Modificare il file:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" RUNAT="SERVER"> '*** Pure ASP File Upload Add On Pack ----------------------------------------- ' Copyright 2001-2002 (c) George Petrov, ' ' Version: 1.7.0 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sub DeleteFileBeforeRecord(DF_filesStr,DF_path,MM_editConnection,MM_editTable,MM_editColumn,MM_recordId,DF_suffix) if DF_path <> "" and right(DF_path,1) <> "/" then DF_path = DF_path & "/" Dim DF_fso, DF_files, DF_filesArr, DF_file, DF_fullFile Set DF_fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set DF_files = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") DF_files.ActiveConnection = MM_editConnection DF_files.Source = "SELECT " & DF_filesStr & " FROM " & MM_editTable & " WHERE " & MM_editColumn & " IN (" & MM_recordId & ")" DF_files.CursorType = 0 DF_files.CursorLocation = 2 DF_files.LockType = 3 DF_files.Open() DF_filesArr = split(DF_filesStr,",") while not DF_files.EOF for DF_fi = 0 to UBOUND(DF_filesArr) DF_file = Trim(DF_files.Fields.Item(Trim(DF_filesArr(DF_fi))).Value&"") if DF_file <> "" then DF_fullFile = Server.MapPath(DF_path & DF_file) if DF_fso.FileExists(DF_fullFile) then DF_fso.DeleteFile(DF_fullFile) end if if DF_suffix <> "" then DF_fullFile = Server.MapPath(DF_path & getThumbnailName(DF_suffix,DF_file)) if DF_fso.FileExists(DF_fullFile) then DF_fso.DeleteFile(DF_fullFile) end if end if end if next DF_files.MoveNext() wend DF_files.Close() End Sub Sub DeleteFileBeforeUpdate(DOF_path,MM_fieldsStr,MM_columnsStr,MM_editConnection,MM_editTable,MM_editColumn,MM_recordId,DOF_suffix) Dim DOF_keys, DOF_i, DOF_curKey, DOF_filesStr, DOF_formFieldStr, DOF_i2 Dim DOF_MM_fields,DOF_MM_columns DOF_MM_fields = Split(MM_fieldsStr,"|") DOF_MM_columns = Split(MM_columnsStr,"|") DOF_filesStr = "" DOF_formFieldStr = "" if DOF_path <> "" and right(DOF_path,1) <> "/" then DOF_path = DOF_path & "/" DOF_keys = UploadRequest.Keys for DOF_i = 0 to UploadRequest.Count - 1 DOF_curKey = DOF_keys(DOF_i) if UploadRequest.Exists(DOF_curKey) then if UploadRequest.Item(DOF_curKey).Exists("FileName") then if UploadRequest.Item(DOF_curKey).Item("FileName") <> "" then For DOF_i2 = LBound(DOF_MM_fields) To UBound(DOF_MM_fields) Step 2 if LCase(DOF_MM_fields(DOF_i2)) = LCase(DOF_curKey) then if DOF_filesStr <> "" then DOF_filesStr = DOF_filesStr & "," & DOF_MM_columns(DOF_i2) DOF_formFieldStr = DOF_formFieldStr & "," & DOF_curKey else DOF_filesStr = DOF_MM_columns(DOF_i2) DOF_formFieldStr = DOF_curKey end if end if Next end if end if end if next if DOF_filesStr <> "" then Dim DOF_fso, DOF_files, DOF_filesArr, DOF_formFieldArr, DOF_file, DOF_fullFile Set DOF_fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set DOF_files = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") DOF_files.ActiveConnection = MM_editConnection DOF_files.Source = "SELECT " & DOF_filesStr & " FROM " & MM_editTable & " WHERE " & MM_editColumn & " = " & MM_recordId DOF_files.CursorType = 0 DOF_files.CursorLocation = 2 DOF_files.LockType = 3 DOF_files.Open() DOF_filesArr = split(DOF_filesStr,",") DOF_formFieldArr = split(DOF_formFieldStr,",") for DOF_fi = 0 to UBOUND(DOF_filesArr) DOF_file = Trim(DOF_files.Fields.Item(Trim(DOF_filesArr(DOF_fi))).Value&"") if UploadRequest.Exists(DOF_formFieldArr(DOF_fi)) and DOF_file <> "" then if UploadRequest.Item(DOF_formFieldArr(DOF_fi)).Exists("FileName") then if LCase(DOF_file) <> LCase(UploadRequest.Item(DOF_formFieldArr(DOF_fi)).Item("FileName")) then DOF_fullFile = Server.MapPath(DOF_path & DOF_file) if DOF_fso.FileExists(DOF_fullFile) then DOF_fso.DeleteFile(DOF_fullFile) end if if DOF_suffix <> "" then DOF_fullFile = Server.MapPath(DOF_path & getThumbnailName(DOF_suffix,DOF_file)) if DOF_fso.FileExists(DOF_fullFile) then DOF_fso.DeleteFile(DOF_fullFile) end if end if end if end if end if next DOF_files.Close() end if End Sub Sub RenameUploadedFiles(REUF_path,REUF_nameConflict,REUF_renameMask) Dim REUF_keys, REUF_i, REUF_curKey, REUF_fileName, REUF_fileNameArr, REUF_lastPos, REUF_FileExist, Begin_Name_Num Dim REUF_fso, REUF_curPath, REUF_curName, REUF_curExt, REUF_newFileName, REUF_fileNameOnly, REUF_FullFileName if REUF_path <> "" and right(REUF_path,1) <> "/" then REUF_path = REUF_path & "/" Set REUF_fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") REUF_keys = UploadRequest.Keys for REUF_i = 0 to UploadRequest.Count - 1 REUF_curKey = REUF_keys(REUF_i) if UploadRequest.Exists(REUF_curKey) then if UploadRequest.Item(REUF_curKey).Exists("FileName") then if UploadRequest.Item(REUF_curKey).Item("FileName") <> "" then REUF_fileName = UploadRequest.Item(REUF_curKey).Item("Value") if REUF_fileName <> "" then REUF_curPath = "" : REUF_curName = "" : REUF_curExt = "" REUF_lastPos = InStrRev(REUF_fileName,"/") if REUF_lastPos > 0 then REUF_curPath = mid(REUF_fileName,1,REUF_lastPos) REUF_curName = mid(REUF_fileName,REUF_lastPos+1,Len(REUF_fileName)-REUF_lastPos) else REUF_curName = REUF_fileName end if REUF_fileNameOnly = REUF_curName REUF_lastPos = InStrRev(REUF_curName,".") if REUF_lastPos > 0 then REUF_curExt = mid(REUF_curName,REUF_lastPos+1,Len(REUF_curName)-REUF_lastPos) REUF_curName = mid(REUF_curName,1,REUF_lastPos-1) end if if REUF_curPath = "" then REUF_curPath = REUF_path REUF_newFileName = Replace(REUF_renameMask,"##name##",REUF_curName) REUF_newFileName = Replace(REUF_newFileName,"##ext##",REUF_curExt) REUF_FileExist = false If REUF_fso.FileExists(Server.MapPath(REUF_curPath & REUF_newFileName)) Then REUF_FileExist = true End If if REUF_nameConflict = "error" and REUF_FileExist then Response.Write "<B>File already exists!</B><br><br>" Response.Write "Please correct and <A HREF=""javascript:history.back(1)"">try again</a>" response.End end if if ((REUF_nameConflict = "over" or REUF_nameConflict = "uniq") and REUF_FileExist) or (NOT REUF_FileExist) then if REUF_nameConflict = "uniq" and REUF_FileExist then Begin_Name_Num = 0 while REUF_FileExist Begin_Name_Num = Begin_Name_Num + 1 REUF_FullFileName = REUF_fso.GetBaseName(REUF_newFileName) & "_" & Begin_Name_Num & "." & REUF_fso.GetExtensionName(REUF_newFileName) REUF_FileExist = REUF_fso.FileExists(Server.MapPath(REUF_curPath & REUF_FullFileName)) wend REUF_newFileName = REUF_FullFileName end if if REUF_fso.FileExists(Server.MapPath(REUF_curPath & REUF_fileNameOnly)) then if REUF_nameConflict = "over" and REUF_FileExist then REUF_fso.DeleteFile Server.MapPath(REUF_curPath & REUF_newFileName) end if REUF_fso.MoveFile Server.MapPath(REUF_curPath & REUF_fileNameOnly), Server.MapPath(REUF_curPath & REUF_newFileName) end if if REUF_path = "" then UploadRequest.Item(REUF_curKey).Item("Value") = REUF_curPath & REUF_newFileName else UploadRequest.Item(REUF_curKey).Item("Value") = REUF_newFileName end if end if end if end if end if end if next End Sub Sub MailUploadedFiles(MUF_path,MUF_FromName,MUF_FromEmail,MUF_ToName,MUF_ToEmail,MUF_Bcc,MUF_Subject,MUF_Body,MUF_SendHtml,MUF_checkErrors,MUF_deleteFiles,MUF_RedirectURL,MUF_SmtpServer,MUF_MailerType) Dim MUF_keys, MUF_i, MUF_curKey, MUF_fileName, MUF_fso, MUF_objMail, MUF_From, MUF_To if MUF_path <> "" and right(MUF_path,1) <> "/" then MUF_path = MUF_path & "/" MUF_From = MUF_FromEmail : MUF_To = MUF_To_Email Set MUF_fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Select Case MUF_MailerType Case "CDO" if MUF_FromName <> "" then MUF_From = """" & MUF_FromName & """ <" & MUF_FromEmail & ">" if MUF_ToName <> "" then MUF_To = """" & MUF_ToName & """ <" & MUF_ToEmail & ">" Set MUF_objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") MUF_objMail.From = MUF_From MUF_objMail.To = MUF_To If MUF_Bcc <> "" then MUF_objMail.Bcc = MUF_Bcc If MUF_SendHtml then MUF_objMail.MailFormat = 0 ' HTML Mail MUF_objMail.BodyFormat = 0 ' HTML Mail end if MUF_objMail.Subject = MUF_Subject MUF_objMail.Body = MUF_Body MUF_keys = UploadRequest.Keys for MUF_i = 0 to UploadRequest.Count - 1 MUF_curKey = MUF_keys(MUF_i) if UploadRequest.Exists(MUF_curKey) then if UploadRequest.Item(MUF_curKey).Exists("FileName") then MUF_fileName = UploadRequest.Item(MUF_curKey).Item("FileName") if MUF_fileName <> "" then MUF_fileName = UploadRequest.Item(MUF_curKey).Item("Value") if MUF_fso.FileExists(Server.MapPath(MUF_Path & MUF_fileName)) then MUF_objMail.AttachFile Server.MapPath(MUF_Path & MUF_fileName), MUF_fileName, 1 if MUF_deleteFiles then MUF_fso.DeleteFile(Server.MapPath(MUF_Path & MUF_fileName)) end if end if end if end if end if next on error resume next MUF_objMail.Send() Set MUF_objMail = Nothing if Err.number <> 0 AND MUF_checkErrors then Response.Write "Error occured while sending mail. Err: " & Err.number & " " & Err.Description Response.End end if on error goto 0 Case "JMail" set MUF_objMail = Server.CreateObject("JMail.SMTPMail") MUF_objMail.Silent = true MUF_objMail.ISOEncodeHeaders = false MUF_objMail.ServerAddress = MUF_SmtpServer MUF_objMail.SenderName = MUF_FromName MUF_objMail.Sender = MUF_FromEmail MUF_objMail.Subject = MUF_Subject MUF_objMail.AddRecipientEx MUF_ToEmail, MUF_ToName If MUF_Bcc <> "" then MUF_objMail.AddRecipientBCC MUF_Bcc If MUF_SendHtml then MUF_objMail.ContentType = "text/html" end if MUF_objMail.Body = MUF_Body MUF_keys = UploadRequest.Keys for MUF_i = 0 to UploadRequest.Count - 1 MUF_curKey = MUF_keys(MUF_i) if UploadRequest.Exists(MUF_curKey) then if UploadRequest.Item(MUF_curKey).Exists("FileName") then MUF_fileName = UploadRequest.Item(MUF_curKey).Item("FileName") if MUF_fileName <> "" then MUF_fileName = UploadRequest.Item(MUF_curKey).Item("Value") if MUF_fso.FileExists(Server.MapPath(MUF_Path & MUF_fileName)) then MUF_objMail.AddAttachment Server.MapPath(MUF_Path & MUF_fileName) if MUF_deleteFiles then MUF_fso.DeleteFile(Server.MapPath(MUF_Path & MUF_fileName)) end if end if end if end if end if next if not MUF_objMail.Execute AND MUF_checkErrors then Response.Write "Error occured while sending mail. " & MUF_objMail.ErrorMessage & "." Response.End end if Set MUF_objMail = Nothing Case "Persits" Set MUF_objMail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender") MUF_objMail.Host = MUF_SmtpServer MUF_objMail.From = MUF_From MUF_objMail.FromName = MUF_FromName MUF_objMail.AddAddress MUF_ToEmail,MUF_To If MUF_Bcc <> "" then MUF_objMail.AddBcc MUF_Bcc If MUF_SendHtml then MUF_objMail.IsHTML = true end if MUF_objMail.Subject = MUF_Subject MUF_objMail.Body = MUF_Body MUF_keys = UploadRequest.Keys for MUF_i = 0 to UploadRequest.Count - 1 MUF_curKey = MUF_keys(MUF_i) if UploadRequest.Exists(MUF_curKey) then if UploadRequest.Item(MUF_curKey).Exists("FileName") then MUF_fileName = UploadRequest.Item(MUF_curKey).Item("FileName") if MUF_fileName <> "" then MUF_fileName = UploadRequest.Item(MUF_curKey).Item("Value") if MUF_fso.FileExists(Server.MapPath(MUF_Path & MUF_fileName)) then MUF_objMail.AddAttachment Server.MapPath(MUF_Path & MUF_fileName) if MUF_deleteFiles then MUF_fso.DeleteFile(Server.MapPath(MUF_Path & MUF_fileName)) end if end if end if end if end if next on error resume next MUF_objMail.Send() Set MUF_objMail = Nothing if Err.number <> 0 AND MUF_checkErrors then Response.Write "Error occured while sending mail. Err: " & Err.number & " " & Err.Description Response.End end if on error goto 0 Case "ASPMail" set MUF_objMail = Server.CreateObject("SMTPsvg.Mailer") MUF_objMail.RemoteHost = MUF_SmtpServer MUF_objMail.FromName = MUF_FromName MUF_objMail.FromAddress = MUF_FromEmail MUF_objMail.Subject = MUF_Subject MUF_objMail.AddRecipient MUF_ToName, MUF_ToEmail If MUF_Bcc <> "" then MUF_objMail.AddBCC "",MUF_Bcc If MUF_SendHtml then MUF_objMail.ContentType = "text/html" end if MUF_objMail.BodyText = MUF_Body MUF_keys = UploadRequest.Keys for MUF_i = 0 to UploadRequest.Count - 1 MUF_curKey = MUF_keys(MUF_i) if UploadRequest.Exists(MUF_curKey) then if UploadRequest.Item(MUF_curKey).Exists("FileName") then MUF_fileName = UploadRequest.Item(MUF_curKey).Item("FileName") if MUF_fileName <> "" then MUF_fileName = UploadRequest.Item(MUF_curKey).Item("Value") if MUF_fso.FileExists(Server.MapPath(MUF_Path & MUF_fileName)) then MUF_objMail.AddAttachment Server.MapPath(MUF_Path & MUF_fileName) if MUF_deleteFiles then MUF_fso.DeleteFile(Server.MapPath(MUF_Path & MUF_fileName)) end if end if end if end if end if next if not MUF_objMail.SendMail AND MUF_checkErrors then Response.Write "Error occured while sending mail. " & MUF_objMail.Response & "." Response.End end if Set MUF_objMail = Nothing End Select if MUF_RedirectURL <> "" then Response.Redirect MUF_RedirectURL end if End Sub function getThumbnailName(GTN_suff,GTN_filename) Dim GTN_NewFilename, GTN_Path, GTN_PosPath, GTN_PosExt if not isnull(GTN_filename) then GTN_PosPath = InStrRev(GTN_filename,"/") GTN_Path = "" if GTN_PosPath > 0 then GTN_Path = mid(GTN_filename,1,GTN_PosPath) end if GTN_PosExt = InStrRev(GTN_filename,".") if GTN_PosExt > 0 then GTN_NewFilename = GTN_Path & mid(GTN_filename,GTN_PosPath+1,GTN_PosExt-(GTN_PosPath+1)) & GTN_suff & ".jpg" else GTN_NewFilename = GTN_Path & mid(GTN_filename,GTN_PosPath+1,len(GTN_filename)-GTN_PosPath) & GTN_suff & ".jpg" end if end if getThumbnailName = GTN_NewFilename end function </SCRIPT>