Modificare il file:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" RUNAT="SERVER"> '*** Resize Files After Upload ----------------------------------------------- ' Copyright 2001-2006 (c) George Petrov, ' ' Version: 1.1.4 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub FitImage_Comp(compType,DotNetResize,imgFile,newImgFile,maxWidth,maxHeight,Quality,saveWidth,saveHeight,isNoThumb,aspect) select case compType case "AUTO" FitImage_Comp DetectImageComponent(DotNetResize),DotNetResize,imgFile,newImgFile,maxWidth,maxHeight,Quality,saveWidth,saveHeight,isNoThumb,aspect case "PICPROC" FitImage_PicProc imgFile,newImgFile,maxWidth,maxHeight,Quality,saveWidth,saveHeight,isNoThumb,aspect case "SHOTGRAPH" FitImage_ShotGraph imgFile,newImgFile,maxWidth,maxHeight,Quality,saveWidth,saveHeight,isNoThumb,aspect case "ASPJPEG" FitImage_AspJpeg imgFile,newImgFile,maxWidth,maxHeight,Quality,saveWidth,saveHeight,isNoThumb,aspect case "ASPIMAGE" FitImage_AspImage imgFile,newImgFile,maxWidth,maxHeight,Quality,saveWidth,saveHeight,isNoThumb,aspect case "ASPSMART" FitImage_AspSmart imgFile,newImgFile,maxWidth,maxHeight,Quality,saveWidth,saveHeight,isNoThumb,aspect case "IMGWRITER" FitImage_ImgWriter imgFile,newImgFile,maxWidth,maxHeight,Quality,saveWidth,saveHeight,isNoThumb,aspect case "ASPTHUMB" FitImage_AspThumb imgFile,newImgFile,maxWidth,maxHeight,Quality,saveWidth,saveHeight,isNoThumb,aspect case "ASP.NET" select case DetectDotNetComponent(DotNetResize) case "DOTNET1" FitImage_DotNet "Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0",DotNetResize,imgFile,newImgFile,maxWidth,maxHeight,Quality,saveWidth,saveHeight,isNoThumb,aspect case "DOTNET2" FitImage_DotNet "Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP",DotNetResize,imgFile,newImgFile,maxWidth,maxHeight,Quality,saveWidth,saveHeight,isNoThumb,aspect case "DOTNET3" FitImage_DotNet "Microsoft.XMLHTTP",DotNetResize,imgFile,newImgFile,maxWidth,maxHeight,Quality,saveWidth,saveHeight,isNoThumb,aspect end select end select end sub function DetectImageComponent(DotNetResize) Dim objPictureProcessor, objASPjpeg, AspImage, AspSmart, objImgWriter, objAspThumb, ImageComponent ImageComponent = "" if Application("ResizeAutoComponent112") = "" then on error resume next 'Check for our own Picture Processor err.clear Set objPictureProcessor = Server.CreateObject("COMobjects.NET.PictureProcessor") if err.number = 0 then Set objPictureProcessor = nothing ImageComponent = "PICPROC" else 'Check for ShotGraph err.clear Set objShotGraph = Server.CreateObject("shotgraph.image") 'Response.Write err & " - " & err.number & ":" & err.description & "<br/>" if err.number = 0 then Set objShotGraph = nothing ImageComponent = "SHOTGRAPH" else 'Check for AspJpeg err.clear Set objASPjpeg = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg") 'Response.Write err & " - " & err.number & ":" & err.description & "<br/>" if err.number = 0 then Set objASPjpeg = nothing ImageComponent = "ASPJPEG" else 'Check for AspImage err.clear Set AspImage = Server.CreateObject("AspImage.Image") if err.number = 0 then Set AspImage = nothing ImageComponent = "ASPIMAGE" else 'Check for AspSmart err.clear Set AspSmart = Server.CreateObject("aspSmartImage.SmartImage") if err.number = 0 then Set AspSmartImage = nothing ImageComponent = "ASPSMART" else 'Check for ImgWriter err.clear Set objImgWriter = Server.CreateObject("softartisans.ImageGen") if err.number = 0 then Set objImgWriter = nothing ImageComponent = "IMGWRITER" else 'Check for AspThumb err.clear Set objAspThumb = Server.CreateObject("briz.AspThumb") if err.number = 0 then Set objAspThumb = nothing ImageComponent = "ASPTHUMB" else if DetectDotNetComponent(DotNetResize) <> "" then ImageComponent = "ASP.NET" end if end if end if end if end if end if end if end if on error goto 0 Application("ResizeAutoComponent112") = ImageComponent else 'use application var ImageComponent = Application("ResizeAutoComponent112") end if if ImageComponent = "" then Response.Write "SMART IMAGE PROCESSOR ERROR: Can not detect any Resize Server Components!<br/>Please install at least the supplied server component. Read the online docs for more info." Response.End end if DetectImageComponent = ImageComponent end function function DetectDotNetComponent(DotNetResize) Dim DotNetImageComponent, ResizeComUrl, LastPath if Application("ResizeDotNetComponent112") = "" then DotNetImageComponent = "" ResizeComUrl = "http://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") LastPath = InStrRev(ResizeComUrl,"/") if LastPath > 0 then ResizeComUrl = left(ResizeComUrl,Lastpath) end if ResizeComUrl = ResizeComUrl & DotNetResize 'Response.Write ResizeComUrl & "<br/>" 'Check for ASP.NET 1 if DotNetCheckComponent("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0", ResizeComUrl) = true then DotNetImageComponent = "DOTNET1" else if DotNetCheckComponent("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP", ResizeComUrl) = true then DotNetImageComponent = "DOTNET2" else if DotNetCheckComponent("Microsoft.XMLHTTP", ResizeComUrl) = true then DotNetImageComponent = "DOTNET3" else end if end if end if on error goto 0 Application("ResizeDotNetComponent112") = DotNetImageComponent else 'use application var DotNetImageComponent = Application("ResizeDotNetComponent112") end if DetectDotNetComponent = DotNetImageComponent end function function DotNetCheckComponent(DotNetObj, ResizeComUrl) dim objHttp, Detection Detection = false on error resume next err.clear 'response.write("Checking "&DotNetObj&"<br/>") Set objHttp = Server.CreateObject(DotNetObj) if err.number = 0 then 'response.write("Object "&DotNetObj&" created<br/>") "GET", ResizeComUrl, false if err.number = 0 then objHttp.Send "" if trim(objHttp.responseText) <> "" and instr(objHttp.responseText,"@ Page Language=""C#""") = 0 then Detection = true end if end if Set objHttp = nothing End if on error goto 0 'response.write("Detection is "&Detection&"<br/>") DotNetCheckComponent = Detection end function sub FitImage_PicProc(imgFile,newImgFile,maxWidth,maxHeight,Quality,saveWidth,saveHeight,isNoThumb,aspect) Dim objPictureProcessor, intNewWidth, intNewHeight on error resume next Set objPictureProcessor = Server.CreateObject("COMobjects.NET.PictureProcessor") if err.number <> 0 then Response.Write "ERROR: Picture Processor Server Component is not installed!<br/>Please select a different Server Component and try again" Response.End end if on error goto 0 objPictureProcessor.LoadFromFile imgFile objPictureProcessor.Quality = Quality if aspect = true then calculateNewImageSize objPictureProcessor.Width, objPictureProcessor.Height, maxWidth, maxHeight, intNewWidth, intNewHeight, saveWidth, saveHeight, isNoThumb else intNewWidth = maxWidth intNewHeight = maxHeight end if objPictureProcessor.Resize intNewWidth, intNewHeight objPictureProcessor.SaveToFileAsJpeg newImgFile Set objPictureProcessor = nothing end sub sub FitImage_ShotGraph(imgFile,newImgFile,maxWidth,maxHeight,Quality,saveWidth,saveHeight,isNoThumb,aspect) Dim objShotGraph, intNewWidth, intNewHeight, xsize, ysize on error resume next Set objShotGraph = Server.CreateObject("shotgraph.image") if err.number <> 0 then Response.Write "ERROR: ShotGraph Server Component is not installed!<br/>Please select a different Server Component and try again" Response.End end if on error goto 0 objShotGraph.GetFileDimensions imgFile, xsize, ysize if aspect = true then calculateNewImageSize xsize, ysize, maxWidth, maxHeight, intNewWidth, intNewHeight, saveWidth, saveHeight, isNoThumb else intNewWidth = maxWidth intNewHeight = maxHeight end if objShotGraph.CreateImage intNewWidth, intNewHeight, 8 objShotGraph.InitClipboard xsize, ysize objShotGraph.SelectClipboard True objShotGraph.ReadImage imgFile, pal, 0, 0 objShotGraph.Resize 0, 0, intNewWidth, intNewHeight, 0, 0, xsize, ysize, 3 objShotGraph.SelectClipboard False objShotGraph.Sharpen objShotGraph.JpegImage quality, 0, newImgFile Set objShotGraph = nothing end sub sub FitImage_AspJpeg(imgFile,newImgFile,maxWidth,maxHeight,Quality,saveWidth,saveHeight,isNoThumb,aspect) Dim objAspJpeg, intNewWidth, intNewHeight on error resume next Set objAspJpeg = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg") if err.number <> 0 then Response.Write "ERROR: AspJpeg Server Component is not installed!<br/>Please select a different Server Component and try again" Response.End end if on error goto 0 objAspJpeg.Open imgFile objAspJpeg.Quality = Quality if aspect = true then calculateNewImageSize objAspJpeg.OriginalWidth, objAspJpeg.OriginalHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight, intNewWidth, intNewHeight, saveWidth, saveHeight, isNoThumb else intNewWidth = maxWidth intNewHeight = maxHeight end if objAspJpeg.Width = intNewWidth objAspJpeg.Height = intNewHeight objAspJpeg.Save newImgFile Set objAspJpeg = nothing end sub sub FitImage_AspImage(imgFile,newImgFile,maxWidth,maxHeight,Quality,saveWidth,saveHeight,isNoThumb,aspect) Dim objAspImage, intNewWidth, intNewHeight, ver on error resume next Set objAspImage = Server.CreateObject("AspImage.Image") if err.number <> 0 then Response.Write "ERROR: AspImage Server Component is not installed!<br/>Please select a different Server Component and try again" Response.End end if on error goto 0 objAspImage.LoadImage imgFile objAspImage.JPEGQuality = Quality if aspect = true then calculateNewImageSize objAspImage.MaxX, objAspImage.MaxY, maxWidth, maxHeight, intNewWidth, intNewHeight, saveWidth, saveHeight, isNoThumb else intNewWidth = maxWidth intNewHeight = maxHeight end if ver = Split(objAspImage.Version, ".") If CInt(ver(0)) >= 2 Then objAspImage.ResizeR intNewWidth, intNewHeight Else objAspImage.Resize intNewWidth, intNewHeight End If objAspImage.FileName = newImgFile objAspImage.SaveImage Set objAspImage = nothing end sub sub FitImage_AspSmart(imgFile,newImgFile,maxWidth,maxHeight,Quality,saveWidth,saveHeight,isNoThumb,aspect) Dim objAspSmart, intNewWidth, intNewHeight on error resume next Set objAspSmart = Server.CreateObject("aspSmartImage.SmartImage") if err.number <> 0 then Response.Write "ERROR: AspSmart Server Component is not installed!<br/>Please select a different Server Component and try again" Response.End end if on error goto 0 objAspSmart.OpenFile CStr(imgFile) objAspSmart.Quality = Quality if aspect = true then calculateNewImageSize objAspSmart.OriginalWidth, objAspSmart.OriginalHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight, intNewWidth, intNewHeight, saveWidth, saveHeight, isNoThumb else intNewWidth = maxWidth intNewHeight = maxHeight end if objAspSmart.Resample CInt(intNewWidth), Cint(intNewHeight) objAspSmart.SaveFile newImgFile Set objAspSmart = nothing end sub sub FitImage_ImgWriter(imgFile,newImgFile,maxWidth,maxHeight,Quality,saveWidth,saveHeight,isNoThumb,aspect) Dim objImgWriter, intNewWidth, intNewHeight on error resume next Set objImgWriter = Server.CreateObject("softartisans.ImageGen") if err.number <> 0 then Response.Write "ERROR: ImgWriter Server Component is not installed!<br/>Please select a different Server Component and try again" Response.End end if on error goto 0 objImgWriter.LoadImage imgFile objImgWriter.ImageQuality = Quality if aspect = true then calculateNewImageSize objImgWriter.Width, objImgWriter.Height, maxWidth, maxHeight, intNewWidth, intNewHeight, saveWidth, saveHeight, isNoThumb else intNewWidth = maxWidth intNewHeight = maxHeight end if objImgWriter.ResizeImage intNewWidth, intNewHeight objImgWriter.SaveImage 0,3,newImgFile Set objImgWriter = nothing end sub sub FitImage_AspThumb(imgFile,newImgFile,maxWidth,maxHeight,Quality,saveWidth,saveHeight,isNoThumb,aspect) Dim objAspThumb, intNewWidth, intNewHeight on error resume next Set objAspThumb = Server.CreateObject("briz.AspThumb") if err.number <> 0 then Response.Write "ERROR: ImgWriter Server Component is not installed!<br/>Please select a different Server Component and try again" Response.End end if on error goto 0 objAspThumb.Load imgFile objAspThumb.EncodingQuality = Quality if aspect = true then calculateNewImageSize objAspThumb.Width, objAspThumb.Height, maxWidth, maxHeight, intNewWidth, intNewHeight, saveWidth, saveHeight, isNoThumb else intNewWidth = maxWidth intNewHeight = maxHeight end if objAspThumb.Resize intNewWidth, intNewHeight objAspThumb.Save newImgFile Set objAspThumb = nothing end sub sub FitImage_DotNet(DotNetComp, DotNetResize, imgFile,newImgFile,maxWidth,maxHeight,Quality,saveWidth,saveHeight,isNoThumb,aspect) Dim objHttp, objText, ResizeComUrl, ResizeParams, LastPath, newSize, netaspect if aspect = true then netaspect = "true" else netaspect = "false" end if ResizeParams = "?f=" & Server.UrlEncode(imgFile) & "&nf=" & Server.UrlEncode(newImgFile) & "&w=" & maxWidth & "&h=" & maxHeight & "&q=" & Quality & "&a=" & netaspect ResizeComUrl = "http://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") LastPath = InStrRev(ResizeComUrl,"/") if LastPath > 0 then ResizeComUrl = left(ResizeComUrl,Lastpath) end if ResizeComUrl = ResizeComUrl & DotNetResize & ResizeParams on error resume next set objHttp = Server.CreateObject(DotNetComp) if err.number <> 0 then Response.Write "ERROR: ASP.NET (" & DotNetComp & ") is not installed!<br/>Please select a different Server Component and try again" Response.End end if on error goto 0 "GET", ResizeComUrl, false objHttp.Send "" objText = objHttp.responseText ' Check notification validation if (objHttp.status <> 200 ) then ' HTTP error handling Response.Write "HTTP ERROR: " & objHttp.status & "<br/>" Response.Write "Returned:<br/>" & objHttp.responseText Response.End elseif (left(objText, 6) = "Error:") then Response.Write objHttp.responseText Response.End elseif (right(objText, 4) = "DONE") then if (len(objText) > 4 and instr(objText, ";") > 0) then newSize = split(objText, ";") if saveWidth <> "" and isNoThumb then saveWidth = LCase(saveWidth) if UploadRequest.Exists(saveWidth) then if UploadRequest.Item(saveWidth).Exists("Value") then UploadRequest.Item(saveWidth).Item("Value") = newSize(0) end if end if end if if saveHeight <> "" and isNoThumb then saveHeight = LCase(saveHeight) if UploadRequest.Exists(saveHeight) then if UploadRequest.Item(saveHeight).Exists("Value") then UploadRequest.Item(saveHeight).Item("Value") = newSize(1) end if end if end if end if else if trim(objHttp.responseText) = "" or instr(objHttp.responseText,"@ Page Language=""C#""") > 0 then Response.Write "DOT NET Unsupported" Response.End end if end if Set objHttp = Nothing end sub sub calculateNewImageSize(curWidth, curHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight, newWidth, newHeight, saveWidth, saveHeight, isNoThumb) if maxWidth < curWidth or maxHeight < curHeight then if maxWidth >= maxHeight then newWidth = CInt(maxHeight*(curWidth/curHeight)) newHeight = maxHeight else newWidth = maxWidth newHeight = CInt(maxWidth*(curHeight/curWidth)) end if if newWidth > maxWidth then newWidth = maxWidth newHeight = CInt(maxWidth*(curHeight/curWidth)) end if if newHeight > maxHeight then newWidth = CInt(maxHeight*(curWidth/curHeight)) newHeight = maxHeight end if else newWidth = curWidth newHeight = curHeight end if if saveWidth <> "" and isNoThumb then saveWidth = LCase(saveWidth) if UploadRequest.Exists(saveWidth) then if UploadRequest.Item(saveWidth).Exists("Value") then UploadRequest.Item(saveWidth).Item("Value") = newWidth end if end if end if if saveHeight <> "" and isNoThumb then saveHeight = LCase(saveHeight) if UploadRequest.Exists(saveHeight) then if UploadRequest.Item(saveHeight).Exists("Value") then UploadRequest.Item(saveHeight).Item("Value") = newHeight end if end if end if end sub Sub ResizeUploadedFiles(RUF_Component, RUF_DotNetResize, RUF_path, RUF_Suffix, RUF_maxWidth, RUF_maxHeight, RUF_Quality, RUF_RemoveOrig, RUF_saveWidth, RUF_saveHeight, RUF_aspect, RUF_nameConflict, RUF_ResizeFields) Dim RUF_keys, RUF_KeysCount, RUF_i, RUF_curKey, RUF_fileName, RUF_fso, RUF_newFileName, RUF_curPath, RUF_curName, RUF_curExt, RUF_lastPos, RUF_orgCurPath, RUF_FileExist if RUF_path <> "" and right(RUF_path,1) <> "/" then RUF_path = RUF_path & "/" Set RUF_fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if RUF_maxWidth <> "" then RUF_maxWidth = Cint(RUF_maxWidth) else RUF_maxWidth = 100000 end if if RUF_maxHeight <> "" then RUF_maxHeight = Cint(RUF_maxHeight) else RUF_maxHeight = 100000 end if if RUF_ResizeFields <> "" then RUF_keys = Split(RUF_ResizeFields, ",") RUF_KeysCount = UBOUND(RUF_Keys) else RUF_keys = UploadRequest.Keys RUF_KeysCount = UploadRequest.Count - 1 end if for RUF_i = 0 to RUF_KeysCount RUF_curKey = Trim(LCase(RUF_keys(RUF_i))) if UploadRequest.Exists(RUF_curKey) then if UploadRequest.Item(RUF_curKey).Exists("FileName") then if UploadRequest.Item(RUF_curKey).Item("FileName") <> "" then RUF_fileName = UploadRequest.Item(RUF_curKey).Item("Value") if RUF_fileName <> "" then RUF_curPath = "" : RUF_curName = "" : RUF_curExt = "" RUF_lastPos = InStrRev(RUF_fileName,"/") if RUF_lastPos > 0 then RUF_curPath = mid(RUF_fileName,1,RUF_lastPos) RUF_curName = mid(RUF_fileName,RUF_lastPos+1,Len(RUF_fileName)-RUF_lastPos) RUF_fileName = UploadRequest.Item(RUF_curKey).Item("FileName") else RUF_curName = RUF_fileName end if RUF_lastPos = InStrRev(RUF_curName,".") if RUF_lastPos > 0 then RUF_curExt = mid(RUF_curName,RUF_lastPos+1,Len(RUF_curName)-RUF_lastPos) RUF_curName = mid(RUF_curName,1,RUF_lastPos-1) end if RUF_curExt = LCase(RUF_curExt) RUF_orgCurPath = RUF_curPath if RUF_curPath = "" then RUF_curPath = RUF_path if RUF_fso.FileExists(Server.MapPath(RUF_curPath & RUF_fileName)) then if RUF_curExt = "jpg" or RUF_curExt = "jpeg" or RUF_curExt = "gif" or RUF_curExt = "bmp" or RUF_curExt = "png" or RUF_curExt = "pgm" or RUF_curExt = "tga" or RUF_curExt = "tiff" or RUF_curExt = "jfif" then RUF_newFileName = RUF_curName & RUF_Suffix & ".jpg" RUF_FileExist = False If RUF_fso.FileExists(Server.MapPath(RUF_curPath & RUF_newFileName)) Then RUF_FileExist = true End If if RUF_nameConflict = "error" and RUF_FileExist and LCase(RUF_fileName) <> LCase(RUF_newFileName) then Response.Write "<b>File already exists!</b><br/><br/>" Response.Write "Please correct and <a href=""javascript:history.back(1)"">try again</a>" response.End end if if ((RUF_nameConflict = "over" or RUF_nameConflict = "uniq") and RUF_FileExist) or (NOT RUF_FileExist) then if RUF_nameConflict = "uniq" and RUF_FileExist and LCase(RUF_fileName) <> LCase(RUF_newFileName) then Begin_Name_Num = 0 while RUF_FileExist Begin_Name_Num = Begin_Name_Num + 1 RUF_newFileName = RUF_curName & "_" & Begin_Name_Num & RUF_Suffix & ".jpg" RUF_FileExist = RUF_fso.FileExists(Server.MapPath(RUF_curPath & RUF_newFileName)) wend UploadRequest.Item(RUF_curKey).Item("Value") = RUF_curPath & RUF_newFileName end if end If FitImage_Comp RUF_Component, RUF_DotNetResize, Server.MapPath(RUF_CurPath & RUF_fileName), Server.MapPath(RUF_curPath & RUF_newFileName), RUF_maxWidth, RUF_maxHeight, RUF_Quality, RUF_saveWidth, RUF_saveHeight, RUF_RemoveOrig, RUF_aspect if RUF_RemoveOrig then if LCase(RUF_fileName) <> LCase(RUF_newFileName) then RUF_fso.DeleteFile Server.MapPath(RUF_curPath & RUF_fileName) end if if RUF_orgCurPath <> "" then UploadRequest.Item(RUF_curKey).Item("Value") = RUF_orgCurPath & RUF_newFileName else UploadRequest.Item(RUF_curKey).Item("Value") = RUF_newFileName end if UploadRequest.Item(RUF_curKey).Item("FileName") = RUF_newFileName end if end if end if end if end if end if end if next End Sub </SCRIPT>