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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML><HEAD> <TITLE>dbList readme</TITLE> <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <META name="author" content="Livio Siri, www.DaMa SOFTWARE"> <style> Table, td {font-family:verdana;font-size:11;}.leggimi { text-align: justify; } </style> </HEAD> <BODY bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#800080" alink="#ff0000" topmargin=0 leftmargin=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0> <br> <!-- 1 --> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="90%" BGCOLOR="#999999" align=center><TR><TD> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#6699CC"> <TR><td align=left style="color:white;font-weight:bold;"> dbList Leggimi</td></tr></table> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=8 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH=100% BGCOLOR="#EFEFDE"><TR><TD VALIGN=TOP> '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br> '- ASP dbList - Version 8.1 - 30 July 2005<br> '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br> <br> <b class="leggimi">Griglia di database con record di modifica, eliminare, aggiungere, ricerca, filtro e l'esportazione in excel, database e di selezione della tabella pagina di navigazione, indice di campo e di ricerca nella pagina.</b><br> <br> Questa applicazione visualizza un archivio, e la sua tabella in una pagina html con i record in esso contenuti.<br> Caratteristiche: archivio a scelta con la sua tabella, si può modificare, eliminare, aggiungere, esportare, filtrare e ricercare.<br> Lavorare con archivi MS Access, MSSQL e MySQL.<br> <br> <img src="images/dblistexample81.gif" width=663 height=403><br><br> <hr size=1 color=#999999 /> <b style="color:steelblue;font-size:13;text-decoration:underline;">ISTALLAZIONE</b>:<br> <br> -- estrarre e salvare nella root del tuo sito con informazioni di percorso completo.<br> -- aprire il file "_config.asp" e modificare i dettagli di configurazione in base alle<br> proprie preferenze.<br> -- copiare la riga <!-- #include virtual="/dblist/_config.asp" --><br> nella pagina ASP in cui si desidera visualizzare la griglia database.<br> <br> <hr size=1 color=#999999 /> <b style="color:steelblue;font-size:13;text-decoration:underline;">CONFIGURAZIONE</b> suggerimenti:<br> <br> È necessario specificare i percorsi per i file e le immagini dblist riferita al file ASP<br> dove si richiama l'applicazione dblist:<br> <br> <u>Esempio 1</u><br> remotePath = Server.Mappath("/database") & "\"<br> strIncPath = "/dblist/"<br> strimgDir = "/dblist/images/"<br> l'albero i percorsi sono i seguenti:<br> Root<br> |_____ <b>TuoFileInclude.asp</b><br> |_____/dblist/ (cartella dove si trovano i files di dbList)<br> |_____/dblist/images/ (cartella dove si trovano le immagini di dbList)<br> |_____/mdb-database/ (IlTuoDATABASE.mdb)<br> <br> <u>Esempio 2</u><br> remotePath = "C:\inetpub\databases\"<br> strIncPath = "../dblist/"<br> strimgDir = "../dblist/images/"<br> l'albero i percorsi sono i seguenti:<br> Root<br> |_____ /yoursitefilesdir/<b>yourincludefile.asp</b><br> |_____/dblist/ (dbList files)<br> |_____/dblist/images/ (dbList images)<br> C:\inetpub\databases\ (yourdatabase.mdb)<br><br> Nell'esempio 2 il file di database è al di fuori della Root del tuo sito web HTTP.<br> Se il database è nella Root, come nell'esempio 1, è possibile definire il percorso con:<br> remotePath = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\yourdomain\database\" (physical path)<br> remotePath = Server.Mappath("/database") & "\" (virtual path)<br> <b>NOTE</b>: la banca dati avrebbe dovuto avere il permesso di scrittura sul server per aggiungere, modificare ed eliminare record.<br> <br> Il file zip contiene un esempio completo con due database di Access per prova<br> <br> <hr size=1 color=#999999 /> <b style="color:steelblue;font-size:13;text-decoration:underline;">DA FARE</b>:<br> <br> -- Suggerimenti sono ben accetti !!!<br> -- Codici e script sono ben accetti !!!<br> <br> <hr size=1 color=#999999 /> <b style="color:steelblue;font-size:13;text-decoration:underline;">REVISION HISTORY</b>:<br> <br> <b>V 8.1</b>: (thanks to users suggestions)<br> -- fixed "800a0bcd" error when trying to add a new record to an empty table<br> -- fixed wrong LCID date format, MM/DD/YYYY - DD/MM/YYYY<br> -- added replacement statement for <br> to VbCrLf in the grid memo fields<br> -- added checkboxes toggle selection to show/hide unwanted columns name and content<br> -- added checkbox toggle selection to show field description insthead of field name (Access only)<br> -- added procedure access control with password protection system<br> (Username=admin, Password=pass)<br> -- added report print feature for all filtered records<br> -- added single record report print feature<br> -- added database compact utility (Access only)<br> -- added toggle display of field type in the add/edit window<br> -- changed user input SQL query command layout<br> -- some minor bugs fixed<br> <br> <br> <b>V 7.9</b>: (thanks to users suggestions)<br> -- fixed overflow bug of memo fields on the dropdown selection<br> -- added support for MSSQL and MySQL database types<br> -- added selection between databases from a given folder (Access only)<br> -- added database and table dropdown selection<br> -- added configurable default field sort either ascending or descending<br> -- added configurable display of field type in the add/edit window<br> -- added user input SQL query command, SQL command debug window, with show/hide toggle <br> -- changed display method of search result when "no record found"<br> -- improved method for search and highlight words in page<br> -- improved method for search by column combined with search keyword(s)<br> -- enhanced method for memo-textarea add/edit with the aid of an expanded text edit window<br> -- X image showed in place of excluded Binary field types content<br> -- sorting inhibited on excluded fields type<br> -- some minor bugs fixed<br> <br> <b>V 7.2</b>: modified _config.asp, _dblist_72.asp and readme files.<br> -- added the capability tho hide the first column (normally the primary key field)<br> -- added the capability tho display the column description in place of the column name<br> (the column description should be edited in the database file:)<br><br> <img src="images/column.gif" width=439 height=128><br> <br> <b>V 7.0</b>: First release<br> <br><hr size=1 color=#999999 /><br> That's it! Easy, enjoy!<br> '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br> '- This script is free OpenSource; you can modify (at your own risk) any part of it <br> '- and use it both privately and commercially. '-<br> '- This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,<br> '- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of<br> '- MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER <br> '- WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED.<br> '-<br> '- You may use parts of this script in your own private work, but you may NOT pass<br> '- the whole or any part of it off as your own work. This program is freeware.<br> '- You may distribute it freely provided that all the copyright notices remain untouched<br> '- in the scripts and the outputted HTML. <br> '- <br> '- I have spent many unpaid hours in development and support this and other scripts<br> '- available for free from If you like using this script then please help support<br> '- the development and update of this and future scripts by a small donation. All scripts<br> '- published remain free and you may still use them as much as you like both privately and<br> '- commercially, the donation is only a request to help me cover some of the costs involved.<br> '- <br> '- Should you make any improvements to this script, please be kind enough to let me<br> '- know so that i may improve mine for the rest of the people who use it. Thanks.<br> '-<br> '- You can ask for more info or post support questions at: -<br> '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br> </TD></TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </TD></TR></TABLE> <br><br> </BODY> </HTML>