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<% ' ADOLIB.INC Rev.: 1.1 ' Some usefull ADO functions ' ' Microsofts ADOVBS.INC must be included before !!! ' ' These field types won't be displayed ' and are not editable ' dim etCnt dim ExcludeTypes() etCnt = 0 Sub AddExcludeType( nType ) etCnt = etCnt + 1 Redim Preserve ExcludeTypes(etCnt) ExcludeTypes(etCnt) = nType End Sub AddExcludeType adEmpty ' 0 AddExcludeType adError ' 10 AddExcludeType adUserDefined ' 132 AddExcludeType adVariant ' 12 AddExcludeType adIDispatch ' 9 AddExcludeType adIUnknown ' 13 AddExcludeType adBinary ' 128 AddExcludeType adVarBinary ' 204 AddExcludeType adLongVarBinary ' 205 AddExcludeType adChapter ' 136 AddExcludeType adPropVariant ' 138 ' ' Returns the Type of an ADODB.Field as string ' function GetTypeString (fType) dim sReturn select case fType case adEmpty sReturn = "Empty" case adTinyInt sReturn = "TinyInt" case adSmallInt sReturn = "SmallInt" case adInteger sReturn = "Integer" case adBigInt sReturn = "BigInt" case adUnsignedTinyInt sReturn = "UnsignedTinyInt" case adUnsignedSmallInt sReturn = "UnsignedSmallInt" case adUnsignedInt sReturn = "UnsignedInt" case adUnsignedBigInt sReturn = "UnsignedBigInt" case adSingle sReturn = "Single" case adDouble sReturn = "Double" case adCurrency sReturn = "Currency" case adDecimal sReturn = "Decimal" case adNumeric sReturn = "Numeric" case adBoolean sReturn = "Boolean" case adError sReturn = "Error" case adUserDefined sReturn = "UserDefined" case adVariant sReturn = "Variant" case adIDispatch sReturn = "IDispatch" case adIUnknown sReturn = "IUnknown" case adGUID sReturn = "GUID" case adDate sReturn = "Date" case adDBDate sReturn = "DBDate" case adDBTime sReturn = "DBTime" case adDBTimeStamp sReturn = "DBTimeStamp" case adBSTR sReturn = "BSTR" case adChar sReturn = "Char" case adVarChar sReturn = "VarChar" case adLongVarChar sReturn = "LongVarChar" case adWChar sReturn = "WChar" case adVarWChar sReturn = "VarWChar" case adLongVarWChar sReturn = "LongVarWChar" case adBinary sReturn = "Binary" case adVarBinary sReturn = "VarBinary" case adLongVarBinary sReturn = "LongVarBinary" case adChapter sReturn = "Chapter" case adPropVariant sReturn = "PropVariant" case else sReturn = "Unknown" end select GetTypeString = sReturn end function ' ' Restituisce gli attributi di un ADODB.Field come stringa ' function GetAttributesString(nAttrib) dim sReturn sReturn = "" if (nAttrib and adFldMayDefer) then sReturn = sReturn & "MayDefer, " if (nAttrib and adFldUpdatable) then sReturn = sReturn & "Updatable, " if (nAttrib and adFldUnknownUpdatable) then sReturn = sReturn & "UnknownUpdatable, " if (nAttrib and adFldFixed) then sReturn = sReturn & "Fixed, " if (nAttrib and adFldIsNullable) then sReturn = sReturn & "IsNullable, " if (nAttrib and adFldMayBeNull) then sReturn = sReturn & "MayBeNull, " if (nAttrib and adFldLong) then sReturn = sReturn & "Long, " if (nAttrib and adFldRowID) then sReturn = sReturn & "RowID, " if (nAttrib and adFldRowVersion) then sReturn = sReturn & "RowVersion, " if (nAttrib and adFldCacheDeferred) then sReturn = sReturn & "CacheDeferred, " if sReturn <> "" then sReturn = Left(sReturn, Len(sReturn)-2) GetAttributesString = sReturn end function ' ' Verifica, se un attributo specificato è stato impostato ' function Attrib(nField, nAttrib) Attrib = (nField and nAttrib) end function ' ' Verifica, se un attributo specificato non è impostato ' function NotAttrib(nField, nAttrib) if Attrib(nField, nAttrib) then NotAttrib = false else NotAttrib = true end if end function ' ' Verifica, se il tipo di dato è in lista esclusioni ' function IsExcluded( nType ) Dim bReturn, ii bReturn = false for ii = 1 to etCnt if nType = ExcludeTypes(ii) then bReturn = True next IsExcluded = bReturn end function %>