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<% 'Image directory ImgDirectory = "images" 'Set allowed extentions. Use "" or "all" to allow all extensions. AllowExt = "gif, GIF, jpg, JPG, jpeg, JPEG, bmp, BMP, png, PNG" 'Set prohibited extensions. This overrides AllowExt and provides extra security. DenyExt = "doc, asp, htm, css, exe" 'Top navigation separator Const sChevron = ">" 'Display the navigation path (recommended) Const bShowPath = True 'Always display the root directory when no child folders open (recommended) Const bShowRoot = True 'Set file name to use for image/folder captions (use txt or htm extension) CommentFile = "nfo.htm" 'Show Info Box at bottom of thumbnail browser Const infoBox = True 'Display folder and file links when searching file names only 'DisplayAllLinks = False DisplayAllLinks = True %>