Modificare il file:
// --- Pure File Upload --------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright 2001-2006 (c) George Petrov, // Version: 2.21 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function checkFileUpload(form, extensions, requireUpload, sizeLimit, minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight, saveWidth, saveHeight) { var allUploadsOK = true; document.MM_returnValue = false; for (var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) { field = form.elements[i]; if (!field.type || field.type.toUpperCase() != 'FILE') { continue; } checkOneFileUpload(field,extensions,requireUpload,sizeLimit,minWidth,minHeight,maxWidth,maxHeight,saveWidth,saveHeight); if (!field.uploadOK) { allUploadsOK = false; break; } } if (allUploadsOK) { document.MM_returnValue = true; } } function checkOneFileUpload(field, extensions, requireUpload, sizeLimit, minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight, saveWidth, saveHeight) { var fileName = field.value.replace(/"/gi,''); field.uploadOK = false; if (fileName == '') { if (requireUpload) { alert('File is required!'); field.focus(); return; } else { field.uploadOK = true; } } else { if (extensions != '') { checkFileExtension(field, fileName, extensions); } else { field.uploadOK = true; } if (!document.layers && field.uploadOK) { document.PU_uploadForm = field.form; re = new RegExp("\.(gif|jpg|png|bmp|jpeg)$","i"); if(re.test(fileName) && (sizeLimit != '' || minWidth != '' || minHeight != '' || maxWidth != '' || maxHeight != '' || saveWidth != '' || saveHeight != '')) { checkImageDimensions(field,sizeLimit,minWidth,minHeight,maxWidth,maxHeight,saveWidth,saveHeight); } } } return; } function checkFileExtension(field, fileName, extensions) { var re = new RegExp("\\.(" + extensions.replace(/,/gi,"|").replace(/\s/gi,"") + ")$","i"); var agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var is_mac = (agt.indexOf("mac") != -1); var is_op = (agt.indexOf("opera") != -1); if (is_op) { var ext = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf('.')+1, fileName.length); var extArr = extensions.split(','); var extCheck = false; for (var i = 0; i < extArr.length; i++) { if (extArr[i].toLowerCase() == ext.toLowerCase()) { extCheck = true; break; } } if (extCheck == false) { alert('This file type is not allowed for uploading.\nOnly the following file extensions are allowed: ' + extensions + '.\nPlease select another file and try again.'); field.focus(); field.uploadOK = false; return; } } else { if (!re.test(fileName)) { alert('This file type is not allowed for uploading.\nOnly the following file extensions are allowed: ' + extensions + '.\nPlease select another file and try again.'); field.focus(); field.uploadOK = false; return; } } field.uploadOK = true; } function checkImageDimensions(field,sizeL,minW,minH,maxW,maxH,saveW,saveH) { var agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var is_mac = (agt.indexOf("mac") != -1); var is_ie = document.all; var is_ns6 = (!document.all && document.getElementById ? true : false); var fileURL = field.value; if (is_ie && is_mac) { begPos = fileURL.indexOf('/',1); if (begPos != -1) { fileURL = fileURL.substring(begPos+1,fileURL.length); } } fileURL = 'file:///' + fileURL.replace(/:\\/gi,'|/').replace(/\\/gi,'/').replace(/:([^|])/gi,'/$1').replace(/"/gi,'').replace(/^\//,''); if (!field.gp_img || (field.gp_img && field.gp_img.src != fileURL) || is_ns6) { if (is_ie && is_mac) { var dummyImage; dummyImage = document.createElement('IMG'); dummyImage.src = 'dummy.gif'; = 'PPP'; field.gp_img = dummyImage; } else { field.gp_img = new Image(); } with (field) { gp_img.field = field; gp_img.sizeLimit = sizeL*1024; gp_img.minWidth = minW; gp_img.minHeight = minH; gp_img.maxWidth = maxW; gp_img.maxHeight = maxH; gp_img.saveWidth = saveW; gp_img.saveHeight = saveH; gp_img.onload = showImageDimensions; gp_img.src = fileURL+'?a=123'; // +(Math.round(Math.random()*998)+1); } } } function showImageDimensions(fieldImg) { var is_ns6 = (!document.all && document.getElementById ? true : false); var img = (fieldImg && !is_ns6 ? fieldImg : this); if (img.width > 0 && img.height > 0) { if ((img.minWidth != '' && img.minWidth > img.width) || (img.minHeight != '' && img.minHeight > img.height)) { alert('Uploaded Image is too small!\nShould be at least ' + img.minWidth + ' x ' + img.minHeight); img.field.uploadOK = false; return; } if ((img.maxWidth != '' && img.width > img.maxWidth) || (img.maxHeight != '' && img.height > img.maxHeight)) { alert('Uploaded Image is too big!\nShould be max ' + img.maxWidth + ' x ' + img.maxHeight); img.field.uploadOK = false; return; } if (img.sizeLimit != '' && img.fileSize > img.sizeLimit) { alert('Uploaded Image File Size is too big!\nShould be max ' + (img.sizeLimit/1024) + ' KBytes'); img.field.uploadOK = false; return; } if (img.saveWidth != '') { document.PU_uploadForm[img.saveWidth].value = img.width; } if (img.saveHeight != '') { document.PU_uploadForm[img.saveHeight].value = img.height; } if (document.PU_uploadForm['_width']) { document.PU_uploadForm['_width'].value = img.width; } if (document.PU_uploadForm['_height']) { document.PU_uploadForm['_height'].value = img.height; } img.field.uploadOK = true; } } function showProgressWindow(progressFile,popWidth,popHeight) { var showProgress = false, form, field; for (var f = 0; f<document.forms.length; f++) { form = document.forms[f]; for (var i = 0; i<form.elements.length; i++) { field = form.elements[i]; if (!field.type || field.type.toUpperCase() != 'FILE') { continue; } if (field.value != '') { showProgress = true; break; } } } if (showProgress && document.MM_returnValue) { var w = 480, h = 340; if (document.all || document.layers || document.getElementById) { w = screen.availWidth; h = screen.availHeight; } var leftPos = (w-popWidth)/2, topPos = (h-popHeight)/2; document.progressWindow =,'ProgressWindow','toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=' + popWidth + ',height='+popHeight); document.progressWindow.moveTo(leftPos, topPos); document.progressWindow.focus(); window.onunload = function () { document.progressWindow.close(); }; } }