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var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ; var FCK = oEditor.FCK ; var FCKLang = oEditor.FCKLang ; var FCKConfig = oEditor.FCKConfig ; window.onload = function() { // Set the right box height (browser dependent). document.getElementById('eList').style.height = document.all ? '75%' : '200px' ; // Translate the dialog box texts. oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ; window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ; } function TmplSave() { // prompt for template name //tmplName = prompt("Please enter a name for your template", "Custom Template"); tmplName = document.getElementById("savename").value; if (!tmplName) { alert("You must enter a name"); return false; } if(oEditor.FCKeditorAPI.__Instances[FCKConfig.InstanceName].GetHTML()==''){ alert("The editor area is void"); return false; } if (!tmplName) return; if(!confirm('You confir save the current editor content in template?')){ return false } document.getElementById('editorContent').value = oEditor.FCKeditorAPI.__Instances[FCKConfig.InstanceName].GetHTML() return true } var FCKTmplSaveCommand = function() { this.Name = 'TmplSave' ; } FCKTmplSaveCommand.prototype.Execute = function() { TmplSave() ; } FCKTmplSaveCommand.prototype.GetState = function() { return FCK_TRISTATE_OFF ; }