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/* * FCKeditor - The text editor for internet * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Frederico Caldeira Knabben * * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License: * * * For further information visit: * * * File Name: fckplugin.js * */ FCKCommands.RegisterCommand('Abbr', new FCKDialogCommand( 'Abbr', FCKLang.AbbrDlgTitle, FCKPlugins.Items['Abbr'].Path + 'fck_abbr.html', 340, 300 ) ) ; // Create the "Abbr" toolbar button. var oAbbrItem = new FCKToolbarButton( 'Abbr', FCKLang.AbbrBtn ) ; oAbbrItem.IconPath = FCKPlugins.Items['Abbr'].Path + 'Abbr.gif' ; FCKToolbarItems.RegisterItem( 'Abbr', oAbbrItem ) ; // The object used for all Abbr operations. var FCKAbbr = new Object() ; // Insert a new Abbr FCKAbbr.Insert = function(val) { var hrefStartHtml = (val == '') ? '<abbr>' : '<abbr title="'+val+'">'; var hrefEndHtml = '</abbr>'; mySelection = ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE) ? FCKSelection.GetSelectedHTML() : removeBR(FCKSelection.GetSelectedHTML()); hrefHtml = hrefStartHtml+mySelection+hrefEndHtml; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // choose one of these two lines; in fckeditor 2.5 both lines can be skipped!!! // // hrefHtml = FCK.ProtectTags( hrefHtml ) ; // needed because in fckeditor 2.4 protected tags only works with SetHTML hrefHtml = ProtectTags( hrefHtml ) ; // needed because IE doesn't support <abbr> and it breaks it. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// FCK.InsertHtml(hrefHtml); } FCKSelection.GetSelectedHTML = function() { // see for other browsers if( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE) { // IE var oRange = FCK.EditorDocument.selection.createRange() ; //if an object like a table is deleted, the call to GetType before getting again a range returns Control switch ( this.GetType() ) { case 'Control' : return oRange.item(0).outerHTML; case 'None' : return '' ; default : return oRange.htmlText ; } } else if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko ) { // Mozilla, Safari var oSelection = FCK.EditorWindow.getSelection(); //Gecko doesn't provide a function to get the innerHTML of a selection, //so we must clone the selection to a temporary element and check that innerHTML var e = FCK.EditorDocument.createElement( 'DIV' ); for ( var i = 0 ; i < oSelection.rangeCount ; i++ ) { e.appendChild( oSelection.getRangeAt(i).cloneContents() ); } return e.innerHTML; } } function removeBR(input) { /* Used with Gecko */ var output = ""; for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { if ((input.charCodeAt(i) == 13) && (input.charCodeAt(i + 1) == 10)) { i++; output += " "; } else { output += input.charAt(i); } } return output; } function ProtectTags ( html ) { // copied from _source/internals/fck.js in fckeditor 2.4 // IE doesn't support <abbr> and it breaks it. Let's protect it. if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ) { var sTags = 'ABBR' ; var oRegex = new RegExp( '<(' + sTags + ')([ \>])', 'gi' ) ; html = html.replace( oRegex, '<FCK:$1$2' ) ; oRegex = new RegExp( '<\/(' + sTags + ')>', 'gi' ) ; html = html.replace( oRegex, '<\/FCK:$1>' ) ; } return html ; } // put it into the contextmenu (optional) FCK.ContextMenu.RegisterListener( { AddItems : function( menu, tag, tagName ) { // when the option is displayed, show a separator then the command menu.AddSeparator() ; // the command needs the registered command name, the title for the context menu, and the icon path menu.AddItem( 'Abbr', FCKLang.Abbr, oAbbrItem.IconPath ) ; } } );