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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> </head> <body> Asp Folder Gallery<br> Version 1.02<br> Install Readme revised July 15, 2007<br> <p>Welcome to Asp Folder Gallery. This gallery has been drawn together from a variety of public scripts and I have tried to give proper source credit in the code comments. That said, the coding is (most likely) not very elegant and in need of tremendous refinement. Nevertheless, the gallery functions in all major browsers and is pure ASP. No third party components required. (Thumbnail generation requires ASP.Net.)</p> <p>I will attempt to answer questions and provide support assistance to the extent of my abilities. I am (at best) an amateur coder but should be able to help you configure the script and solve any problems. </p> <p>I welcome any and all feedback and script ideas. In fact, I invite those with more experience to enhance the code. I only ask that you provide me a copy of the improvements.</p> <p>Configuration is relatively straight forward but may require some minor script modifications depending on the final look desired. </p> <p><u>Installation Instructions</u></p> <p>1. Unzip files into specific folder on your hard drive. The parent zip folder is "aspfoldergallery" but you are welcome to change this name.</p> <p>2. Open config.txt file and change options. The key option is your parent image folder. The default script uses "images" and your download includes this folder with sample images. It is recommended that your parent image folder remain one folder level below the script files, i.e. /aspfoldergallery/images/. If you opt to use an outside parent image folder the horizontal navigation bar will show the full path, such as "../images > childfolder ". The leading "../" will be displayed. Personally, I prefer the cleaner look without the leading characters. There's probably a way to code around this. Something for the future.</p> <p>3. Upload all script files to your host, maintaing the folder structure as downloaded.</p> <p>4. Open your default browser and enter the address to browse.asp, for instance</p> <p>Other configuration options:<br> The default gallery structure contains three "placeholder" include files for header, footer and navigation bar. The include files are in the "layout" folder. Make any changes you like to these includes. Optionally, you can place the gallery in any page structure you prefer. However, this will require more indepth code changes. The includes and links between files are fairly self-evident. Dive in, that's how I learned! </p> <p>Most of the default gallery styles (colors and fonts) are defined in the style.css file. Change the style configurations as you wish.</p> <p>File type permissions can be set in config.txt using allow and deny variables. The gallery is compatible with jpg, bmp, png, and gif formats. The deny variable is an extra layer of security. </p> <p>The primary cause thumbnails won't render is unusual characters in the file name, such single or double quotes, ampersands, etc. (Spaces are ok.) This is the first place to check if thumbnails won't render.</p> <p>Please let me know if any issues.</p> </body> </html>