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<!--METADATA TYPE="typelib" UUID="CD000000-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D" NAME="CDO for Windows 2000 Type Library" --> <!--METADATA TYPE="typelib" UUID="00000205-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4" NAME="ADODB Type Library" --> <%@ Language=VBScript %> <!--#include file="inc_common.asp" --> <!--#include file="inc_viewuser.asp" --> <% If Request.QueryString("step") = "2" Then Response.Redirect("recupera_password.asp?step=3&userCode=" & getUserCode(Request.Form("username"), Request.Form("email"))) ElseIf Request.QueryString("step") = "3" AND Request.QueryString("userCode") <> "" Then strFromName = pageTitle & " Webmaster" strFromEmail = adminEmail strRecipientsEmail = rs_viewuser("email") strRecipientsName = rs_viewuser("nome") strSubject = pageTitle & " Ricorda Password" strMessage = "------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf & _ strRecipientsName & ", Le informazioni da lei richieste:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "Username: " & rs_viewuser("name") & vbCrLf & _ "Password: " & rs_viewuser("pass") & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "Grazie per averci scelto," & vbCrLf & pageTitle & " Il Webmaster" Select Case LCase(tipoMail) Case "aspemail" Set objNewMail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender") objNewMail.Host = mailServer objNewMail.FromName = strFromName objNewMail.AddReplyTo strFromEmail objNewMail.From = strFromEmail objNewMail.AddAddress strRecipientsEmail, strRecipientsName objNewMail.Subject = strSubject objNewMail.Body = strMessage On Error Resume Next '## Ignora errore objNewMail.Send If Err <> 0 Then Err_Msg = Err_Msg & "<li>Impossibile inviare l'email. Errore: " & Err.Description & "</li>" End if Case "aspmail" Set objNewMail = Server.CreateObject("SMTPsvg.Mailer") objNewMail.FromName = strFromName objNewMail.FromAddress = strFromEmail 'objNewMail.AddReplyTo = strFromEmail objNewMail.RemoteHost = mailServer objNewMail.AddRecipient strRecipientsName, strRecipientsEmail objNewMail.Subject = strSubject objNewMail.BodyText = strMessage On Error Resume Next '## Ignore Errore SendOk = objNewMail.SendMail If not(SendOk) <> 0 Then Err_Msg = Err_Msg & "<li>Impossibile inviare l'email. Errore: " & objNewMail.Response & "</li>" End if Case "cdonts" Set objNewMail = Server.CreateObject ("CDONTS.NewMail") objNewMail.BodyFormat = 1 objNewMail.MailFormat = 0 On Error Resume Next '## Ignora Errore objNewMail.Send strFromEmail, strRecipientsEmail, strSubject, strMessage If Err <> 0 Then Err_Msg = Err_Msg & "<li>Impossibile inviare l'email. Errore: " & Err.Description & "</li>" End if On Error Resume Next '## Ignora Errore Case "cdosys" ' Modifica per server Aruba 26/10/2015 Dim iMsg Dim iConf Dim Flds set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message") set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") Set Flds = iConf.Fields 'Flds(cdoSendUsingMethod) = cdoSendUsingPort 'Flds(cdoSMTPServer) = "" 'Flds(cdoSMTPServerPort) = 25 'Flds(cdoSMTPAuthenticate) = cdoAnonymous ' 0 'Flds.Update With Flds .Item("") = "" .Item("") = 25 '.Item("") = CdoSendUsingPort .Item("") = 2 .Update End With '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message") ' Mittente 'objMessage.Sender = strFromEmail ' Messaggio ---------------------------- 'objMessage.TextBody = strMessage ' Destinatario 'objMessage.To = strRecipientsEmail ' ERA ----------- strFromEmail ' Titolo della pagina + Ricorda Password 'objMessage.Subject = strSubject ' Invia 'objMessage.Send With iMsg Set .Configuration = iConf .To = strRecipientsEmail .From = strRecipientsEmail .Sender = strFromEmail ' ********************************************** .Subject = "Accesso creazione lista di Nascita" '*********************************************** .TextBody = strMessage .Send End With ' Clean up variables. Set iMsg = Nothing Set iConf = Nothing Set Flds = Nothing If Err <> 0 Then Err_Msg = Err_Msg & "<li>Impossibile inviare l'email. Errore: " & Err.Description & "</li>" End if On Error Resume Next '## Ignore Errors Case "chilicdonts" Set objNewMail = Server.CreateObject ("CDONTS.NewMail") On Error Resume Next '## Ignora Errore objNewMail.Host = mailServer objNewMail.To = strRecipientsEmail objNewMail.From = strFromEmail objNewMail.Subject = strSubject objNewMail.Body = strMessage objNewMail.Send If Err <> 0 Then Err_Msg = Err_Msg & "<li>Impossibile inviare l'email. Errore: " & Err.Description & "</li>" End if On Error Resume Next '## Ignora Errore Case "jmail" Set objNewMail = Server.CreateObject("Jmail.smtpmail") objNewMail.ServerAddress = mailServer objNewMail.AddRecipient strRecipientsEmail objNewMail.Sender = strFromEmail objNewMail.Subject = strSubject objNewMail.Body = strMessage objNewMail.Priority = 3 On Error Resume Next '## Ignora Errore objNewMail.Execute If Err <> 0 Then Err_Msg = Err_Msg & "<li>Impossibile inviare l'email. Errore: " & Err.Description & "</li>" End if Case "jmail4" Set objNewMail = Server.CreateObject("Jmail.Message") 'objNewMail.MailServerUserName = "myUserName" 'objNewMail.MailServerPassword = "MyPassword" objNewMail.From = strFromEmail objNewMail.FromName = strFromName objNewMail.AddRecipient strRecipientsEmail, strRecipientsName objNewMail.Subject = strSubject objNewMail.Body = strMessage On Error Resume Next '## Ignore Errors objNewMail.Send(mailServer) If Err <> 0 Then Err_Msg = Err_Msg & "<li>Impossibile inviare l'email. Errore: " & Err.Description & "</li>" End if Case "smtp" Set objNewMail = Server.CreateObject("SmtpMail.SmtpMail.1") objNewMail.MailServer = mailServer objNewMail.Recipients = strRecipientsEmail objNewMail.Sender = strFromEmail objNewMail.Subject = strSubject objNewMail.Message = strMessage On Error Resume Next '## Ignore Errors objNewMail.SendMail2 If Err <> 0 Then Err_Msg = Err_Msg & "<li>Impossibile inviare l'email. Errore: " & Err.Description & "</li>" End if End Select Set objNewMail = Nothing On Error Goto 0 mailSent = True ElseIf Request.QueryString("step") = "3" AND Request.QueryString("userCode") = "" Then mailSent = False emptyValue = True Else mailSent = False End If %> <% Server.Execute("header.asp") %> <title><%=pageTitle%> - Recupera Password</title> <% If mailSent = False Then %> <% If emptyValue = True Then %> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <p align="center">Combinazione Username/Email non valida</p> <% End If %> <form name="pwForm" method="post" action="recupera_password.asp?step=2"> <table width="412" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"> <tr> <td height="35" colspan="2" align="center"><strong><font size="5">Inserisci username e email</font></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" height="4"></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="30%">Username</td> <td width="70%"><input name="username" type="text" id="username" size="35"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" height="4"></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="30%">Email</td> <td width="70%"><input name="email" type="text" id="email" size="50"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" height="4"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"> <input name="Reset" type="reset" id="Reset" value="Reset"></td> </tr> </table> </form> <% Else %> <p align="center">Username e Password ti sono state inviate per email.</p> <% End If %> <% Server.Execute("footer.asp") %>