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<%@ Language=VBScript %> <html> <link REL="stylesheet" href="../Nozze/include/style.css" type="text/css"> <!--#include file="include/Prodotti_dbconnection.asp"--> <!--#include file="include/Prodotti_variables.asp"--> <!--#include file="include/Prodotti_aspfunctions.asp"--> <body bgcolor=white > <script language="JavaScript" src="../Nozze/include/ts_picker.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="../Nozze/include/richtext.js"></script> <form method="POST" action="../Nozze/Prodotti_list.asp" name="frmAdmin"> <input type=hidden id="TargetPageNumber" name="TargetPageNumber" value="<%=Request.Form("TargetPageNumber")%>" > <input type=hidden id="cmdGotoPage" name="cmdGotoPage"> <input type=hidden id=masterkey name=masterkey value="<%=Request.Form("masterkey")%>"> <input type=hidden id=action name=action value="backtolist"> <script language="JavaScript"> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="include/jsfunctions.js"--> function GotoPage(nPageNumber) { document.forms.frmAdmin.cmdGotoPage.value = 'GotoPage'; 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return false;"">Back to list</a><br><br>" Response.Write "<table cellpadding=2>" %> <form name="editform" method="post" action=Prodotti_add.asp > <input type=hidden id="TargetPageNumber" name="TargetPageNumber" value="<%=Request.Form("TargetPageNumber")%>" > <input type=hidden name=saveid value="<%=HTMLEncode(request.form("editid"))%>"> <input type=hidden name=saveid2 value="<%=HTMLEncode(request.form("editid2"))%>"> <input type=hidden name=saveid3 value="<%=HTMLEncode(request.form("editid3"))%>"> <input type=hidden name=editid value="<%=HTMLEncode(request.form("editid"))%>"> <input type=hidden name=editid2 value="<%=HTMLEncode(request.form("editid2"))%>"> <input type=hidden name=editid3 value="<%=HTMLEncode(request.form("editid3"))%>"> <input type=hidden id=masterkey name=masterkey value="<%=Request.Form("masterkey")%>"> <input type=hidden id=NeedQuotes<%=BuildFieldName(strKeyField)%> name=NeedQuotes<%=BuildFieldName(strKeyField)%> value="<%=Request.Form("NeedQuotes" & BuildFieldName(strKeyField))%>"> <% if strKeyField2<>"" then %> <input type=hidden id=NeedQuotes<%=BuildFieldName(strKeyField2)%> name=NeedQuotes<%=BuildFieldName(strKeyField2)%> value="<%=Request.Form("NeedQuotes" & BuildFieldName(strKeyField2))%>"> <% end if %> <% if strKeyField3<>"" then %> <input type=hidden id=NeedQuotes<%=BuildFieldName(strKeyField3)%> name=NeedQuotes<%=BuildFieldName(strKeyField3)%> value="<%=Request.Form("NeedQuotes" & BuildFieldName(strKeyField3))%>"> <% end if %> <% if strADOXTableName<>"" then set oCat=Nothing %> <!-- buttons --> <tr height=50><td colspan=2 align=center> <input class=button type=submit value="Salva" id=submit1 name=submit1> <input class=button type=reset value="Cancella"> <input type=hidden name=todo value=<%=myaction%>> <input type=hidden name=imagefield value=""> </td></tr> <!-- legend --> <tr height=50><td colspan=2 align=left> <hr width=300 noshade size=1> <!--<img src=images/icon_key.gif> - key field --> <br><img src=../Nozze/images/icon_required.gif> - campo richiesto </td></tr> </table> </form> </body> </html>