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Abbr-plugin for FCKeditor ---------------------------------------------------------------------- By kwillems ( [Based on the Acronym-plugin from SNOOPY-0815 and the InfoPopUp-Plugin from Thomas Goerldt] What's this? --------------- Insert, change or delete Abbr-Title-TAG . The pop-up info text will be displayed while the mouse moves over the text range (by the way: abbr is not recognized by IE < 7). If you select text before calling this plugin, the abbr-tag will be enclose the selected text. Optional you can add a title attribute. If you don't select text, you'll get a warning to select some text first. To change the abbr-title, put the curser anywhere in the text-range and start the plugin. To delete the abbr-tag put the curser anywhere in the text-range and start the plugin and hit the checkbox to remove it. INSTALLATION: ------------------------------ - unzip the files into your plugin folder - add the following to your fckconfig.js FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'Abbr','en') ; //or 'nl' for Dutch - add 'Abbr' to your fckconfig.js FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["Default"] = [['...','...','Abbr','...']]; - Optional: add the following to your cascading-style-sheet files (...FCKeditor\editor\css\fck_editorarea.css and your privat css-file included in every .html file) abbr { border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(102, 102, 102); cursor: help; } - ready...