Modificare il file:
<% ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' Author: Lewis Moten ' Email: ' URL: ' Date: March 19, 2002 ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' Field class represents interface to data passed within one field ' ' Two available methods of getting a field: ' Set objField = objUpload.Fields("File1") ' Set objField = objUpload("File1") ' ' ' objField.Name ' Name of the field as defined on the form ' ' objFiled.Filepath ' Path that file was sent from ' ' ie: C:\Documents and Settings\lmoten\Desktop\Photo.gif ' ' objField.FileDir ' Directory that file was sent from ' ' ie: C:\Documents and Settings\lmoten\Desktop ' ' objField.FileExt ' Uppercase Extension of the file ' ' ie: GIF ' ' objField.FileName ' Name of the file ' ' use: Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "filename=""" & objField.FileName & """" ' ' ie: Photo.gif ' ' objField.ContentType ' Type of binary data ' ' use: Response.ContentType = objField.ContentType ' ' ie: image/gif ' ' objField.Value ' Unicode value passed from form. This value is empty if the field is binary data. ' ' use: Response.Write "The value of this field is: " & objField.Value ' ' objField.BinaryData ' Contents of files binary data. (Integer SubType Array) ' ' use: Response.BinaryWrite objField.BinaryData ' ' objField.BLOB ' Same thing as BinaryData but with a shorter name. Added to help prevent ' confusion with database access. ' ' use: Call lobjRs.Fields("Image").AppendChunk(objField.BLOB) ' ' objField.Length ' byte size of Value or BinaryData - depending on type of field ' ' use: Response.Write "The size of this file is: " & objField.Length ' ' objField.BinaryAsText() ' Converts binary data into unicode format. Useful when you expect the user ' to upload a text file and you have the need to interact with it. ' ' use: Response.Write objField.BinaryAsText() ' ' objField.SaveAs() ' Saves binary data to a specified path. This will overwrite any existing files. ' ' use: objField.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("/Uploads/") & "\" & objField.FileName) ' ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Class clsField Public Name ' Name of the field defined in form Private mstrPath ' Full path to file on visitors computer ' C:\Documents and Settings\lmoten\Desktop\Photo.gif Public FileDir ' Directory that file existed in on visitors computer ' C:\Documents and Settings\lmoten\Desktop Public FileExt ' Extension of the file ' GIF Public FileName ' Name of the file ' Photo.gif Public ContentType ' Content / Mime type of file ' image/gif Public Value ' Unicode value of field (used for normail form fields - not files) Public BinaryData ' Binary data passed with field (for files) Public Length ' byte size of value or binary data Private mstrText ' Text buffer ' If text format of binary data is requested more then ' once, this value will be read to prevent extra processing ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Public Property Get BLOB() BLOB = BinaryData End Property ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Public Function BinaryAsText() ' Binary As Text returns the unicode equivilant of the binary data. ' this is useful if you expect a visitor to upload a text file that ' you will need to work with. ' NOTICE: ' NULL values will prematurely terminate your Unicode string. ' NULLs are usually found within binary files more often then plain-text files. ' a simple way around this may consist of replacing null values with another character ' such as a space " " Dim lbinBytes Dim lobjRs ' Don't convert binary data that does not exist If Length = 0 Then Exit Function If LenB(BinaryData) = 0 Then Exit Function ' If we previously converted binary to text, return the buffered content If Not Len(mstrText) = 0 Then BinaryAsText = mstrText Exit Function End If ' Convert Integer Subtype Array to Byte Subtype Array lbinBytes = ASCII2Bytes(BinaryData) ' Convert Byte Subtype Array to Unicode String mstrText = Bytes2Unicode(lbinBytes) ' Return Unicode Text BinaryAsText = mstrText End Function ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Public Sub SaveAs(ByRef pstrFileName) Dim lobjStream Dim lobjRs Dim lbinBytes ' Don't save files that do not posess binary data If Length = 0 Then Exit Sub If LenB(BinaryData) = 0 Then Exit Sub ' Create magical objects from never never land Set lobjStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") ' Let stream know we are working with binary data lobjStream.Type = adTypeBinary ' Open stream Call lobjStream.Open() ' Convert Integer Subtype Array to Byte Subtype Array lbinBytes = ASCII2Bytes(BinaryData) ' Write binary data to stream Call lobjStream.Write(lbinBytes) ' Save the binary data to file system ' Overwrites file if previously exists! Call lobjStream.SaveToFile(pstrFileName, adSaveCreateOverWrite) ' Close the stream object Call lobjStream.Close() ' Release objects Set lobjStream = Nothing End Sub ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Public Property Let FilePath(ByRef pstrPath) mstrPath = pstrPath ' Parse File Ext If Not InStrRev(pstrPath, ".") = 0 Then FileExt = Mid(pstrPath, InStrRev(pstrPath, ".") + 1) FileExt = UCase(FileExt) End If ' Parse File Name If Not InStrRev(pstrPath, "\") = 0 Then FileName = Mid(pstrPath, InStrRev(pstrPath, "\") + 1) End If ' Parse File Dir If Not InStrRev(pstrPath, "\") = 0 Then FileDir = Mid(pstrPath, 1, InStrRev(pstrPath, "\") - 1) End If End Property ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Public Property Get FilePath() FilePath = mstrPath End Property ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Private Function ASCII2Bytes(ByRef pbinBinaryData) Dim lobjRs Dim llngLength Dim lbinBuffer ' get number of bytes llngLength = LenB(pbinBinaryData) Set lobjRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") ' create field in an empty recordset to hold binary data Call lobjRs.Fields.Append("BinaryData", adLongVarBinary, llngLength) ' Open recordset Call lobjRs.Open() ' Add a new record to recordset Call lobjRs.AddNew() ' Populate field with binary data Call lobjRs.Fields("BinaryData").AppendChunk(pbinBinaryData & ChrB(0)) ' Update / Convert Binary Data ' Although the data we have is binary - it has still been ' formatted as 4 bytes to represent each byte. When we ' update the recordset, the Integer Subtype Array that we ' passed into the Recordset will be converted into a ' Byte Subtype Array Call lobjRs.Update() ' Request binary data and save to stream lbinBuffer = lobjRs.Fields("BinaryData").GetChunk(llngLength) ' Close recordset Call lobjRs.Close() ' Release recordset from memory Set lobjRs = Nothing ' Return Bytes ASCII2Bytes = lbinBuffer End Function ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Private Function Bytes2Unicode(ByRef pbinBytes) Dim lobjRs Dim llngLength Dim lstrBuffer llngLength = LenB(pbinBytes) Set lobjRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") ' Create field in an empty recordset to hold binary data Call lobjRs.Fields.Append("BinaryData", adLongVarChar, llngLength) ' Open Recordset Call lobjRs.Open() ' Add a new record to recordset Call lobjRs.AddNew() ' Populate field with binary data Call lobjRs.Fields("BinaryData").AppendChunk(pbinBytes) ' Update / Convert. ' Ensure bytes are proper subtype Call lobjRs.Update() ' Request unicode value of binary data lstrBuffer = lobjRs.Fields("BinaryData").Value ' Close recordset Call lobjRs.Close() ' Release recordset from memory Set lobjRs = Nothing ' Return Unicode Bytes2Unicode = lstrBuffer End Function ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ End Class ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %>