilePath,instrRev(nFilePath,".")+1)) select case imgExt case "jpg", "jpeg", "bmp", "gif" case else exit function end select set myImage = server.CreateObject("Image.Resize") myImage.Path = nFilePath if clng(myImage.GetX)<=clng(nWidth) and clng(myImage.GetY)<=clng(nHeight) then set myImage = nothing exit function end if dim tmp tmp = split(getNewImageSize(clng(myImage.GetX),clng(myImage.GetY),nWidth,nHeight,nAspectRatio),",") myImage.SetX = int(tmp(0)) myImage.SetY = int(tmp(1)) dim newFileName if lcase(right(nFilePath,3))<>"jpg" then deleteFile nFilePath newFileName = getNewFileName(RemoveExtension(nFilePath) & ".jpg") else newFileName = nFilePath end if myImage.Save(newFileName) set myImage = nothing end function function resizeGraphProc(nFilePath, nWidth, nHeight, nJpegQuality, nAspectRatio) dim imgExt, imgFormat, myImage imgExt = lcase(mid(nFilePath,instrRev(nFilePath,".")+1)) select case imgExt case "jpg", "jpeg" imgFormat = 3 case "bmp", "gif", "png", "tiff", "tif", "swf", "wbmp" imgFormat = 0 case else exit function end select set myImage = server.CreateObject("GraphicsProcessor2002.RasterObject") myImage.EnableLZW = True myImage.LoadFile nFilePath if clng(myImage.Width)<=clng(nWidth) and clng(myImage.Height)<=clng(nHeight) then set myImage = nothing exit function end if dim tmp tmp = split(getNewImageSize(clng(myImage.Width),clng(myImage.Height),nWidth,nHeight,nAspectRatio),",") myImage.Resize int(tmp(0)), int(tmp(1)), 4 myImage.EncoderOptions("OutputFileType") = "Auto" if imgFormat = 3 then myImage.EncoderOptions("JPEGQuality") = nJpegQuality end if myImage.SaveFile nFilePath set myImage = nothing end function function resizeGraphMill(nFilePath, nWidth, nHeight, nJpegQuality, nAspectRatio) dim imgExt, imgFormat, myImage imgExt = lcase(mid(nFilePath,instrRev(nFilePath,".")+1)) select case imgExt case "jpg", "jpeg" imgFormat = 3 case "bmp", "gif", "png", "tiff", "tif", "pcx", "pdf", "psd", "swf", "wbmp" imgFormat = 0 case else exit function end select set myImage = server.CreateObject("GraphicsMill.Bitmap") myImage.IsLzwEnabled = true myImage.LoadFromFile nFilePath if clng(myImage.Width)<=clng(nWidth) and clng(myImage.Height)<=clng(nHeight) then set myImage = nothing exit function end if dim tmp tmp = split(getNewImageSize(clng(myImage.Width),clng(myImage.Height),nWidth,nHeight,nAspectRatio),",") myImage.FormatAutoSelect = true myImage.Transforms.Resize int(tmp(0)), int(tmp(1)), 2 if imgFormat = 3 then myImage.Formats.JpegQuality = nJpegQuality end if myImage.SaveToFile nFilePath set myImage = nothing end function function resizeChestySoftCOM(nFilePath, nWidth, nHeight, nJpegQuality, nAspectRatio) dim imgExt, imgFormat, myImage imgExt = lcase(mid(nFilePath,instrRev(nFilePath,".")+1)) select case imgExt case "jpg", "jpeg" imgFormat = 3 case "gif", "bmp", "png", "psd", "pcx", "tif", "wbmp" imgFormat = 0 case else exit function end select set myImage = server.CreateObject("csImageFile.Manage") myImage.ReadFile nFilePath if clng(myImage.Width)<=clng(nWidth) and clng(myImage.Height)<=clng(nHeight) then set myImage = nothing exit function end if dim tmp tmp = split(getNewImageSize(clng(myImage.Width),clng(myImage.Height),nWidth,nHeight,nAspectRatio),",") myImage.resample = true myImage.Resize int(tmp(0)), int(tmp(1)) if imgFormat = 3 then myImage.JpegQuality = nJpegQuality end if myImage.WriteFile nFilePath set myImage = nothing end function function resizeChestySoftOCX(nFilePath, nWidth, nHeight, nJpegQuality, nAspectRatio) dim imgExt, imgFormat, myImage imgExt = lcase(mid(nFilePath,instrRev(nFilePath,".")+1)) select case imgExt case "jpg", "jpeg" imgFormat = 3 case "bmp", "png", "gif", "wbmp", "pcx", "psd", "tif" imgFormat = 0 case else exit function end select set myImage = server.CreateObject("csXImage.ImageBox") myImage.LoadFromFile nFilePath if clng(myImage.ImageWidth)<=clng(nWidth) and clng(myImage.ImageHeight)<=clng(nHeight) then set myImage = nothing exit function end if dim tmp tmp = split(getNewImageSize(clng(myImage.ImageWidth),clng(myImage.ImageHeight),nWidth,nHeight,nAspectRatio),",") myImage.resample = true myImage.ResizeImage int(tmp(0)), int(tmp(1)) if imgFormat = 3 then myImage.JpegQuality = nJpegQuality end if myImage.SaveToFile nFilePath set myImage = nothing end function function resizeXnView(nFilePath, nWidth, nHeight, nJpegQuality, nAspectRatio) dim imgExt, imgFormat, myImage imgExt = lcase(mid(nFilePath,instrRev(nFilePath,".")+1)) select case imgExt case "jpg", "jpeg" imgFormat = 3 case "bmp", "gif", "tiff", "tif" ,"png", "pcx", "psd", "pdf", "eps" imgFormat = 0 case else exit function end select set myImage = server.CreateObject("GflAx.GflAx") myImage.enablelzw = True myImage.LoadBitmap nFilePath if clng(myImage.Width)<=clng(nWidth) and clng(myImage.Height)<=clng(nHeight) then set myImage = nothing exit function end if dim newFileName if lcase(right(nFilePath,4))="jpeg" then deleteFile nFilePath newFileName = getNewFileName(RemoveExtension(nFilePath) & ".jpg") else newFileName = nFilePath end if dim tmp tmp = split(getNewImageSize(clng(myImage.Width),clng(myImage.Height),nWidth,nHeight,nAspectRatio),",") myImage.Resize int(tmp(0)), int(tmp(1)) if imgFormat = 3 then myImage.SaveJPEGQuality = nJpegQuality end if myImage.SaveBitmap newFileName set myImage = nothing end function function resizeXnView193(nFilePath, nWidth, nHeight, nJpegQuality, nAspectRatio) dim imgExt, imgFormat, myImage imgExt = lcase(mid(nFilePath,instrRev(nFilePath,".")+1)) select case imgExt case "jpg", "jpeg" imgFormat = 3 case "bmp", "gif", "tiff", "tif" ,"png", "pcx", "psd", "pdf", "eps" imgFormat = 0 case else exit function end select set myImage = server.CreateObject("GflAx193.GflAx") myImage.enablelzw = True myImage.LoadBitmap nFilePath if clng(myImage.Width)<=clng(nWidth) and clng(myImage.Height)<=clng(nHeight) then set myImage = nothing exit function end if dim newFileName if lcase(right(nFilePath,4))="jpeg" then deleteFile nFilePath newFileName = getNewFileName(RemoveExtension(nFilePath) & ".jpg") else newFileName = nFilePath end if dim tmp tmp = split(getNewImageSize(clng(myImage.Width),clng(myImage.Height),nWidth,nHeight,nAspectRatio),",") myImage.Resize int(tmp(0)), int(tmp(1)) if imgFormat = 3 then myImage.SaveJPEGQuality = nJpegQuality end if myImage.SaveBitmap newFileName set myImage = nothing end function function resizeAspNet(nFilePath, nWidth, nHeight, nJpegQuality, nAspectRatio) checkAspNet() dim imgExt, objXMLHTTP imgExt = lcase(mid(nFilePath,instrRev(nFilePath,".")+1)) select case imgExt case "jpg", "jpeg", "bmp", "gif", "tiff", "tif" ,"png", "ems", "wms" case else exit function end select Set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject(getXmlObject()) dim url, resultCode url = "http://" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") & "/FckEditor/filemanager/browser/default/connectors/asp/ResizeAspNet.aspx?oldFilePath=" & nFilePath & "&newFilePath=" & nFilePath & "&width=" & nWidth & "&height=" & nHeight & "&imageQuality=" & nJpegQuality & "&keepAspect=" & nAspectRatio "post", url, false objXMLHTTP.Send resultCode = objXMLHTTP.responseText set objXMLHTTP = nothing if lcase(resultCode)<>"done" then writeAlert( resultCode ) end if end function function getNewImageSize(imageW,imageH,maxW,maxH,mKeep) dim percW, percH, newW, newH if clng(maxW) = 0 then maxW = imageW end if if clng(maxH) = 0 then maxH = imageH end if if mKeep = "-1" then percW = imageW / maxW percH = imageH / maxH if percW > percH then newW = clng(abs(int(-(imageW / percW)))) newH = clng(abs(int(-(imageH / percW)))) else newW = clng(abs(int(-(imageW / percH)))) newH = clng(abs(int(-(imageH / percH)))) end if else if imageH < newH then newH = imageH end if if imageW < newW then newW = imageW end if end if if clng(newW) > clng(maxW) then newW = maxW end if if clng(newH) > clng(maxH) then newH = maxH end if 'response.Clear() 'response.Write imageW & "-" & imageH & "-" & maxW & "-" & maxH & "-" & mKeep & "-" & newW & "-" & newH 'response.End() getNewImageSize = newW & "," & newH end function function checkAspNet() dim ok, resultTest, objXMLHTTP Set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject(getXmlObject()) dim url, resultCode url = "http://" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") & "/FckEditor/filemanager/browser/default/connectors/asp/ResizeAspNet.aspx?TestAspNet=yes" "get", url, false objXMLHTTP.Send resultCode = objXMLHTTP.responseText if trim(resultCode) <> "" and instr(resultCode,"@ Page Language") = 0 then resultTest = true else url = "http://" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") "get", url, false objXMLHTTP.Send if clng(objXMLHTTP.status)<>200 then msg = "WARNING!!\n\n" msg = msg & "Error on DwZone AspUpload extension\n" msg = msg & "There is a problem on the Server settings\n" msg = msg & "Your server is unable to find himselfe\n" msg = msg & "To verify:\n" msg = msg & "Open a browser directly on the server desktop\n" msg = msg & "Type in the browser address bar the url: " & url & "\n" msg = msg & "and verify if you see your site\n" msg = msg & "To work the extension need the server is able to find this Url\n" msg = msg & "Verify and resolve the problem" writeAlert( msg ) end if resultTest = false end if set objXMLHTTP = nothing checkAspNet = resultTest end function sub deleteFile(filePath) dim RG_FS, FL set RG_FS = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if RG_FS.FileExists(filePath) then set FL = RG_FS.getFile(filePath) FL.delete end if set RG_FS = nothing end sub function getNewFileName(filePath) dim iCounter, RG_FS iCounter = 0 dim newFilePath newFilePath = filePath set RG_FS = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") while RG_FS.FileExists(newFilePath) iCounter = iCounter + 1 newFilePath = RemoveExtension( filePath ) & "(" & iCounter & ")." & ".jpg" wend set RG_FS = nothing getNewFileName = newFilePath end function function dwzIsImage(image) dim retStr dim tmp retStr = false tmp = lcase(right(image,4)) if tmp = ".gif" or tmp = ".jpg" or tmp = ".png" or tmp = ".bmp" then retStr = true end if if lcase(right(image,5)) = ".jpeg" then retStr = true end if dwzIsImage = retStr end function function dwzIsMedia(media) dim retStr, tmp3, tmp4, cfr, J, lista retStr = false tmp3 = lcase(right(media,3)) tmp4 = lcase(right(media,4)) lista = split("avi|mpg|mpeg|mp1|mp2|mp3|mp5|wma|wmv|wav|mid|midi|rmi|rm|ram|rmvb|mov|qt","|") for J=0 to ubound(lista) if len(lista(J))=3 then cfr = tmp3 else cfr = tmp4 end if if lcase(cfr) = lista(J) then retStr = true exit for end if next dwzIsMedia = retStr end function function objWork(obj) dim retStr, objTest on error resume next Set objTest = Server.CreateObject(obj) if err.number<>0 then retStr = false else retStr = true end if on error goto 0 err.clear objWork = retStr end function function dwzGetImageFormat(filePath) dim retStr, ext retStr = "NOT" if instrRev(filePath,".")>0 then select case lcase(mid(filePath,instrRev(filePath,"."))) case ".gif" retStr = "GIF" case ".jpg" retStr = "JPG" case ".jpeg" retStr = "JPEG" case ".bmp" retStr = "BMP" case ".png" retStr = "PNG" end select end if dwzGetImageFormat = retStr end function function getImageSize(nFilePath, byref iWidth, byref iHeight, component) iWidth = -1 iHeight = -1 dim myImage on error resume next select case component case 1 set myImage = server.CreateObject("AspImage.Image") myImage.LoadImage nFilePath 'myImage.ImageFormat = imgFormat iWidth = myImage.MaxX iHeight = myImage.MaxY set myImage = nothing case 2 set myImage = server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg") myImage.Open nFilePath iWidth = myImage.OriginalWidth iHeight = myImage.OriginalHeight set myImage = nothing case 3 set myImage = server.CreateObject("AspSmartImage.SmartImage") myImage.OpenFile(nFilePath) iWidth = myImage.OriginalWidth iHeight = myImage.OriginalHeight set myImage = nothing case 4 set myImage = server.CreateObject("briz.AspThumb") myImage.Load nFilePath iWidth = myImage.Width iHeight = myImage.Height set myImage = nothing case 5 set myImage = server.CreateObject("softartisans.ImageGen") myImage.LoadImage nFilePath iWidth = myImage.Width iHeight = myImage.Height set myImage = nothing case 6 set myImage = server.CreateObject("Image.Resize") myImage.Path = nFilePath iWidth = myImage.GetX iHeight = myImage.GetY set myImage = nothing case 7 set myImage = server.CreateObject("GraphicsProcessor2002.RasterObject") myImage.EnableLZW = True myImage.LoadFile nFilePath iWidth = myImage.Width iHeight = myImage.Height set myImage = nothing case 8 set myImage = server.CreateObject("GraphicsMill.Bitmap") myImage.IsLzwEnabled = true myImage.LoadFromFile nFilePath iWidth = myImage.Width iHeight = myImage.Height set myImage = nothing case 9 set myImage = server.CreateObject("csImageFile.Manage") myImage.ReadFile nFilePath iWidth = myImage.Width iHeight = myImage.Height set myImage = nothing case 10 set myImage = server.CreateObject("csXImage.ImageBox") myImage.LoadFromFile nFilePath iWidth = myImage.ImageWidth iHeight = myImage.ImageHeight set myImage = nothing case 11 set myImage = server.CreateObject("GflAx.GflAx") myImage.enablelzw = True myImage.LoadBitmap nFilePath iWidth = myImage.Width iHeight = myImage.Height set myImage = nothing case 12 set myImage = server.CreateObject("GflAx193.GflAx") myImage.enablelzw = True myImage.LoadBitmap nFilePath iWidth = myImage.Width iHeight = myImage.Height set myImage = nothing case 13 dim objXMLHTTP Set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject(getXmlObject()) dim url, resultCode url = "http://" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") & "/FckEditor/filemanager/browser/default/connectors/asp/getImageSize.aspx?FilePath=" & nFilePath 'response.Clear() 'response.write url 'response.End() "post", url, false objXMLHTTP.Send resultCode = objXMLHTTP.responseText set objXMLHTTP = nothing if lcase(left(resultCode,4))<>"size" then url = "http://" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") "get", url, false objXMLHTTP.Send if clng(objXMLHTTP.status)<>200 then msg = "WARNING!!\n\n" msg = msg & "Error on DwZone AspUpload extension\n" msg = msg & "There is a problem on the Server settings\n" msg = msg & "Your server is unable to find himselfe\n" msg = msg & "To verify:\n" msg = msg & "Open a browser directly on the server desktop\n" msg = msg & "Type in the browser address bar the url: " & url & "\n" msg = msg & "and verify if you see your site\n" msg = msg & "To work the extension need the server is able to find this Url\n" msg = msg & "Verify and resolve the problem" writeAlert( msg ) else writeAlert( resultCode ) end if else dim tmp if instr(resultCode,",")>1 then tmp = split(resultCode,",") iWidth = tmp(1) iHeight = tmp(2) if not isnumeric(iWidth) then iWidth = -1 iHeight = -1 end if if not isnumeric(iHeight) then iWidth = -1 iHeight = -1 end if end if end if end select on error goto 0 end function function writeAlert( sHTML ) response.Clear() %> <script language="javascript"> var a = "DwZone_Error"; var msg = "WARNING!!\n\n"; msg += "One error on the load images/files\n"; msg += "May be you don't have the write permission on the Upload Folder\n"; msg += "Click to view the error details\n"; alert(msg); var oWindow = '', null); myText = unescape('<%=server.URLEncode(sHTML)%>'); oWindow.document.write( myText.replace(/\+/g," ") ); oWindow.document.close(); </script> <% 'response.write("<script language=javascript>alert('" & str & "')</sc" & "ript>") response.End() end function function getXmlObject() dim objList(5) dim objXml, objFind, x, url, msg, resultStatus objList(0) = "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" objList(1) = "Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP40" objList(2) = "MSXML2.XMLHTTP" objList(3) = "MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP" objList(4) = "WinHTTP.WinHTTPRequest.5" objList(5) = "Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.4.0" objFind = false for x=0 to 5 if objWork(objList(x)) then Set objXml = Server.CreateObject(objList(x)) on error resume next url = "http://" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") & "/FckEditor/filemanager/browser/default/connectors/asp/ResizeAspNet.aspx?TestAspNet=yes" "post", url, false objXml.Send resultStatus = objXml.status on error goto 0 set objXml = nothing if clng(resultStatus) = 200 then objFind = true exit for end if end if next if not objFind then msg = "WARNING!!<BR><BR>" msg = msg & "Error on DwZone HTML Editor extension (Code status: " & resultStatus & ")<br>" msg = msg & "There is a problem on the Server settings<br>" msg = msg & "Your server is unable to find himselfe<br>" msg = msg & "To verify:<br>" msg = msg & "Open a browser directly on the server desktop<br>" msg = msg & "Type in the browser address bar the url: " & url & "<br>" msg = msg & "and verify if you see your site<br>" msg = msg & "To work the extension need the server is able to find this Url<br>" msg = msg & "and in your server the XMLHTTP microsoft component must have right permissions<br>" msg = msg & "Verify and resolve the problem<br><br><br><br>" & objXml.responseText response.Clear() writeAlert( msg ) response.End() end if getXmlObject = objList(x) end function %>